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Smith County, Texas

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Frequently Asked Questions

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I need your help in finding my great-aunt's grave in Smith County. She was married to a Dr. Joe Adams. Her name was Mary Jane Adams born Feb. 7, 1873 in Limestone Co., Texas. The Smith County TXGenWeb Project provides county information for the researcher. We also do simple lookups in the books that are listed, however, we do not do research. There are over 100 names on the TXSMITH List. This is a good place to find out information about your family. Instructions for getting on the list.
Where can I buy books published by the East Texas Genealogical Society? The ETGS books are on sale in the Tyler Public Library in the Local History and Genealogy Room on the 3rd floor. You may also order them from the ETGS - Publications. We may have them for sale at our ETGS meetings.
How can I get back copies of the East Texas Family Records? You may order these copies from ETGS. If there is a certain issue you would like brought to the meeting, please notify Scott Fitzgerald. There are some copies that we are out of.
I would like to employ someone to look up some records for me. Please recommend someone. The East Texas Genealogical Society does not recommend genealogists to do research for a fee. We do provide a list of people who say that they are willing to do research for a fee.
My aunt died November 20, 1950. How can I obtain a copy of her obituary? The Tyler Public Library will look up an obituary for you if you will send the name of the person and the year - preferably the whole date - of when they died. They will also look for specific information as time permits.
My family was in Upshur County. Why doesn't the ETGS cover records in Upshur County? When East Texas Genealogical Society was formed it had people from Anderson, Gregg, Henderson, Rusk, Panola and Smith Counties who joined so those are the counties we cover and publish records in our East Texas Family Records.
Does the ETGS sponsor all TXGenWeb Projects of the counties covered by the ETGS? No, they only sponsor Anderson and Smith Counties - the others are sponsored by individuals.
Where can I buy a copy of the Chronicles of Smith County? The Chronicles of Smith County is published by The Smith County Historical Society. Information about buying their publicaions can be found on that site. Also information about joining the society and meetings can be found on that page.

These files are submitted by volunteers just like you! I make it a habit that anytime I work with records, whether for myself or to share with others, I submit them to the USGenWeb/TXGenWeb project. It doesn't take much extra effort and it really can help many people. I'm very grateful to the many volunteers for all the great info provided.
If you agree, please email, Scott Fitzgerald with your submission.

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Copyright 2005 -
East Texas Genealogical Society and the Individual Contributors

This page is sponsored by the
East Texas Genealogical Society

County Coordinator
Scott Fitzgerald

Smith County TXGenWeb Project
TXGenWeb Project
USGenWeb Project