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Family History Center, Tyler

located at: 1617 Shiloh Road, Tyler, Texas.
telephone number: 903-509-8322.

Director: Rochell McWhorter

 The staff is unable to answer telephonic research queries, although general information about the resources there can be answered. The Center is open from 10:00 AM – Noon Tuesday and Thursday and 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday evenings. There are various holiday closings and those hours are posted on the door of the Center.

Important New Resource:

Message about "Books On-Line At Brigham Young University"


LDS Microfilm/Microfiche Resources
Resources available to rent from Salt Lake City, Utah.

However, before ordering through the Tyler LDS Family History Center,
check the 'local Catalog' (below) as it may already be available there.

General Resources Available from LDS
Family History Library Catalog
Specific Resources for ETGS Counties


Gregg Henderson
Panola Rusk Smith
Specific Resources for Other Surrounding Counties
Cherokee Upshur
Van Zandt Wood


'Local Catalog' Disclaimer

Below are listed catalogs of all microfilm/microfiche held on an extended basis by the Tyler Family History Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. These catalogs have been prepared and are made available to the researching public as a joint effort of the Tyler Family History Center and East Texas Genealogical Society. The microfilm roll numbers are those designated by the Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and these rolls are on extended loan from the Library in Salt Lake City. Under no circumstances may any roll of microfilm be removed from the Center.

Descriptive information for each item in these catalogs have been copied from the Family History Library catalog. While every effort has been made to insure their accuracy, neither the LDS Church, nor the Tyler Family History Center, nor The East Texas Genealogical Society, guarantees that the information contained in these catalog listings are exactly what appears on a specific roll of microfilm or microfiche sheet.

It is anticipated that these microfilm/microfiche will remain at the Center on a permanent basis. Anyone who is researching genealogy or local history is cordially invited to use this microfilm and the other resources of the Family History Center as a guest of the LDS Church. All patrons are respectfully expected to maintain proper decorum recognizing that the Center is located in a Church.

Film on permanent loan at the Tyler LDS Family History Center

These catalogs are current as of 31 December 2005.


Inventory sorted by Film Number
Note: This report is in a 'Stepped Format'. Each film number or item is shown only on the first entry of the film number or item or at the top of each succeeding page.


Inventory sorted by State/County
Note: This report is in a 'Stepped Format'. Each state or county is shown only on the first entry of the state or county or at the top of each succeeding page. Those film with no state entry are shown first in the report. Those film with a state entry begin on page 30.


Inventory sorted by Family/Other
Note: This report is in a 'Stepped Format'. Each family name or other information is shown only on the first entry of the name or other information or at the top of each succeeding page. 'Family/Other' includes family names, foreign countries, and topical films such as "Cherokee Indians", "Military Records", etc. Those film with no 'Family/Other' entry are shown first in the report. Those film with a 'Family/Other' entry begin on page 75.

Fiche on permanent loan at the Tyler LDS Family History Center

These catalogs are current as of 16 March 2005.


Inventory sorted by Fiche Number
Note: This report is in a 'Stepped Format'. Each fiche number or item is shown only on the first entry of the fiche number or item or at the top of each succeeding page.


Inventory sorted by State/County
Note: This report is in a 'Stepped Format'. Each state or county is shown only on the first entry of the state or county or at the top of each succeeding page.


Inventory sorted by Family/Other
Note: This report is in a 'Stepped Format'. Each family name or other information is shown only on the first entry of the name or other information or at the top of each succeeding page. 'Family/Other' includes family names, foreign countries, and topical fiche such as "Cherokee Indians", "Military Records", etc.

These files are submitted by volunteers just like you! I make it a habit that anytime I work with records, whether for myself or to share with others, I submit them to the USGenWeb/TXGenWeb project. It doesn't take much extra effort and it really can help many people. I'm very grateful to the many volunteers for all the great info provided.
If you agree, please email, Scott Fitzgerald with your submission.

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Copyright 2005 -
East Texas Genealogical Society and the Individual Contributors

This page is sponsored by the
East Texas Genealogical Society

County Coordinator
Scott Fitzgerald

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