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Smith County, Texas

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Tyler, Smith County, Texas

Submitted by Scott Fitzgerald

Index compiled by Jeanne Sellers

A&M College - 13
Aaron, Gary - 140
Aaron, Larry - 140
Abqaig, Saudi Arabia - 152
Acker, John Wayne - 115 
Adams, Alice - 80, 140
Adams, B. D. - 140
Adams, Eddie - 140
Adams, Maxine - 115 
Adams, Phil - 140
Adams, Vilene - 140
Administration - 10-16
Ads - 166-174
Ahmadi, Nasser - 140
Akers, Martha - 36, 37, 74, 80, 115
AKK - 24, 65
Alba, Texas - 135
Alexandria, Louisiana - 117
All-College Favorites - 70, 71
Allen, Arthur - 115 
Allen, Barbara - 28, 140
Alto, Texas - 146
Alverson, Eddy - 140
Anders, Margaret (Mrs.) - 19, 46
Anderson Bobby - 140
Anderson, Charles E. - 140
Anderson, Dwain - 115 
Anderson, Jackie - 115 
Anderson, Judy - 140
Angleton, Texas - 149
Apache Association - 67
Apache Band - 66
Apache Belles - 65
Apache Cheerleaders - 75
Apache Co-Editors - 76
Apache Guard Association - 44-45
Apache Guard Sweetheart - 164
Apache Staff - 2, 30, 66, 174
Apache Staff Members - 2
Ardmore, Oklahoma - 162
Argo, Gene - 140
Arnold, Prudence - 19
Arp, Texas - 122, 143, 148-150, 154, 158, 160, 163
Arthur City, Texas - 146
Athens, Texas - 160
Athletic Dorm - 8
Athletic Dorm Director - 164
Athletic Dorm Officers - 164
Atkins, Lynda - 140
Atta, Lula Lula - 50
Atwood, Gordon - 115 
Avant, Martha - 140
Ayers, Dolores - 140
B.S.U. - 66
Bagwell, Cecil - 15 
Bailey, James - 140
Bailey, Jim - 2, 41, 75, 115
Bailey, Paul - 140
Bain, Dru - 19
Baldwin, Benny Keith - 140
Baleton, Tennessee - 97
Balfour, Myra - 37, 82
Balfour, Myra Francis - 140
Band - 82-83
Band leader - 79
Band Officers - 83
Banks, Beth - 19
Baptist Bible Chair - 8
Baptist Student Union - 27
Barbee, Michael - 140
Bardwell, B. Mitchell - 115 
Barnes, James - 19
Barnes, Preston - 140
Barnett, James - 140
Barrett, Geraldine - 65
Barrett, Gerry - 29, 37, 140
Barrett, Richard - 13
Barron, James - 141
Barron, James F. - 82
Barrows, Beldon - 141
Barry, Judith Lynn - 141
Basketball Team - 97-102
Baskin, James - 141
Baytown, Texas - 129
Beaird, Bettie - 115 
Beall, Joyce - 141
Beall, Linda Ann - 80, 141
Beard, Bettie - 80
Beard, Bonnie - 62, 67, 73, 115
Beard, Ken E. - 141
Beardin, Laquita - 74, 115
Beasley, Myra - 115 
Beasley, Robert - 116
Beaumont, Texas - 152
Beauties - 56-68
Beavers, Jerry - 90, 141
Beeman, James - 141
Beeville, Texas - 150
Bell, Chris - 141
Belles - 80-81
Belles leader - 79
Ben Wheeler, Texas - 128, 132, 152, 153, 159, 160
Bennett, Mack - 116
Bennett, Robert - 141
Benson, Rosemary - 141
Bertrand, Melvyn - 141
Betts, Jack - 19, 53
Betts, Sue - 141
Bicknell, Gene - 141
Biddy, Era Jean - 141
Big Sandy, Texas - 119, 122, 144, 155, 158
Bingham, Charlotte - 2, 30, 34, 116
Birdsong, Lawrence - 19, 34, 54
Birdwell, Jackie - 141
Bixler, Ruth - 141
Bizzell, Bobby - 49, 141
Blavier, David Karl - 141
Blossom, Texas - 97, 136
Board of Trustees - 15
Bodeker, Ola (Mrs.) - 112
Bogan, Phillip - 141
Bolton, John - 141
Bond, Louis H. - 116
Boon, E. T. - 116
Boone, Carolyn - 141
Booth Texaco Service Station - 166
Boshears, Wayne - 141
Bosworth, Carolyn - 64, 141
Bourland, Bill - 143
Bourque, Gerald - 143
Bower, Larry - 90, 116
Bradley, Kenny - 143
Bradshaw, Richard - 143
Braly, Glendall - 143
Braswell, James F. - 143
Braswell, Sarah - 143
Braudaway, Nancy - 116
Brett, Linda Jean - 143
Brewer, Frank - 90, 93, 143
Bridges, Bill - 143
Bright, Curtis Earl - 116
Brock, David - 51, 116
Bronaugh, David E. - 143
Brooks, Andrew Clyde - 143
Brookston, Texas - 152
Broughton & Collins Gulf Service Station - 171
Brown, Barbara Nell - 39, 116
Brown, Bettie - 116
Brown, Betty - 2, 28-30, 32
Brown, George - 143
Brown, Larry - 143
Brown, Tommy Lee - 90, 143
Browne, (Dr.) - 161
Browne, Jeane (Dr.) - 19, 34
Browning, Cecil - 116
Browning, Ed - 143
Browning, Judy - 143
Browning, Paul - 143
Brownsboro, Texas - 117, 126, 137, 141
Bryant, Jane - 116
Bryant, Linda - 143
Bryant, Mary Jane - 37
Bryant, Nancy - 143
Bryarly, Elizabeth (Miss) - 18, 50
Bugg, Billy Ray - 2, 31, 32, 143
Bullard, James - 143
Bullard, Texas - 116, 129, 148, 152
Burnaugh, Jerry - 117
Burt, Bill - 143
Busby, Don - 117
Butler, Rosiland - 32, 60, 67, 73, 80, 117
Byrd, Betty - 143
Byrd, Wanda - 52, 143
C.Y.F. - 65
Calcote, Jack - 117
California, Millrae - 140
California, Pasadena - 155
Callender, Kay - 82, 117
Calvert, Ken - 117
Calvert, Kenneth - 51
Camera Mart, The - 173
Campbell, David - 117
Campbell, Earl - 143
Campbell, Suzanne - 143
Campus Life - 104-112
Canalizo, Gene - 143
Canant, Mike - 143
Cannon, Jess Richard - 143
Canterbury, LuAlice - 32, 37, 143
Canton, Texas - 49, 120, 122, 124, 126, 129, 130145, 146, 150, 156,
  158, 160, 161
Carrizo Springs, Texas - 124
Carroll, Joan - 36, 37, 80, 117
Carsten, Henry - 117
Carter, Merlon, Jr. - 117
Carthage, Texas - 155
Caskey, Cliff - 41, 139, 143
Cates, Thomas D. - 143
Cervin, Richard L. - 143
Champion Beard Grower - 164
Champion, Mike - 117
Chandler, Texas - 122, 129, 138, 143, 145, 153, 156, 157,
Chavers, Carl T. - 143
Cheerleaders - 64
Cheng, Miranda Folg Yee - 143
China - 143
Christian Student Fellowship - 26
Christmas Dance - 106
Christmas Princesses - 74
Christmas Queen - 74
Church of Christ - 26
Church of Christ Bible Chair - 8
Citizens First National Bank - 168
Clancy, Jimmy - 143
Clark, A. D., Jr. - 15 
Clark, Gail - 143
Clark, S. W. - 117
Clayton, Don H. - 118
Clayton, Tana - 66, 143
Cleburne, Texas - 141, 143, 146
Clem, Wayne - 143
Clinkscales, Louise (Mrs.) - 19, 52
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. - 173
Coenen, George - 34, 118
Coffman, David - 143
Cole, Genneseret - 37, 80, 143
Cole, Jerry - 143
Coleman, Larry - 32, 45, 143
Coleman, Sylvia Jeanne - 118
College Dining Hall - 7
College Heights Baptist Church - 112
Connor, Chuck - 118
Cook, Charles - 143
Cook, Peggy - 143
Cooke, R. C. - 32
Cooke, Robert C. - 118
Cooley, Frank - 143
Cooney, Patty - 80, 143
Cooper, Donnie - 143
Cooper, Dwayne - 144
Cope, Mack - 90, 144
Corbett, Ethel - 118
Corley, Jack - 144
Corn, Cindy - 61, 67, 80
Corn, Cynthia - 144
Corpus Christi, Texas - 97, 156
Costello, Joe - 144
Couch, Larry B. - 118
Cowan, Braxton - 41, 118
Cox, Beth - 139, 144
Cox, Diane - 144
Cox, Judy - 144
Cox, Larry - 144
Cox, Linda - 2, 27, 30, 66, 144
Craig, Robert - 144
Crawford, Rolan - 2
Creekmore, Dick - 144
Crockett, Texas - 151
Croley, Kathleen - 80
Croly, Kathy - 46, 118
Crone, Carolyn - 144
Crone, Kenneth - 144
Cross, Newt - 118
Crow, Herman L. - 19
Culberson, Lawrence - 27, 32
Cullifer, Pattye Karon - 2, 30, 80, 118
Curtis, Billy - 144
Curtis, Charles - 144
Dacus, Sara - 83
Dacus, Sarah - 118
Dailey, Jim - 119
Dallas, Texas - 118, 121, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130, 137, 140, 141,
  143-148, 150, 151, 155-158, 162, 163
Damascus, Syria - 119
Danbom, Mike - 119
Dangerfield, Texas - 150
Darnell, David - 82, 144
Darwin, Robert - 144
Davidson, Carole - 144
Davidson, Jim - 32, 144
Davis, Bettie - 80
Davis, Betty - 2, 37, 144
Davis, David - 144
Davis, Harley - 119
Davis, Janice - 144
Davis, Jerry - 112, 144
Davis, Jerry Allen - 144
Davis, Jerry Wayne - 119
Davis, Molly - 64
Davis, Mollye - 80, 145
Davis, Nancy - 145
Davis, W. O. - 32
Davis, Wayne - 145
Day, Alice - 80, 145
De Dea, Eileen (Mrs.) - 52
Dean, Michael Ray - 119
Decker, Charles - 145
Decker, Linda - 145
DeDea, Eileen (Mrs.) - 19
Dedication - 3
DeFoor, Darla Rea - 36, 37, 64, 119
Delaware, Wilmington - 149
Denison, Texas - 140
Dennis, Bobby - 145
Denton, James - 119
Denton, Mary Doug - 119
Denver City, Texas - 135
Depree, Jean - 80
Dexter, Missouri - 152
Dey, James - 49, 119
Dixon, Ardie D. - 97, 98119
Dobbins, Lynda - 119
Dodd, Joe Mac - 145
Don Carlos, Elois Ann - 119
Donnel, Calvin, Dallas - 145
Dostal, Rose Marie - 63, 145
Doughli, Tarek - 119
Dover, Loretta - 82, 145
Doyle, Eddie - 82, 120
Doyle, James - 145
Doyle, John Finley - 120
Dozier, Betty - 37, 49, 66, 120
Drafting Club - 53, 58
Drost, Kenneth - 145
Duke, Ronald - 145
Duncanville, Texas - 157
Duncar, Judy - 164
Dunwoody, Tommy - 41, 145
Dupree, Jean - 145
Dupree, Ron - 145
Durham, Texas - 161
Dusek, Bobby - 145
Dusek, Jean - 145
DuShane, Violet - 145
Dyer, Gerald Wayne - 120
Dyess, Ennie - 145s
Dykes, Mary Alice - 47 - 145
Earp, Wayne - 91, 120
Earth Science Club - 51
Earth Science Club sweetheart - 51
Easley, Ann - 145
East Texas Baptist College - 12
East Texas Photocopy Company - 166
East Texas State College - 13
Easton, Paula - 120
Echard, Ted - 145
Echols, Becky - 37, 120
Eddington, Jimmy - 145
Edge, Leland - 146
Edgewood, Texas - 119
Edmondson, Sondra Gayle - 120
Edom, Texas - 122
Elison, Wondell - 146
Elliott, Gloria Sue - 146
Ellis, Judy - 2, 146
Eltife, Mary Ann - 2, 28, 30, 37, 43, 120
Engineers' Club - 49, 66
Epperson, Carolyn - 120
Evans, Kenneth - 19
Everett, Jeannette - 32, 146
Everett, Massachusetts - 97, 155
Exum, Gail - 146
Exum, Lena - 20
Faculty - 18-22
Falls, Sarah - 146
Farrell, Robin J. - 146
Farris, Richard - 91, 120
Fasel, Linda - 120
Fife, James - 20, 26
Fincher, Kelley Dale - 146
Findley, Jo Ann - 146
Fine Arts Building - 7
Finley, Vicki - 146
Fisher, Robert - 146
Fiste, Art - 48, 98
Fiste, Arthur - 97
Fiste, Artie - 120
Fitzhenry, Raymond - 146
Flaherty, Frances (Mrs.) - 4
Flint, Texas - 152, 154
Flower Box, The - 174
Flowers by Ela - 174
Flowers, Mike - 121
Fomby, Ben - 73, 146
Football - 88-96
Football managers - 89
Football Schedule - 88
Ford, Sharlotte - 146
Ford, Shirley - 82, 146
Forman, Bud - 97, 99, 121
Fort Worth, Texas - 97, 121, 147, 151, 155-157, 162
Foshee, Don - 41, 121
Foss, Arthur - 146
Fowler, Ann - 146
Fowler, Edwin "Pinky" - 14, 79
Fowler, Meredith Elaine - 146
Francis, Danny - 146
Franklin, Texas - 144
Frankston, Texas - 49, 141, 154, 162
Freeman, Duayne - 121
Freshman Class - 66
Freshman Class Officers - 139
Freshman Favorites - 73
Freshmen - 139-163
Friedman, I. L. - 18
Fruitville, Texas - 154
Fulcher, Dianne - 146
Fullilove, Donald - 146
Future Teachers of America - 47
Gainesville, Texas - 131
Galveston, Texas - 130, 134, 147, 149
Gambill, Audrey - 16
Ganner, Sandy - 37, 146
Garcia, Robert - 147
Gardner, Carolyn - 121
Garland, Texas - 157
Garner, John - 40
Garner, John H. - 20
Garrett, Dolores - 121
Garrett, Gayle - 147
Garrison, Cuba - 147
Garrison, LaNette - 66
Gearner, June - 147
Geddie, Arlis - 147
Gee, Melton - 147
Gehrner, June - 164
Gentry Gym - 7, 8
Gentry, Ave Lea - 14
Gentry, Gloria - 112
Geology Club - 67
Gerald, Pat - 147
Germany, Ronnie - 147
Gibson, Patricia - 80, 121
Gilbert, Ronald - 147
Gilbreath, David - 147
Gilles, James - 147
Gilley, Robert - 147
Gilliam, Al - 79
Gilliam, Mike - 147
Ginsberg, Sidney - 147
Gipson, Nita - 52, 65, 80, 121
Gladden, Ira - 121
Gladewater, Texas - 119, 146.157
Glaspie, Sue - 82, 147
Glaspie, Vernon - 121
Glenwood Flower Shop - 174
Glover, Minnie - 147
Goad, Mary Nell - 147
Goldstein, Eddie - 147
Goodman, Harl - 147
Goodrich, Ronne - 147
Gordon, Dale - 147
Gore, Louise - 147
Goss, Bill - 121
Graham, Thomas M. - 147
Graham, Violet - 147
Gramling, Pat - 121
Grand Saline, Texas - 131, 140, 141, 144, 147, 151, 153, 155, 156, 159,
Gray, Don - 43, 122
Green, Martha Lynne - 122
Green, Mary Frances - 147
Green, Robin - 148
Greenhaw, Averille (Mrs.) - 2, 20, 31, 36
Greenville, Texas - 155
Greer, Charles E. - 122
Gregory, Betty - 148
Gregory, Mike - 148
Griffin, Forest E. - 18
Griffin, Molly - 37, 74, 122
Griffin, Peggy Sue - 148
Griffin, Richard - 148
Griffin, Tommy - 148
Groves, Joe - 122
Guinn, Gerry - 82
Guinn, Terry - 122
Gundelfinger, Marsha - 122
Guyton, Anthony - 2
Guyton, Carolyn - 122
Guyton, Ted - 76, 82
Hadijson, Christe - 148
Haile, James H. - 138
Haire, Linda Carol - 122
Hairgrove, Jewel - 148
Hale, Donnie E. 148
Haley, Francis L. - 20, 28
Hall Summit, Louisiana - 160
Hall, Clifford - 122
Hall, Norma - 80, 148
Hallmark, Babe (Coach) - 89
Hallmark, James - 20
Hallsville, Texas - 156
Hamilton, Linda - 37, 80, 148
Hamilton, Norman - 122
Hamm, James - 148
Hammer, Larry - 148
Hammer, Robert - 148
Hammock, Audrey - 148
Hamner, Kenneth E. - 41, 122
Hanna, Ja Nell - 27, 47, 82, 122
Hanson, Jerry - 123
Hardin, James - 148
Harlingen, Texas - 161
Harper, Homer - 2, 148
Harris, Al - 123
Harris, Doug - 91
Harris, Mack - 123
Harris, William T., Jr. - 123
Harrison, Elton - 148
Harrison, Mary Lou - 123
Harvey Pontiac Company - 167
Harvey, Margie - 148
Harvin, Charles - 40, 41, 43, 72, 123
Hatfield, Virginia - 148
Hauk, John Paul - 148
Havard, Joyce - 149
Hawkins, Texas - 116, 118, 120, 123, 128, 131, 144, 145, 147, 148,
  151-153, 159, 162, 163
Hayden, Martha - 80, 149
Haynes, Charles T. - 123
Heath, Fred R. - 123
Heath, Gene - 123
Helstrom, Jeri LaRuth - 123
Hemphill, Texas - 149
Henderson County Cardinals - 88, 91
Henderson, J. C. - 18
Henderson, Ronny - 149
Henderson, Texas - 121, 144, 158
Hendley, Larry R. - 123
Henniger, Nancy - 149
Henson, Carole - 123
Herren, Franklin - 149
Herrin, Jerry - 123
Herron, Clifford Wayne - 149
Hickman, Walter E. - 149
Hicks, Linda - 16
Higginsville, Missouri - 157
Hightower, Robert - 149
Hildreth, Harold Coit - 149
Hill, Billy Joe - 149
Hill, Frances - 149
Hill, Greg - 163
Hill, James - 124
Hill, Ken - 149
Hilliard, William Foster - 124
Hines, Allen - 124
Hitt, Bobby - 149
Hix, Charles, M. - 20
Hixson-Ellis Incorporated - 173
Hobbs, Jean - 149
Hogan, Betty - 149
Hogenmiller, Robert Michael - 149
Holly Motor Co. - 174
Holmes, Wanda - 149
Holt, Patsy Ann - 149
Holton, Robert W. - 149
Homecoming Queen - 74
Homecoming Sweetheart - 45
Homecoming Week - 108-109
Hood, Ora - 32
Hooker, Carolyn - 149
Horton, Gay - 53, 58-59, 67, 80, 124
Horton, Julia - 124
Houston, Texas - 130, 143, 148, 152
Howard, Fred - 149
Howard, John Jerome - 149
Hubbard, Sara Lou - 149
Hughes James, E. - 149
Hunter, John R. - 20, 43
Hurwitz Man's Shop - 170
Hynds, Joyce - 149
Inglish, Fran - 124
Iran, Tehran - 128
Isbell, Glenn - 124
Ives, Kenneth M. - 150
Ivy, Gerald - 150
Jackson, Frank W. - 47, 91, 150
Jackson, Gloria - 20
Jackson, Larence D. - 89, 124
Jackson, Larry - 97
Jackson, Patsy - 124
Jacksonville, Texas - 117, 123, 151, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161
James, Louann - 37, 150
Japan - 160
Jean, Sandra - 38
Jena, Louisiana - 152
Jenkins, H. E. (President) - 10, 11
Jenkins, Robert Davis - 150
Jenkins, Thomas Edwin - 150
Jenkins, Wiley (Dr.). 3, 18
Jennings, La Verle - 82
Jennings, LaVirle - 124
Jennings, Linda Sue - 150
Jerry's Flower Shop - 174
John Tyler High School - 27
Johns, Wendell - 150
Johnson, Bain - 20
Johnson, Janet Ruth - 125
Johnson, Kenneth - 28, 29, 53, 150
Johnson, Kent - 97, 150
Johnson, Mickey - 40, 41
Johnson, Norma - 80, 150
Johnston, Joanna - 125
Joinerville, Texas - 123
Jones, Bob - 124
Jones, Dianne - 124
Jones, Gene Ann - 2, 26, 30, 65, 150
Jones, Geneva - 150 
Jones, George Harvey - 124
Jones, Kenneth - 91, 150
Jones, Louanne - 80
Jones, Marcia - 150
Jones, Marie - 150
Jones, Norman - 125
Jones, Ray - 125
Jones, Thomas - 150
Jordan, Helen - 150
Jordan, Joe - 125
Jousan, Pat - 150
Joyner-Fry - 167
JUCO All-American - 97
Judge, the Florist - 174
Jurden, Charles - 40, 42, 82, 125
K. Wolens Department Store - 173
Kansas State Teachers College - 10, 11
Kappa Sigma Lambda Fraternity - 40-42, 61
K-DOK - 167
Keel, Freddie K. - 125
Keener, Betty - 37, 80, 150
Kelly, Karen - 150
Kennedy, Edward - 150
Kennedy, Johnny - 53, 125
Kentucky, Owensboro - 147
Key, Donald - 150
Kilgore Rangers - 88, 96, 107
Killion, Sledge Wayne - 125
Kincaid, Mildred - 20
King Chevrolet - 167
King, Liz - 33, 76
King, Ray - 151
Kingston, David Frank - 151
Kinne, Gary - 151
Kinney, James - 125
Kirshbaum, Joseph - 18
Kiser, Virginia - 151
Kiser, Willma - 37, 151
Kline's - 167
Knight, Gary Wayne - 82, 151
Koelling, Judy - 43, 151
Korkmas, Diann - 2, 125
Kortman, Tyrone - 125
Krauss, Patsy - 126
KTBB - 172
Kuni, Lynda - 151
Lake Jackson, Texas - 128
Lake, Harriet - 151
Lamarque, Texas - 145, 150, 153, 156, 159, 61, 162
Lambert, Jerry - 151
Lambert, Linda - 151
Lamon, Robert Lyman - 33, 151
Lancaster, Texas - 160
Landgraf, Jerry - 151
Lane, Mike - 126
Lane, Roland - 126
Langford, Mary - 151
Langley, Sammy - 126
Larson, Sherilyn - 37, 151
Las Mascaras - 24, 34-35, 62
Laves Jewelers - 171
Lawhorn, Jimmy - 151
Lawrence, Estal Lee - 151
Layne, Sandra - 20
Le Gory, Pat - 151
Leeman, Billy - 151
Leesburg, Texas - 160
Leggett, Cherry - 126
Leighman, Linda Lou - 37, 126
Lemons, John E. - 151
Leverett, Arthur, Jewelers - 167
Lewis, Billy Jack - 151
Lewis, Darrell - 151
Lewis, Kenneth - 21
Library - 7
Lindale, Texas - 121, 122, 123, 125, 140, 141, 143, 151, 156
Lindsey, Hildegarde - 151
Lipscomb, Mike - 151
Lipscomb, Sandra - 126
Little, Ann - 126
Lively, A. D. - 151
Livingston, Texas - 124
Livingston, Walter Sonny - 152
Lloyd James Funeral Home - 171
Lockart, Sylvia - 32, 34, 46, 48, 126
Lockheart, Sylvia - 80
Long, Dale - 126
Longacre, Bill - 152
Longview, Texas - 130, 131, 146
Lorena, Texas - 158
Louisiana, Alexandria - 117
Louisiana, Hall Summit - 160
Louisiana, Jena - 152
Louisiana, Napoleonvile - 119
Louisiana, Shreveport - 120, 140, 141, 146
Lout, Peggy Ann - 387, 80, 126
Lovelady, Jimmy - 152
Low, Lorelle - 126
Lowe, Jimmy - 92, 152
Lowrance, Mary Ann - 152
Lufkin, Texas - 97, 119, 126, 161
Lumley, Billy - 42, 126
Lynch, Richard - 127
Lynn, Julie - 80, 152
Lynn, Massachusetts - 97, 120
Lyons, Jimmy - 92, 152
MacPherson, Laurel - 152
Main Buldings - 6-8
Majors, Linda - 152
Malone, Folly - 97, 99
Malone, Kenneth - 152
Manchester, Carlee - 92, 152
Maness, Billy Joe - 127
Marsh, Howard - 127
Marshall, Texas - 116, 145, 155, 160
Marshall, Windel - 32, 152
Martin, Bobby - 152
Martin, Charles - 128
Martin, Frank - 164
Martin, Gloria - 153
Martin, Harold Dean - 128
Martin, Tommy - 153
Mason, H. William - 153
Mason, Morris - 53, 153
Massachusetts, Everett - 97, 155
Massachusetts, Lynn - 97, 120
Maxfield, Charles R. - 153
Maxfield, George - 153
Maxwell, Tim W. - 128
Mayfield, Brenda - 153
Mayfield, Sue - 32, 83, 128
Mayo, Harold - 96
McCaffree, Charles - 152
McCalib, (Mr.) - 112
McCalib, (Mrs.) - 112
McCalib, Daniel - 21
McCalie, Judith Bell (Mrs.) - 21, 36
McCaslin, Monroe - 152
McClain, Joe - 127
McCrary, Bob - 152
McDaniel, Gary - 127
McDaniel, Oliver - 152
McDowell, Joel D. - 51, 127
McDowell, Patsy - 152
McElhanan, Patsy - 127
McFarland, Elizabeth Ann - 80, 127
McGregor, Johnny - 127
McHam, Bill - 127
McKeethan, Jimmy - 152
McKenzie, Charlotte - 46
McKinnon, Sharon - 80, 152
McKinzie, Charlotte - 38, 152
McKinzie, Kay - 38, 80, 152
McLane, Roy - 127
McManus, Evelyn - 21
McMichael, Pat - 127
McMurry Indians - 88
McNair, Ronnie - 152
McNeill, Carolyn - 152
McQuien, Royce - 127
McTee, Ronnie - 152
Medlin, Bob - 153
Mekalip, Joe - 128
Men's Residence Hall - 8
Mercer, Betty Lou - 153
Mercer, June - 153
Meroney, Reggie - 153
Mertz, Justus A. - 45, 153
Mesquite, Texas - 149
Messer, Johnny - 128
Methodist Bible Chair - 8
Methodist Student Movement - 25
Metteaudr, Robert - 153
Mexia, Texas - 146
Miami, Oklahoma - 92
Michelmann, Ruth Ann - 153
Middleton, Jack - 128
Midlothian, Texas - 149, 157
Millard, Katy - 153
Miller, Celest - 153
Miller, Duane - 153
Miller, Jimmie - 2, 82, 128
Miller, Jimmy - 31, 153
Miller, Sue - 153
Millrae, California - 140
Mills, Al - 153
Mills, Hubert - 21
Mineola, Texas - 116, 118, 119, 122, 125, 131, 136, 140, 143, 146, 147,
  149, 151, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160, 162
Mings, Zelma Sue - 38, 80, 153
Miss TESN - 164
Mississippi, Natchez - 150
Missouri, Dexter - 152
Missouri, Higginsville - 157
Missouri, Popular Bluff - 161
Missouri, St. Louis - 149
Mitcham, Jerry - 153
Mizzles, Truman Robert - 33, 76, 128
Moazzami, Asadollah - 128
Mont Belvieu, Texas - 146, 153
Montgomery Ward - 172
Montgomery, John A. - 128
Montgomery, Suanne - 153
Moon, James Harold - 153
Moore Edward - 128
Moore, Bobby - 153
Moore, Pierce C. - 128
Moore, Terry - 154
Moorman Twin's Restaurant - 173
Moreland, Olga - 154
Morgan, Peggy - 129
Morrow, Fanna Jane - 154
Moseley, Betty Sue - 154
Moss, Paula Jean - 129
Most Beautiful on Campus - 58
Most Beautiful Runners-Up - 60-63
Mt. Enterprise, Texas - 147
Mt. Pleasant, Texas - 141
Mt. Vernon, Texas - 147
Mullins, Nila - 154
Murphy, Don - 129
Murphy, Donnie - 92
Murphy, Jerry Rex - 154
Murray, James - 21
Music, Ann - 25, 33, 76, 129
Myeers, James David - 129
Myers, (Father) - 29
Nacogdoches, Texas - 143
Nalbert, Travis - 154
Napoleonville, Louisiana - 119
Nash, Clarence Alvin - 92, 154 
Natchez, Mississippi - 150
National Association of Professional Draftsmen - 53
National Student Christian Federation - 25
National Student Movement - 25
Navarro Bulldogs -A795 88, 90
Neal, Beverly - 154
Nederland, Texas - 131, 135
Neely, Mary Kathryn - 154
Neil, Patsy - 82
Neill, Mary Kathlyn - 16
Neill, Patsy Gail - 154
Neill, Thomas Marshall - 154
New London, Texas - 97, 129, 134, 135
New York Store - 166
Newburn, Laura - 129
Newman Club - 28-29, 65
Newman, John Henry (Cardinal) - 29
Nicholas, Callie - 2, 51, 67, 154
Nichols, Ed - 154
Nicholson, Roena - 154
Nixon, Clarence Ray - 154
NJCCA - 97
Norris, Carolyn - 38, 45, 67, 80, 154
Norris, William - 129
Norris, Willie - 26
Norsworthy, Barbara - 154
Norsworthy, Don - 154
North, Dan - 154
Northcutt, Mamie Jo - 154
Northcutt, Peggy - 80, 154
Northeastern Oklahoma Golden Horsemen - 88
Norton, Larry - 2, 129
Novak, Tony - 129
Nowell, Renda - 32, 154
Nowlin, Tommy M. - 129
Nulf, Richard - 154
Nunn, Bobby J. - 154
Nunn, Gary - 129
Nutter, James - 155
Odom, Glendya - 129
Oklahoma, Ardmore - 162
Oklahoma, Miami - 92
Oldham, Bob - 155
Oliver Motor Co. - 172
O'Neal, Sara - 155
Orange, Texas - 145
Organizations - 24-54
Orman, Donny - 155
Osburn, Thomas D. - 97, 100, 129
Otte, Carl C. - 93, 130
Otto, Texas - 141
Owens, Joyce Yvonne - 155
Owens, Pat - 130
Owens, Rusty - 155
Owensboro, Kentucky - 147
Palestine, Texas - 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 132, 136, 143-145, 149-151,
  156, 157, 159, 160, 162
Parham, Sue - 38, 81, 155
Paris Dragons - 94
Paris, Texas - 144
Parker, Charles - 155
Parker, Hugh D. - 130
Parker, Sandra - 130
Parks, Peggy - 155
Parrish, Pat - 93, 130
Parsons, Wayne - 155
Pasadena, California - 155
Pate, Lloyd L. - 93, 130
Pate, Ronald - 155
Patterson, Bob - 139, 155
Patterson, Eugene - 93, 155
Payne, Charles - 155
Payne, Don - 130
Payne, Jerry - 130
Payne, Linda - 155
Payne, Pat - 155
Pecos, Texas - 146, 156
Pena, David R. - 21
Penn, Robert R. - 155
Peoples National Bank - 168
Perguson, Lee Ray - 146
Perry, Larry W. - 155
Persia, Teheran - 140
Personalities - 70-76
Peteet, C. F. - 155
Peters, Beverly - 155
Peters, Frank - 130
Peters, Newman - 155
Peters, Robert - 155
Petersen, Elsa - 155
Petiou, Peter A. - 155
Petitt, Nancy Beth - 50, 81, 130
Petrou, Pete - 97, 98, 100
Phelan, Kitty - 2, 31, 81
Phi Theta Kappa - 39, 66
Phillips, Linda - 130
Pickard, Davis - 156
Pickle, Gwen - 156
Pierce, Donald Wayne - 156
Pierce, Dorisene - 38, 130
Pigman, Linda - 156
Pirtle, Carl - 156
Pirtle, Gordon - 130
Pitts, George - 156
Pittsburg, Texas - 160, 162
Plessinger, Gerhard Samuel - 156
Plunk, Benny - 131
Poe, Sandra Lee - 131
Poer, Rosanne - 156
Point, Texas - 148
Pollard, Bennie Ray - 156
Pollard, Richard - 131
Pool, Wayne - 131
Poole, Joe William - 156
Pope, Charlotte S. - 32, 131
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - 161
Port Neches, Texas - 137, 143
Porter, Birdie - 156
Porter, Myra - 21
Potter, E. M. (Dr.) - 12
Potter, Suzanne - 156
Pow Pow Staff - 32, 61
Pow Wow Editors - 76
Powell, Linda Perry - 156
Powell, Nancy Jean - 38, 81, 156
Powers, Betty Jo - 131
Pratt, Helen - 65, 75, 131
Praytor, Richard W. - 156
Prejean, Blanche (Mrs.) - 21, 33
Prejean, David - 33, 131
Price, Art - 156
Price, Bobby - 93, 156
Price, Charles - 131
Price, Harold - 156
Price, J. Paul - 15 
Price, Johnny - 156
Price, Texas - 160
Proctor, Barbara - 131
Prson, Lula Mae - 155
Pruett, Lanny - 138
Pry, Arthur - 21, 25
Puckett, Larry - 156
Pulcher, Robert - 97, 101, 156
Pullen, Mae - 131
Pummer, Dian - 131
Quality Motors, Inc. - 167
Quitman, Texas - 117, 119, 123, 131, 132, 134, 135, 140, 143, 146, 153,
  154, 156, 159
Radcliff, Mike - 94, 131
Ragsdill, Bobby - 156
Ragsdill, Tommy - 156
Rainey, Wayne - 163
Raitano, Grance Marie - 156
Ramsey, Bernard Stephen - 157
Ray, Barbara Ann - 157
Ray, Peggy - 157
Ray, Sara - 157
Ray, Sarah - 81
Ray, Wayne - 157
Rayford, Larry - 157
Rector, Gilbert Wayne - 157
Red, Sandra Lee - 157
Red, Sandy - 38, 81
Reed, Nellafay - 2, 30, 38, 46, 157
Reed, Richard - 132
Reeves, Bill - 157
Reid, Don - 132
Reynolds, Gordon - 157
Rhinesmith, David - 157
Rhodes, Robert - 82, 157
Rice, Jimmy - 157
Richardson, Herb (Coach) - 21, 97
Richardson, James - 157
Richardson, Texas - 118
Ricks, Carolyn - 38, 57
Rimmer, Charles - 157
Rinehart, Charles - 157
Ripple, William A. - 157
Rising Star, Texas - 126
Riza, Jan - 157
Roark, Bob - 157
Roark, Raymond - 157
Roark, Virginia Ann - 157
Robers, Johnny - 2
Roberson, Kenneth - 157
Roberson, Roger - 157 
Roberts, Arthur - 158
Roberts, Ronnie - 158
Roberts, Ted - 158
Robertson, Ann - 158
Robertson, Don - 40, 42, 158
Robinson, Annette - 82, 158
Robinson, Maxene - 16
Robinson, Tommy - 45
Rockdale, Texas - 150
Rodieck, Kay - 39, 50, 66, 71, 75, 132
Rogers, Betty - 158
Rogers, Johnny - 31, 158
Rogers, Sandra - 138
Rogers, Virginia - 132
Rogersville, Tennessee - 97, 133, 144, 158, 163
Romack, Ronnie Ray - 158
Rook, Margo Eugenia - 158
Roosth & Genecov Production Company - 170
Rose Bowl Lanes - 169
Rose Parade - 106
Ross, Laura - 2, 82, 158
Rowland, Wendell - 132
Roy, Agnes - 18
Royce, Joe - 132
Rucker, Zella Montez - 158
Rudd, Leo - 22, 27
Rusk, Texas - 118, 122, 125, 127, 141, 143, 144, 146, 152, 154-156,
Russell, Pat - 158
Rutherford, Betty - 158
Ryan, W. Z., & Son - 174
Sadie Hawkins Dance - 54
Safe, Lynn - 158
Saleh, Pat - 2, 30, 132
Sam Jones Ranch House - 171
Sanders, Sandra Jean - 38, 64, 81, 158
Sands, Ovie Lee - 158
Saudi Arabia, Abqaig - 152 
Saunders, Eva (Mrs.) - 22, 47
Saunders, Jimmy - 132
School, A&M College - 13
School, East Texas Baptist College - 12
School, East Texas State College - 13
School, Henderson County Cardinals - 88, 91
School, Kansas State Teachers College - 10, 11
School, Kilgore Rangers - 88, 96
School, McMurry Indians - 88
School, Navarro Bulldogs - 88, 90
School, Northeastern Oklahoma Golden Horsemen - 88
School, Paris Dragons - 94
School, Texarkana Bulldogs - 88, 95
School, University of Texas, The - 10-12
School, University of Missouri - 11
School, Victoria Pirates - 88, 93
Scott, Buddy - 132
Scott, Patsy Jean - 158
Scroggins, Texas - 159
SEA - 64
Seago, Don - 132
Seagoville, Texas - 140
Seal, Conney - 94
Seal, Wright - 158
Seamon, Mary Ann - 2, 28, 31, 33, 39, 76, 114, 132
Searcy, Nelson - 158
Sellers, Travis - 158
Senkow, Patsy - 158
Sewell, Lynn - 158
Sewell, Robert - 132
Sexton, Dorothy Lorene - 158
Sharp, Susan - 64, 133
Sheridan, Texas - 147
Sherman, Texas - 143
Sherman, Wayne - 158
Shinn, Betty Jane - 133
Shipp, Oscar Lynn - 158
Shirley, Rex - 159
Shockley, George Everett - 159
Shreveport, Louisiana - 120, 140, 141, 146
Shuttlesworth, Tommy - 159
Sides, Charles Allen - 159
Sides, Preston - 159
Sides, Roger - 159
Sigma Sigma - 52, 65
Siler, Linda Lou - 159
Sims, James - 133
Sims, Mike - 159
Sims, Texas - 132
Singing Apaches - 43, 65
Sizemore, Jim - 92-94, 133
Sjerven, Gary - 159
Slaton, Texas - 147
Slayter, Earl - 34, 133
Sloan, Jerry L. - 133
Sloan, Ronald - 159
Smith, Frank W. - 133
Smith, Fred Harold - 159
Smith, Hal Z. - 48, 133
Smith, Judy - 159
Smith, Lyndall - 159
Smith, Neva - 22
Smith, Raymond - 32, 40, 42, 43, 82, 133
Smith, Rex A., Jr. - 22
Smith, Robert - 133
Smitherman, Eddie - 133
Smyrl, Sammie - 22
Sokolski, Richard (Father) - 29
Sommer, Roger - 133
Sophomore Class - 64
Sophomore Class Officers - 114
Sophomore Favorites - 72
Sophomores - 114-138
Spann, Carl - 159
Sparks, Melvin - 159
Spaulding, Dawn - 159
Spearman, Aubrey - 133
Speckman, Leo - 134
Spence, Carolyn - 159
Spivey, Etta (Mrs.) - 22, 52
Spivey, L. G. - 159
Sports - 88-102
Squyres, Arthur (Mrs.) - 15 
St. Louis, Missouri - 149
Stacy, Ronald G. - 159
Stafford, Guy - 94, 134
Stallings, Flay Don - 75, 134
Stanley, Joe - 51, 134
Stanley, Lana - 38, 159
Staples, Gene - 94, 159
Staples, Melba - 159
Starnes, Kenneth - 159
Staton, Richard - 92-94
Steadman, James - 159
Steed, Beverly - 134
Stelter, Douglas - 134
Stewart, James - 82, 159
Stewart, Sue Ann - 134
Stiles, George - 22
Stine, David J. - 134
Stine, Michael F., Jr. - 134
Stoddard, Floyd G. - 22, 39
Stokes, Ethel (Mrs.) - 22, 46
Stone, Jack - 160
Stone, Jeneta - 160
Story-Wright, Inc - 169
Strain, Mary Lou - 43, 160
Strickland, Patsy - 160
Stringer, Jack - 160
Stringer, Lynda - 25, 160
Stringer, Mildred - 18, 79
Stroud, Sharon Gail - 160
Student Council - 48, 64
Student Education Association - 47
Sublette, Bill - 134
Suggs, William R. - 82, 160
Sulivan, James - 49
Sullivan, Bob - 134
Sullivan, Bobby - 39
Sullivan, James - 134
Sumner, Hoyt - 160
Sutton, George - 134
Sutton, Lynda - 160
Sutton, Marion - 135
Swinney, Delron - 160
Swinney, Larry Bruce - 160
Swinney, Sylvia - 160
Symes, Mac - 135
Syria, Damascus - 119
T.E.S.N. - 63
Table of Contents - 2
Tadasa, Keiko - 143, 160
Talley Cadillac Company - 166
Talley, John H. - 45, 75, 160
Tarno, Jeanne, Sandra - 160
Tatum, Texas - 147
Taylor, Don - 160
Taylor, Johnny - 135
Teaff, Sonny - 135
Technology Building - 7
Teepee - 7, 24
Teepee Clerks - 112
Teheran, Persia - 140
Tehran, Iran - 128
Television Cable Service Co., Inc. - 170
Temple, Texas - 144
Tennessee, Baleton - 97
Tennessee, Rogersville - 97, 133, 144, 158, 163
Terrell, Texas - 145, 149
Terry, Jane - 135
Terry, Molly Frances - 160
Teter, Bill - 135
Texarkana Bulldogs - 88, 95
Texarkana, Texas - 116
Texas City, Texas - 116, 143, 153
Texas Distributors, Inc. - 171
Texas Eastern Conference - 94
Texas Eastern School of Nursing - 8
Texas, Alba - 135
Texas, Alto - 146
Texas, Angleton - 149
Texas, Arp - 122, 143, 148
Texas, Arthur City - 146
Texas, Athens - 160
Texas, Beaumont - 152
Texas, Beeville - 150
Texas, Ben Wheeler - 128, 132, 152, 153, 159, 160
Texas, Big Sandy - 119, 122, 144, 155, 158
Texas, Blossom - 97, 136
Texas, Brookston - 152
Texas, Brownsboro - 117, 126, 137, 141
Texas, Bullard - 116, 129, 148, 152
Texas, Canton - 49, 120, 122, 124, 126, 129, 130145, 146, 150, 156,
  158, 160, 161
Texas, Carrizo Springs - 124
Texas, Carthage - 155
Texas, Chandler - 122, 129, 138, 143, 145, 153, 156, 157
Texas, Cleburne - 141, 143, 146
Texas, Corpus Christi - 97, 156
Texas, Crockett - 151
Texas, Dallas - 118, 121, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130, 137, 140, 141,
  143-148, 150, 151, 155-158, 162, 163
Texas, Dangerfield - 150
Texas, Denison - 140
Texas, Denver City - 135
Texas, Duncanville - 157
Texas, Durham - 161
Texas, Edgewood - 119
Texas, Edom - 122
Texas, Flint - 152, 154
Texas, Fort Worth - 97, 121, 147, 151, 155-157, 162
Texas, Franklin - 144
Texas, Frankston - 49, 141, 154
Texas, Fruitville - 154
Texas, Gainesville - 131
Texas, Galveston - 130, 134, 147, 149
Texas, Garland - 157
Texas, Gladewater - 119, 146, 157
Texas, Grand Saline - 131, 140, 141, 144, 147, 151, 153, 155, 156, 159,
Texas, Greenville - 155
Texas, Hallsville - 156
Texas, Harlingen - 161
Texas, Hawkins - 116, 118, 120, 123, 128, 131, 144, 145, 147, 148,
  151-153, 159, 162, 163
Texas, Hemphill - 149
Texas, Henderson - 121, 144, 158
Texas, Houston - 130, 143, 148, 152
Texas, Jacksonville - 117, 123, 151, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161
Texas, Joinerville - 123
Texas, Lake Jackson - 128
Texas, Lamarque - 145, 150, 153, 156, 159, 61, 162
Texas, Lancaster - 160
Texas, Leesburg - 160
Texas, Lindale - 121, 122, 123, 125, 140, 141, 143, 151, 156
Texas, Livingston - 124
Texas, Longview - 130, 131, 146
Texas, Lorena - 158
Texas, Lufkin - 97, 119, 126, 161
Texas, Marshall - 116, 145, 155, 160
Texas, Mesquite - 149
Texas, Mexia - 146
Texas, Midlothian - 149, 157
Texas, Mineola - 116, 118, 119, 122, 125, 131, 136, 140, 143, 146, 147,
  149, 151, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160, 162
Texas, Mont Belvieu - 146, 153
Texas, Mt. Enterprise - 147
Texas, Mt. Pleasant - 141
Texas, Mt. Vernon - 147
Texas, Nacogdoches - 143
Texas, Nederland - 131, 135
Texas, New London - 97, 129, 134, 135
Texas, Orange - 145
Texas, Otto - 141
Texas, Palestine - 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 132, 136, 143-145, 149-151,
  156, 157, 159, 160, 162
Texas, Paris - 144
Texas, Pecos - 146, 156
Texas, Pittsburg - 160, 162
Texas, Point - 148
Texas, Port Neches - 137, 143
Texas, Price - 160
Texas, Quitman - 117, 119, 123, 131, 132, 134, 135, 140, 143, 146, 153,
  154, 156, 159
Texas, Richardson - 118
Texas, Rising Star - 126
Texas, Rockdale - 150
Texas, Rusk - 118, 122, 125, 127, 141, 143, 144, 146, 152, 154-156,
Texas, Scroggins - 159
Texas, Seagoville - 140
Texas, Sheridan - 147
Texas, Sherman - 143
Texas, Sims - 132
Texas, Slaton - 147
Texas, Tatum - 147
Texas, Temple - 144
Texas, Terrell - 145, 149
Texas, Texarkana - 116
Texas, Throckmorton - 145
Texas, Timpson - 149, 153
Texas, Troup - 117, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129, 133, 136, 137, 141,
  143, 145, 146, 150, 159, 162, 163
Texas, Van - 129, 133, 137, 138, 140, 152, 153, 155, 157-159, 161
Texas, Waco - 135, 140, 146, 152, 153, 159, 160
Texas, Whitehouse - 115, 118 , 163
Texas, Wills Point - 125, 128, 143, 152, 161
Texas, Winnsboro - 117, 127, 140, 145, 148, 159, 163
Texas, Winona - 125, 141, 146
Thacker, Cranston - 160
Thacker, Garry - 95, 135
Thedford, Barbara - 52, 160
Thedford, Donna - 160
Thibodeaux, Ann - 160
Thomas, Bob - 89
Thomas, Robert Wiley - 160
Thompson, Alyne - 160
Thompson, Beverly - 38, 160
Thompson, David - 161
Thompson, Jimmie - 135
Thompson, Lou - 135
Thompson-Hicks Insurance - 171
Thornton, Douglas - 135
Throckmorton, Texas - 145
Tidwell, Linda Jane - 82, 161
Timmons, Tim - 161
Timpson, Texas - 149, 153
Tindall, Albert Lee - 161
To-Kalon Sorority - 24, 36-38, 64
Tomlin, James - 161
Tomlin, Kay - 36, 38, 74, 79, 135
Tomlinson, Thomas - 161
Tooker, Tommy - 70, 95, 135
Town House - 173
Trammell, Bobby - 161
Travis, Judy - 161
Traylor, Andy - 161
Troup, Texas - 117, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129, 133, 136, 137, 141,
  143, 145, 146, 150, 159, 162, 163
Tucker, Robert B. - 161
Tucker, Robert H. - 161
Tunnell, Hubert - 15 
Tunnell, Judy - 81, 161
Tunnell, Robby - 161
Turman, James - 135
Turner, Henry R. - 136
Turner, James T. - 161
Turner, Larry - 42, 161
Turner, Marion - 96
Turner, Mary Leslie - 161
Turney, Joe - 95, 161
Tyler Allied Florists - 174
Tyler Bank and Trust Company - 168
Tyler Clearing House Association - 168
Tyler Nursery & Floral Company - 174
Tyler Uniform Company - 171
Tyra, Glenda Lou - 161
Underwood, Carol Marie - 161
University of Missouri - 11
University of Texas, The - 10-12
Van De Carr, Don - 161
Van Dover, Lee - 161
Van, Texas - 129, 133, 137, 138, 140, 152, 153, 155, 157-159, 161
Vance, Adolya - 161
Vaughn, Diane - 161
Vaughn, Jim (Dr.) - 15
Victoria Pirates - 88, 93
Village Bakery - 171
Vincent, Wayne - 136
Votaw, Texas - 146
Waco, Texas - 135, 140, 146, 152, 153, 159, 160
Wade, Bob - 161
Waggoner, John Paul - 136
Wagstaff, Floyd (Coach) - 18, 89, 97
Wakefield, Bernice - 161
Walker, Larry - 97, 101, 136
Wallace, Mary - 18
Wallace, Ronnie - 95
Wallace, Tony Neil - 136
Walters, John - 136
Walters, Margaret - 162
Ward, Ann - 52, 65, 162 
Ward, David - 136
Ward, Lavalla (Mrs.) - 112
Ward, Sue Ann - 81, 136
Warner, Mike - 162
Waterman, Loyd - 136
Watkins, Lucky - 136
Watkins, Pat - 38, 81, 162
Watson, Jimmy - 162
Watson, John Paul - 162
Watts, Wanda - 67, 162
Weaver, Jerry - 136
Webb, Charles A. - 162
Webb, Don - 53
Weddle, Bobby Gene - 97, 102, 136
Weeks, Kerry - 45, 162
Weeks, Nelta - 136
Weesner, Jimmy - 162
Weesner, Larry - 162
Welch, Ann - 162
Welch, Barba - 38, 81, 162
Welch, Suzanne - 162
Weldon, Sue - 32, 36, 38, 64, 79, 81, 114, 137
Wells, Annetta - 2, 30, 66, 137
Wells, Harold - 162
Welsh, Bruce - 162
Western Week Trophy Winners - 164
Westheimer, Jerome Max - 162
White, David - 162
White, Franklin Cordell - 162
White, Wayne - 137
Whitehouse, Texas - 115, 118, 163
Whitfield, Joe - 42, 137
Whitley, Allen - 162
Whitney, Alan - 45
Whitson, Don - 162
Whitten, Sammy - 137 
Whitus, Jerry - 162
Wieland, Mike - 162
Wiley, Gayle - 162
Wilkerson, Neill - 42, 82, 83, 114, 137
Wilkinson, Joel - 162
Williams, Ann - 163
Williams, Chester - 163
Williams, Dan - 163
Williams, Donald - 137
Williams, Janice - 163
Williams, Mabel - 18, 49
Williams, Paul - 137
Williams, Walter Earl - 163
Williams, Wanda - 163
Williams, Wayne - 163
Williamson, Charles - 163
Williamson, Richard - 137
Willis, Nickey - 163
Wills Point, Texas - 125, 128, 143, 152, 161
Wilmington, Delaware - 149
Wilson, Don - 27, 137, 163
Wilson, James - 2, 31, 137
Wilson, Lougene - 16
Wimberly, Gareld - 163
Wimberly, Larry - 163
Wines, Richard L. - 163
Winfield, Dorothy - 22
Winn, Jerry - 49, 137
Winnsboro, Texas - 117, 127, 140, 145, 148, 159, 163
Winona, Texas - 125, 141, 146
Wise Auditorium - 7
Wise, Watson W. - 15 
Wods, Merless - 163
Womack, Nelda Jen - 163
Women's Dorm - 46
Women's Residence - 8, 64
Woods, Merless - 97, 102
Wooten, James E. - 95, 137
Wooten, Jimmy - 92, 94
World Student Christian Federation - 25
Wright, James - 95, 163
Wright, Sandra Rovida - 38, 81, 163
Wyatt, Charlie - 163
Wyman, Robert Wayne - 138
Yancy, Jimmy - 163
Young Motor Company - 169
Young, Ted - 163
Young, Tommy - 138
Zerr, Wayne V. - 138

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