Daily Courier-Times, April 9, 1910, Volume XII No. 186, Page 1 (Tyler, Texas) Column 1
Oil excitement at Whitehouse.
There is some little excitement in the Whitehouse community over the discovery of oil on the farm of Jim Green, who lives two miles west of Whitehouse. A man who had been on the ground stated to the Courier-Times man today that oil could be found on the surface of the ground at many points. Lignite is also to be found in quantities in the same locality. It is said that lignite is always found near oil. It is stated that the oil is of such quality that a match stick to it will become ignited. Several parties from Dallas, who are said to be oil experts, have been on the ground for several days making an investigation, and we learn that they say that there is unquestionably oil in that section, but too what extent they are now unable to say. A further investigation will be made, and no doubt a stock company will be formed for the purpose of boring a well.
Daily Courier-Times, November 25, 1910, Volume XIII No. 71, Page 1 (Tyler, Texas)
Column 1
Brakeman Killed Engineer Crushed
Texarkana, Texas, November 25 a through freight train and a gravel train came together in a head-on collision on the Cotton Belt, 10 miles this side of Camden, Arkansas. Both trains were badly wrecked. Tom Foster, head brakeman, on the freight train, was instantly killed and Ed Hosler, the engineer, will probably die. No one else was injured.
Nestor of Methodism To Preach in Houston
A rare treat will be afforded the members of Tabernacle Methodist Church and others who will attend next Sunday at 11 A. M. in the presence of Rev. John Adams of Tyler, who will preach on "The Resurrection". The name of "Uncle" John Adams mentioned among Mathis always brings up tender thoughts and reminiscences of the days when the old nestor of Texas' Methodism traveled many thousands of weary miles on horseback during his twenty-eight years as presiding Elder. In conference sessions when he speaks a hush falls and tears come to the eyes of those who love him for his work's sake, as well as for the personality which has brought to his side loving friends who would serve him as they may. His favorite theme is "The Resurrection" for he says that his Lord became real through His resurrection, and he looks forward to the time that he himself shall pass from Life unto death and from death again unto Life everlasting. Seats are free and all are invited to hear the old veteran. Houston Chronicle
United in Marriage
Miss Hattie Earl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mathis, was united in marriage yesterday morning at 11 o'clock to Mr. Otto Albertson, a member of the firm of E. Albertson & Sons, one of the best known firms of this city. The wedding occurred at the family home on Live Oak Street, the ceremony been performed by Dr. New Harris, pastor of Marvin church. Quite a number of friends witnessed use the happy event. The bride and groom are among the best known young people of this city and they have hundreds of friends who extend best wishes.
Prominent Men Here
There was registered at the National today John Henry Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah, who is the head of the organization known as the between "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," or more commonly called Mormons. Elder Smith was accompanied by John I. Herrick, Denver; J. O. Benion, Independence, Missouri and John S. Jones, Echo Summit County, Utah. Those gentlemen were enroute from San Antonio, where they have been in attendance at the Trans-Mississippi Congress which has been in session in that city. Elder Smith is one of the vice presidents of this organization. The party left this afternoon for Gilmer and from there they will go to Kelsey, a station on the Marshall and East Texas Railroad and about seven miles out from Gilmer. There is a colony of this organization of about 6 hundred people at or near Kelsey.
Column 2
Is Doing Well
Arthur Clark, who for several years had charge of the linotype machine on the Courier-Times, is now living in Waco, employed as linotype operator on the Waco Times Herald, spent yesterday with his family. Mr. Clark states that he is doing nicely. He has a fine job, and is making money. He will shortly remove his family to Waco, where they will make their future home. Mr. Clark is a very capable linotype operator and the Times-Herald is fortunate in securing his services. His many friends in Tyler are glad to learn of his success.
Tyler Raised Pecans
W. H. Anthony brought a handful of pecans to the Courier-Times office today that were gathered from a tree on the Bob Clark place, on North Bois d'Arc Street. He states that the treat yielded over a bushel of pecans this year. They are large and well matured.
(no title just below Tyler Raised Pecans)
Otto Albertson and bride left yesterday for a trip of several days to St. Louis and Chicago.
A Lone Grave and Two Disappointed Officers.
Yesterday afternoon the sheriff's Department received a phone message from a citizen living near the big iron bridge across Black Fork on the Winona road, two miles from the city, that a newly made baby's graves had been found in a field nearby. Sheriff Land hastily summoned Justice of the Peace Halverson and after securing his trusty 2:40 team, they hurried to the scene. The grave was located in a conspicuous place in the field. It was about three feet long, been marked with neat head and foot stones. Digging away the neatly rounded pile of earth, the clothes covering the dead body were plainly visible. Justice Halverson was in a brown study, thinking about what the coroner's verdict would be. Sheriff Land had already begun to work in his mind with Sherlock Holmes instinct on the slightest clue that could be gathered. More dirt was pulled away. The mystery deepens, likewise the hole in the ground. The clothes about the precious form were tenderly removed. The wisp of red brown hair peaked through a hole in the grave clothes. Still more dirt was removed. Justice Halverson gasped, the five dollars corner's fee vanished. Sheriff Land's detective schemes were all awry. It was a dog. And here endeth the story of the dead baby.
Column 3
'Possum and 'Taters
An opossum so big, fine and nice that he would make President Taft's Billie Opossum look like thirty cents and a lot of potatoes as nice as any county ever produced, not excepting Georgia, were the gift of Mr. C. C. Wood and his estimable wife to the editor for his Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. wood are old-time friends of the Courier-times and of the editor, and this remembrance is greatly appreciated. Mr. Wood is a well to-do farmer and orchardist, who from choice and good sense lives in the country about five miles east of the city, and the hospitality of himself and Mrs. Wood is known far and wide. We shall drive out to their fine old country place some day to thank them in person and to pay them a long promised call.
Returned to First Love
W. P. Mathis, formerly of Chillicothe, Texas has arrived and will make Smith County his home. He is a brother of our esteemed fellow townsman, J. M. Mathis, and many years ago lived in Tyler. He went to West Texas, but now is returning to his first love. He owns a big farm near Arp, where he will soon move his family. Mr. Mathis expresses himself as been delighted to get back to old Smith County. He notes with great pleasure the many improvements to be found on all sides in this city and county.
Census taking soon to begin.
The taking of the census of the United State will begin for Friday, April 15th, and the job must be completed in two weeks time. The names of the enumerators for this city and county were printed in this paper several days ago. This is one of the biggest jobs of this day and time. It is well to remember that not only will all the people be counted but all chickens, horses, dogs, cows, together with their breed.
Halleys Comet is Now Visible Can be seen between 4 and 5 o'clock any morning when the sky is clear.
The comet is now readily seen by the naked eye any morning when the sky is clear, and each morning it is brighter and further on higher in the sky at daybreak. It rose this morning at 4:27 and 4:23 tomorrow morning, and a little more than an hour earlier than the sun. The comet will rise a little earlier each morning from now on for a month, when it will rapidly retrace its path, apparently toward the sun, all the time growing brighter until itdashes across the face of the sun, it's long "tail" lashing the earth, and with a sweep it rushes off into space.