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Transcribed by Jeanne Sellers

. . . THE ALCALDE . . .

Volume 6

Published Annually by

The Student Body of the

Tyler High School

Tyler, Texas

Price ---Seventy-five cent: by mail Eighty-five cents. Horace Thomasson, Manager

Page 4

Picture of Mr. C. H. Rutledge

Page 5


To him, who has ever been the
pupils' friend, helper, and
teacher, who has always had
for us a kind and helpful
word and who is loved
and honored by all
his pupil, to Mr. C.
H. Rutledge who
respectfully ded-
icate this vol-
ume of the

Page 6

Picture of 6 men unidentified men [possibly school board]

Page 7


We desire to thank the School Board for so greatly ex-
tending the services of the High School by the addition of the
departments of Domestic Science, Domestic Art and Manual
Training; for the splendidly equipped gymnasium; for the
kindly advice and generous support given us in our various
student enterprises; for their time so unselfishly given and
their goodly offices so often employed in raising our school
to its present high standard of efficiency.

Page 8


Albert R. Young Editor-in-Chief
Horace B. Thomasson Business Manager


Opal Porter Geraldine Boone
Ike Crutcher Nathan Goldstucker
Katy Waterman Lovic Roberts
Marjorie Goodman Maurine Littlejohn
Pat H. Beaird

Page 9


Dear Patrons and Sister Schools: We wish to extend to you
our hearty greetings. And we sincerely hope that
you shall find some pleasure in our little book.
Our work is amateur as you will find,
but it came from earn-
est and faithful

Page 10

Two pictures of old and new high school

Page 11


Close your eyes a moment and call up the image of the Old High School. What do you see? A dilapidated, rusty looking, old brick building, with broken windows and worn steps, an old plow share hanging, in one of the front upstair's windows as a substitute for a bell. Inside you see the plaster out in places, walls disfigured with pictures and names, desks broken and mutilated in every conceivable way, no adequate place to assemble the student body, an old tin roof that rattles so in the wind that you think the building is coming down about your ears (which there is danger of), old cracked stoves which are always either too hot or too cold.

Now open your eyes and see the new building, a beautiful, up to date structure fitted throughout with electricity and running water. Where John once beat on a plow-share with a hammer, he now merely presses a button. Modern desks, tinted walls, frescoed ceilings, beautiful pictures, an assembly capacity of holding eight hundred people, and office for staff of the Alcalde, steam heat, a large gymnasium with four instructors, Manual Training and Domestic Science departments, thoroughly fitted out physics and chemistry laboratories, and a spacious study hall, all help to make the dear old T.H.S. one of the best High Schools in the State.

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Page 13

W. T. Adams Superintendent
R. D. Bryan Principal
Miss Mattie Jones Literature
Miss Lucia Douglas History
Mr. J. B. Bright Mathematics
Mr. C. H. Rutledge Science
Miss Alice Douglas Latin
Miss Koch German
Mr. R. J. Ratliff Latin
Miss Thatcher Domestic Science
Mr. Belew Science
Mrs. Urquhart Literature

Page 14

Supt. W. T. Adams (photo)

Principal R. B. Bryan (photo)

Indiana Normal, State Normal, State University, Chicago University.
"He doeth little kindnesses which most leave
undone or despised."

Page 15

Miss Koch (photo)
University of Iowa.
"A rare flower."

Mr. J. B. Bright (photo)
East Texas Normal College.
"I've always been called 'Bright'."

Page 16

Miss Mattie Jones(photo)
Peabody College, University of Chicago.
University of Colorado.
"Concentrate your thoughts."

Mr. R. J. Ratliff (photo)
Baylor University, A.B.
"Truly a Latin scholar."

Page 17

Miss Alice Douglas (photo)
University of Texas
"She Never uses 'Slang'."
M . Belew (photo)
Baylor University A. B.
"The student's friend."

Page 18
Mrs. Urquart (photo)
University of Chicago, Winchester
Normal College, Southwest Texas
State Normal
"Dearie; Dearie; Dearie."
Mr. C. H. Rutledge (photo)
Baylor University, A.B.
"A man of kindnesses and brains."

Page 19
Miss Lucia Douglas (photo)
University of Nashville, University of
Chicago. "She loves all history."
Miss Thatcher (no photo) Domestic Science
College Industrial Arts, Denton, Texas
"A teacher loved by all."

Page 20

Page 21

Tyler, Texas

Page 22


Seniors are we
And glad to be
To enter life prepared.

But though we're glad,
We also are sad
in leaving friends endeared.,

We start to day
To map our way
Along life's weary beat.

And never more
as we did before
Our childhood days we'll meet.

We've played and won
In this game of fun
Of getting an education.

But the gambol of life
Awaits our strife
And we hold no hesitation.
___A. Y. '15

Page 23


Katy Waterman President
Maurine Littlejohn Vice President
Ruth Hambrick Secretary
Joseph Roberts Treasurer
Lovic Roberts Prophet
Marion Seeton Art


The class, now known as the "Senior Kindergarten," was initiated into the T.H.S. in nineteen hundred and eleven, there being at that time, between one hundred and twenty-five and thirty pupils, all of which were endowed with remarkable intellect and brilliant minds (as was soon noticed in their tenth year when – but I am in too big a hurry to get to a more important epoch in their history to notice them in their unimportant state.)
We had all learned before reaching the Tyler High School that we would be called "Freshies," and be of very little importance except as objects upon which our more sedate and dignified Seniors would take revenge, for any harm done them by anyone. We have found, though, since reading "Julius Caesar" with Miss Mattie, "A friend should bear a friend's infirmaties," that they were wiser, had learned to keep their minds from wandering, and were more able to concentrate them, without being compelled to chase their thoughts.
When the curtain rose and we came forth upon the Sophomore platform to make our low, we missed the genial smiles and happy laughter of some who thought they might

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reach ambition's goal much sooner via General Offices or T.C.C., and had diminished our jolly band by their unexpected flight. Our most preeminent episode during this season, was a suffragette campaign, in which several of our most honorable teachers, such as Miss Douglas and Miss Andrews, joined with the movement. A most notable fight occurring between Mr. Gideon and several of the boys. Thanks to the superior knowledge and wise judgment of those few however, mot of our fair sex are now more favorably inclined in that direction, furthermore we are certain that in a few years we will be able to - (but there I'm off the track again.)
"JUNIORS", how the word brings happy memories, first, of the great carnival given on the T.H.S. campus, confetti, side shows, greatest minstrels ever witnessed by living eyes, May-pole dance, and ever so many attractions, which taken together resulted in starting the Junior bank account. In this grade our most famous geometry class was started, one that was destined to run thru the tenth and eleventh grades before it penetrated the "teak wood domes" of many of our star students.

At last we carved out our passage of success to the hall of the notorious Seniors. What found hopes have been, both displaced and realized. What wonderful air castles blown away by the mere instigation of those that have survived the toils and hardships of the last three years. How infinitesimal we appear upon the horizon, compared with a retrospective glance of our first imagination of Seniors.
Our first deed was to make an order for class rings and pins, but because of some not attending the meeting that afternoon, a second order had to be made. Then the long, dreary, wearisome months of waiting, because of the "hard times" and the inability of some to remember that they owed a debt. They came, however, after so long a time, and not a Senior now dares leave his home without his pin or ring to signify his superior rank.
The edition of the "Student News", is a new item of the High School's Curriculum. Through it we are able to keep in touch with the different members of our class and criticize their conduct to the utmost.
The last week in February is a most noted one to the entire school. Mr. Bryant introduced the "marching system". We met it with a smile, although keep down in our hearts we despised it, and we hope to life to see the coming generations of the High School, more lady like and gentleman like, so that they will not have to endure the humiliation of "lining up," while the "passer bys" look on and laugh.
Numerous other odd physiognomies might be added to this list, but owing to lack of space, I will end this strange eventful history. Of course we went through the usual graduation exercises, and landed "pel mel" in the midst of life, with its rolling billows and dashing waves, each wending his separate path through the trials and tribulations of this world at the same time caressing the memories of T.H.S. with all of its teachers.

--M. L.

Page 25

Lanta Wilson Odessa Anderson
First Honor Pupil, Girls' Debating Second Honor, Debating Club.
Club. "A silent tongue does not bespeak
"She attains what ere she aims at." a fool."

Annie Lee Lambright Opal Porter
Debating Club. Fourth Honor Pupil, Debating Club.
"A rosebud set with willful thorns." B.B. Team, Alcalde Staff, Student
News Staff.
"Admired by all."

Page 26

Sunshine Pope Ruth Hambrick
Debating Club, Glee Club, B.B. Debating Club, Glee Club, Class
"Her life is as her name." Sec'y
"A dainty maiden, - she."

Nellie Mae Smith Marion Sneed
Girls' Debating Club Debating Club, N.Y.U., Foot Ball
"Patience marks her every action." Team, Athletic Club, Mgr. Carnival.
"A rough exterior but a kind heart."

Page 27

Mary Kilfoyle Marjorie Goodman
Debating Club, Glee Club, German Debating Club, Athletic Club, B.B.
Club. Team, Alcalde and Students News "I never trouble trouble." Staff
"First in service."

Marion Goldstucker Norma Burnett
German club, Debating Club. Girls' Debating Club, Glee Club, "A serious mind." Athletic, B.B. Team.
"Is it a sin to flirt?"

Page 28

Bryan Marsh Josephine Taylor
Debating Club, Foot Ball Team Girls' Debating Club, German Club.
"I love the ladies." "She was extravagant with her words."

Albert Young Inez Anderson
Debating Club, Foot Ball Team, Editor Girls' Debating Club.
Alcalde, Business Mgr. Student News, "A maiden among many."
Pres. Athletic Club, Representative
Debator, Glee Club.
"Practical business is in itself an educa-

Page 29

Florence Gorman Iva Henry
Debating Club. Debating Club, Glee Club, B. B. "Her eyes reflect her soul." Team.
"All who knew her loved her."

Jacob Eisen Hattie Fleschner
Debating Club, German Club, Foot Fifth Honor, Debating Club, German
Ball Team. Club.
"I choose the harder road." "She always studies."

Page 30

Betty Pinkerton Fred Baldwin
Debating Club, German Club Debating Club, German Club.
"God loves a cheerful heart." "I strive to reach the highest."

Katy Waterman Margaret Smith
Pres. Senior Class, Alcalde and Stu- President Debating Club, Glee Club,
dent News Staff, Debating Club, Pre- Intermediate Debater.
liminary Debator, Athletic Club. "Exceedingly wise, fair spoken, and
"Oh? the sadness of her sadness when persuading."
she is sad."

Page 31

Bonnie Bryant Grace Simpson
Girls' Debating Club, German Club Debating Club, Athletic Club, Glee
"Her eyes speak when her lips Club.
are silent." "Her name is an expression of her
every movement."

Morgan Oden Cade Smith
Debating Club, N.Y.U., German Debating Club, German Club, N.Y.
Club, Base Ball Team U., Athletic Club.
"A true son of chivalry." "He valueth his own opinion."

Page 32

Geraldine Boone Pat Beaird
Girls' Debating Club, Athletic Club, President, Debating Club, Athletic
Glee Club, B. B. Team. Club, N.Y.U., Alcalde Staff, Repre-
"She does not lack expression." sentative Debator.
"He would a fishing go."

Lila Allison Elizabeth Pirtle
Girls' Debating Club, Athletic Club, Debating Club, German Club.
B.B. Team, Glee Club. "Quietness Charms All."
"Low is her voice and sweet."

Page 33

Grace Kendrick Mary Allen
Debating Club. Girls Debating Club, Athletic Club.
"Her sunny smile was carming. [sic]." "She doth argue."

Tom Collier Gladys Thedford
Third Honor Pupil, Debating Club, Debating Club.
N.Y.U., Foot Ball Team, Base Ball "I deal much in rare knowledge."
"Love is but a passing dream."

Page 34

Lovic Roberts Lois Holland
Debating Club, Glee Club. Debating Club, German Club.
"She is ever conscious of her charms." "She spared not words."

Marion Seeton Horace Thomasson
Debating Club, Alcalde Staff. Debating Club, Foot Ball Team, "Fickle minded maiden." Base Ball Team, Business Mgr.
Alcalde, Student News Staff, German Club.
"He thinks more of others than himself."

Page 35

Joseph Roberts Louise Marsh
Debating club, Base Ball Team;, N. ` Debating Club, Glee Club.
Y.U., Athletic Club, Glee Club "Beauty is nature's brag."
"A society life for me."

T. Royal Smith Kathleen Coker
Debating Club, Foot Ball Team, Base Girls' Debating Club.
Ball Team, Glee Club, Athletic Club "A maiden of rare beauty."
"The Lord helps those who help them-

Page 36

Lucile Holmes Ella Mae Fletcher
Debating Club. Sec'y of Debating Club, Glee Club.
"I love not men, but man." "Modesty was the greatest of her

Francis Prestwood Alex Woldert
Debating Club President, N.Y.U., Base Ball Team,
"She loveth oratory." Athletic Club, Debating Club.
"He spendeth wisely."

Page 37

Royal Philips Maurine Littlejohn
Secretary of Debating Club, N.Y. Debating Club, Glee Club, Class
U. Staff.
"So young and yet so wise." "She speaks an indefinite deal of

Gladys Corbin Lena Verner
Girls' Debating Club. Debating Club.
"Did you see a man?" "I came for a purpose."

Page 38

Homer Brown Nathan Goldstucker
Debating Club, Base Ball Team, Foot Captain Foot Ball Team, Base
Ball Team, N.Y.U., Glee Club. Ball Team. Debating Club, German
"I mix my work with a little pleas- Club, Glee Club.
ure." "Is love blind?"

Israel Morein Gus Taylor
Debating Club, Base Ball Team, Foot Debating Club, German Club.
Ball Team, N.Y.U., German Club,
"Books are not my chief concern."
Athletic Club.
"Ich ga bibble."

Page 39

Louise Loving
Debating Club, B.B. Team, Athletic
"Few who know her understood her."

Page 40

Page 41

Snatches from a Senior's Diary

New York City, Jan. 1. 1920.
"Bachelor Maid's Apartment."
Today we start on our long anticipated journey, a trip across the water. It makes us very proud (even old maids are proud of themselves) to feel that we have saved enough to take this wonderful trip. We have worked diligently though, for the past four years.
Maurine Littlejohn has rather overtaxed her nerves teaching school and many nights
Marion Seeton has had to buy kerosene oil to wash the daubs of scenery colors off her face – often times students mistake her face for their easel. And I'm just an old maid music teacher, that's all.
But now we are going to have a year of holidays and happiness. We're all packed and ready to start – I wonder what news we can bring back to our cozy little apartment – well we will see.
January 2, 1920, Steamer Washington.
Yesterday was full of surprises as we started up the gang plank of the ship we saw Captain Alex Woldert, a great, big, handsome fellow, who almost cried at seeing us, especially as Maurine was with us. He told us that he had joined the navy for he had loved the water so he could not resist. He related to us something of many of our schoolmates, but said that he saw them often and that one was Horace Thomasson, who was not one of his "sailor boys" and in whom we afterwards saw a wonderful change.
January 8, 1920.
My, what a fine trop we have had across the water – we land today at 3:30 p. m. and not one of us have even complained.
Last night we danced for a whole with Captain Alex, and Oh, I haven't told you before that we met our chum, Joseph Roberts, who is just as handsome as ever, and a fine dancer. He has been with us continually; he is quite a "dude".
This ends our steamer trip for a time.
January 10, 1020, London, England.
What a grand place is London, so quaint and so picturesque.
Last night we went to the old theatre "London, paid $5 for a seat. The orchestra was fine, but when the curtain rose, we found to our astonishment, that the opera company called "The Royal-Smith Operatic Co.," was composed by Royal Phillips, (T) Royal Smith, Cade Smith, Nellie Mae Smith and Margaret Smith. they displayed wonderful talent as actors. The special feature between acts was a spot light dance by Louise Marsh.
January 23, 1920, Paris, France.
On the way to Paris we saw the famous secret service agent for the United States, namely Annie Lee Lambright. She has won world renown for her dangerous exploits.
In our first tour of the city we saw on the first corner, Grace Kendrick, a lady preacher. She was preaching her special sermon, which

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was to definitely locate Heaven. She received much valuable knowledge from
Miss Jones in the discussion of "Paradise Lost."
On the very next street corner was Israel Morein with his monkey and hand organ; also his wife, Hattie Fleschner, selling onions at five cents a bunch.
One of the most touching talks I have ever heard was by Mary Kilfoyle this morning when she saw us. She is here poverty stricken, but an artist whom the world will recognize as great some day.
What a small world, but what a very strange one!
February 3, 1920, Hong Kong, China.
Little book, have I been neglecting you? Nothing of importance has occurred until today, although we have come from Paris to Hong Kong. This morning as we were riding around in the cute little cart, we saw one who looked very familiar to us; it was Lilah Allison, the wife of a sailor in China. She said she loved the strangeness of this land and her husband too. She carried us to see Gladys Corbin, now a missionary in China.
As we came from her home, we, worn out from excitement and pleasure, say coming down the street on a auto a sign reading, "From here to there, 5c." It was a jitney. We hailed it and found that the driver was the beautiful Miss Iva Henry. She a has amassed quite a fortune in this profession.
March 1, 1920.
Today we took a pleasure trip on the Dead Sea, and there we found Miss Geraldine Boone, a lonely love-pirate.
March 2, 1920.
A month has passed. After three months in the old world, today we start for home - American – we three prim old maids have decided to return by California, Colorado, and Texas, yes, we are going to visit Tyler. Won't that be fine?
April 10, 1920. San Francisco, Cal.
On American soil at last in beautiful San Francisco. We had a "lovely" time in Europe, and there the sights were great and beautiful; but we were glad to see a street thronged with "our" people.
May 1, 1920.
A flower festival was held today after the parade had passed we saw in immense crowd gathered on a corner. We feared something had happened to a float or decorated vehicles, so we investigated and found that two men were fighting over a game. Nathan Goldstrucker and Marion Sneed – then we remembered that they had frequently practiced this game under the desk at school.
A lecture on Woman's Suffrage being much advertised we went at the appointed hour. We went into the auditorium where a large crowd had gathered and there was Lanta, yes, Lanta Wilson – lecturing on Woman's Suffrage, and why Girls Should not
be Sentimental. She had received such helpful knowledge in her school days from Miss Jones.
May 20, 1920.
Returning from California and while our train was delayed several hours., we saw a Movie company taking pictures. We recognized among them some of our school mates – Marjorie Goodman, Norma Burnett, Lois Holland, Mary Allen and Homer Brown. They were frantic about their work.
June 5, 1920, Denver, Colo.
In Denver these two weeks, we have been another friend and Senior mate, Josephine Taylor, the most famous woman aeroplanist

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ever known so daring that it makes one shiver to watch her. We did enjoy the ring of her experiences.
June 8, 1920, Denver.
Yesterday we took a trip up the mountains and away up almost in the clouds was a little hermitage in which dwelled Loise Loving, translating and scanning "Vergil." She asked us about Mr. Ratliff.
July 4, 1920.
Isn't it fine to be so near home, just a half hour, and we will reach Dallas then to Tyler.
July 7, 1920, Tyler, Texas.
What a great bug lump in our throats when we heard the brakeman scream "Tyler, Tyler." We spent the day yesterday in Dallas with our friend, Ruth Hambrick, who is the wife of the Latin teacher in the Dallas High School, formerly of T.H.S. She came to Tyler with us for a short visit.
Today we saw Dr. Fred Baldwin with Miss Pope, who has become the "Sunshine of his life. They were very happy, but Gus Taylor is pining away on account of the loss of Sunshine.
Katy Waterman is the leading lady in a Texas Minstrel Company. She was in Tyler on a visit too. She told us that Kathleen Coker and Frances Prestwood were the wives of farmers living on adjoining farms near Troup. We called them up and told them to come to Tyler for a few days, which they joyously did, and we girls hada [sic] dinner given to us by some of our old friends and teachers.
We talked of old times, and of the Bakers' Dozen, which was a delight to all of us. The absent members were spoken of and after dinner we got out the Alcalde of 1915 and were looking at the pictures of our class mates. Marion, Maurine were telling of those we had seen, when we come to the picture of David Briggs. Miss Lucia told us that he was still earnestly laboring over a local history of Pine Springs.
Aug. 20, 1920.
To leave Tyler, the home of our girlhood joys, proved our most difficult task. The endearing scenes of our school days come crowding like a mightly host upon us, and we take leave of our former friends and teachers with feeling of one ostracized from his native land. Farewell, beautiful town of Tyler, it is a sad farewell, for
Breathes there a Tylerite with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
It is my own, my native town,
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned,
As homeward his footsteps he hath turned
From wandering on a foreign strand.
August 26, 1920, St. Louis, Mr. [sic]
Our sojourn in St., Loius [sic] has been very brief for Maurine soon must begin her daily trend of grinding out English to those who need it and both Marion and I will be quite as busy except in different ways.
We learned at Tyler that Betty Pinkerton was the leading surgeon in the Baptist Sanitorium here; so we went to see her, and met her two most patient and skilful nurses: Bonnie Bryant and Elizabeth Pirtle. We congratulate them, and as we were taking out leave they told us that the large beautiful building a few blocks away was an orphans' home founded and conducted by Marion Goldstucker. We went to see her, and she was "awfully" happy with her sweet work.
Yesterday at the St. Louis Exposition we heard a voice that sounded very familiar to us and found Odessa Anderson screaming in her mightly small voice, "Curio, Curio". After a few minutes talk we went inside and there, yes, honestly, we saw with our own

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eyes, Inez Anderson, the fattest living lady. We also talked with Lena Verner, a Red Cross nurse there.
August 20, 1920.
In Chicago yesterday we got into a taxi to go the hotel and as we drove up State Street, our taxi knock down a Catholic Nun. A great big policeman ran to her. He stated that we were arrested, and as he did so, he looked up at us – it was Morgan Oden. And the pretty little nun whom he held unconscious in his arms was Florence Gorman. We were grateful to find she had only been badly shaken. We give talked for hours about Tyler and our school notes, then bade them farewell.
As we walked into the lobby of the beautiful hotel, we met Bryan Marsh. We exchange experiences – his were a trip to Mars in an aeroplane made by himself. He explained to us many of the Heavenly bodies which had been a mystery to us and even to our teacher, Prof. Rutledge.
August 31, 1920, Washington, D.C.
Simply walking on air today. On our arrival, a charming woman met us in a big, black limousine. She, Grace Simpson, is the wife of the president of the United States, Mr. Pat H. Beaird. Bryan had telegraphed them of our coming. An elaborate entertainment was given in the White House in our honor.
September 12, 1920, Philadelphia, Penn.
Arrived here today at 2 o'clock, our train leaves at 6 thirty
minutes longer to wait.
Across the street from here is the court house. Here they were holding court, and, according to instructions given us in our last school days, we decided to attend court here. The two leading lawyers are Lucille Holmes and Gladys Thedford. (What do you think of that?)
September 12, 1920.
At last we are on the very train carrying us to New York City. And guess who the conductor is? None other than our friend, Albert Young. He is as jolly as ever, and of course we have had a happy time telling him of our experiences and whom we had seen and talked to – and just then we realized we had seen every member of our class except one, and Albert told us that he, Thomas Collier, was in the jungles of Africa teaching the natives to be "civil" to engineers, and while defending himself with his
spondees. What a life for such a handsome young man to lead.
New York, N.Y., September 13, 1920.
Back home, and what a wonderful year, only a few more days of vacation, then work begins anew.
And now a wish that very reader may in some way experience the joy that we have had.

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Pat Beaird – They say love is blind. Tom Co
Tom Collier – A girl would sure have to be blind for you to get her.
Pat Beaird – Self bragging is half-scandal even if you can't get one, Tom.

No green moss is gathered by rolling stones, but green backs my be gathered by rolling bones.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went,

The lamb was sure to go.
She took it to the laboratory one day.
And now it is no more.
For what he thought was H2O
was H2SO4.

Israel Morein – Tell me, T. Roy, why is George Washington called the father of his country?
T. Roy Smith – Ah, go on, when I get to Heaven, I'll ask him.
Israel Morein – And what if George Washington is not in Heaven?
T. Roy Smith – Then you will have the pleasure of asking him.

Morgan Oden – The people in Mexico must be pretty rizzy by this time.
Cade Smith – Why?
Morgan Oden – As a consequence of going through so many revolutions.

Tom Collier – Joe, do you know the latest?

Joe Roberts – What is it?
Tom Collier – A tack can stand on its head all day without getting dizzy or red in the face.

Miss Jones – Lovie, why did Milton write "Samson Agonistes?"
Lovic Roberts – Because he was antagonized by Samson.

Anyone finding a pony in school will please return it to the livery stable as school is no place for him.

Miss Mattie – David, correct this sentence: "It ain't Monday today."
David Briggs – "It isn't Monday today."
Miss Mattie – "Why don't you use ain't."
David Briggs – "Because there ain't such a word."

Katy W. – (In Latin) "And they are silent and stand about on their ears."
Latin Teacher – "Albert can you translate?"
Albert Y. – "Yes'um and they are silent and stand up holding their ears."
Geraldine B. – (Reading) "They stood with ears pricked up."
Katy – "They must have been donkeys."

Katy W. (At class meeting) – Albert has the floor.
Kathleen C. – Oh, my beloved (?)

Chemistry Questions
Mr. R. – Cooper sulphide plus sulphur equal what?
Smart Pupil – Cu plus S2 equal profanity.
Mr. R. – Prove it.
Pupil – Well according to the formula Cu plus S2 equal CuSS.
A similar equation is Ki plus S2 equal KiSS.
Mr. R. – Albert name the iron ores.
Albert Y. – Hematite, heratite, and hug-me-tite.

Mr. Bryan to pupil in Geometry class – What is an arc?
Bright pupil – I don't know the exact definition but I can name three.
Mr. Bryan – What? Well, go ahead.
Pupil – Plutarch, Joan of Arc, and Noah' Ark.

There I a young lady in Missouri,
Names Miss Phoebe B. Beebe.
If she lost her pet bee, we could say
Where can Miss Phobe [sic] B. Beebe's bee be?

Page 46

A canner decidedly canny,
Once remarked to his granny:
A canner can can anything that he can,
But a canner can't can a can can he?

Gatha' Gum
Gatha had a piece of gum,
She chewed it loud and slow; And everywhere that Gatha went,
That gum was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rule;
Miss Mattie took it away from her,
And chewed it after school.

Beth's Answer
Miss Lucia (Teaching History) – Class, how many of you want to go to Heaven?
Beth T. – Pa has painted the house and shingled the barn and says we can't go any where this summer.


Gee, but it is good to be Seniors now;
And have everyone greet you with a bow.
Even the faculty look upon us with respect,
And are very careful lest they neglect.
The superintendent is as nice as can be
For we are seniors now you see.
But I for one will be glad when out of school,
For I am tired of obeying the golden rule,
And staying up late at night to finish an essay,
That is due some teacher the following day,
Or have to miss an auto ride
To study [sic] about hydrogen-sulphide,
And at night hit the floor with a terrible jar
To find you have been dreaming of the Civil War.
Mention Latin and everyone will run
Saying with Virgil, I am gladly done.
Of course my English, I surely adore,
But morning exercises are truly a bore.
And when we eave this dear old school,
As according to our fixed rule.
We have saved our outlines and essays dear
To give to the Seniors of the Nest year.
- Inez Anderson '15

Page 47


Once upon a time, in fact, about two years before our new high school building was completed, an exceedingly large freshman class entered the old high school building and began the painful effort of toiling upward. Little was then thought of this ignorant crowd of first year pupils and no one held a moment's supposition that this was the banner class of the school. But neverthelesh [sic] it

proved to be, no one doubts for a moment at the present, that the 1915 Senior class is the greatest class that has ever made its exit from the High School. Even in its infancy this class held a marked respect in the minds of the entire student body and also the teachers, but as the class progressed, respect grew to wonder and from wonder to admiration, until at the present time this class in all the heights of its glory is "worshipped" with a feeling that contains respect, wonder, and admiration all combined by all the pupils and teachers.

What! Did I hear you say we were bragging? Friend, you are mistaken, we're not over rating ourselves, we have the proof to back what we say, which proof we will give you further on in this underestimated narrative (I put all this in here to hold the reader's attention and to fill up space.)
Now the 1915 Senior class is not only the largest class that ever graduated from the High School, but without a doubt it is the most brilliant. Never in the history of the school have so many scholarly people graduate [sic] from it. We do not hesitate to entertain the belief that we have within our midst men who will some day be governors and presidents; we have orators who we believe will some day outrank even Caesar and Cicero; and many poets who if they care it, will surpass even Virgil himself. We have the most beautiful girls and the most handsome boys of the school and we think of the State. We are the first class in Tyler and I think of the work to successfully introduce the High School Carnival which we started in our Junior Year. We are the first class in Tyler as well as in this part of the State that has ever edited a student newspaper, which paper we edited this year and made a success of it, and also we have edited an annual, which far surpasses any annual of previous years; we are the second to ever graduate from the new building, which has inspired us greatly, and the first Senior class to ever have the advantages of the new departments, namely, Domestic Science, Manual Training and Gymnasium work.
Now friend, after you have weighed each and every one of these facts and have been the intelligent look on the Seniors' faces, if you are not one of the previous years' graduates, I believe you will heartily agree with me when I say the 1915 Senior class is the greatest class that ever strode forth from the High School onto the stage of life.

Page 48


Oh, Time's hard hand may guide us all
Through devious, winding ways,
But treasured safe, beyond his power
Are the dreams of High School Days.
And though he drift us far and wide,
O'er life's wild, rushing stream,
Forever there shall dwell with us
Fond thought for old '15.
And when bright Fame about some brow,
Her laurel, wreath shall twine
Kind memories for the favored one
Within our hearts shall shine.,
While close beside these happy thoughts,
Some sparkling day shall come.
To whisper tales of noble deeds
Which yet remain unsung.
But 'round about these visions gay,
One fairer still shall cling;
So for the teachers' cheering words
Our grateful praise shall ring,.
And when the world shall sweep us forth
To toss us on its breast
Oh, may their blessings, warm and true
Upon our heads then rest.
Oh, may the days on many dials
Pass, e'er some tolling bell,
Shall summon one from out our midst,
Where we must say: "Farewell."
- Lanta Wilson.

Page 49


Page 50

Page 51


Page 52
(Group photo Junior Class 10 A, not identified)

Page 53

Junior Class 10 A

Tom Walker
James Burnett,
Will Hanson
Clyde Ingram
Joe Gentry
Joe Terrin
Phillip Golenternek
Alfred Johnson
Gillis Campbell
Minnie Yarbrough
Ruth Haney
Julia Perry
Gathia McFarland
Letia Yarbrough
Nathalia Liebreich
Minnie Allen
Segie Stone
Beth Tukesbury
Wayne Dean.

Junior Class Officers

Joe Gentry President
Julia Perry V.-President
Gillis Campbell Secretary
Ruth Haney Treasurer

Page 54
(Group photo, Junior Class 10 B, not identified)

Page 55

John Hendricks
Ike Crutcher
Robert Hamilton
John Parker
Hudson McMinn
George Liebe
Ruth Wiggins
Annie Bonner McClendon
Nellie Ford
Mable Ford
Rosie Kline
Lucille Caldwell
Genevieve Garnett
Lorena King
Marie Maud Reese
Kate Phillips
Anna B. Salmond
Patience McClendon
Leah Long
Gladys Artis
Willie Bell Fuller
Reba Martin
Carrie Mae Langford

Junior Class Officers

Ike Crutcher President
George Liebe V.-President
Mable Ford Sec'y-Treas.

Page 56


Mr. Rutledge (In Physics Class) - "The closer you get the stronger the attraction."

Do you suppose Mr. Getty could learn me the Blackismith's trade?
He might teach me it.

Minnie Yarbrough, reciting the life of Irving – His mother was an Englishman.

Laugh and the school laughs with you, get sore and they'll laugh some more.

M. Belew – Horace would be a good pitcher if he were not so wild.
Wayne Dean – Ugh, that is just the nature of the brute.

Julia, who is an anti-socialist – Reba, if you had two English notebooks, would you give
me one?
Beba[sic] – Most assuredly, Julia Dear.
Julia – If you had two translations Virgil would you give me one?
Reba – Sure Mike.
Julia- If you had two pencils, would you give me one?
Reba very heatedly – No, I would not. You know I have two pencils.

Joe Herrin – Say, Gillis, what's the best thing to do for a night mare?
Gillis Campbell – Give her dose of turpentine, take off her harness and let her go.

Quoth Mt. [sic] Ratliff – You may pride yourself in your utter lack of enthusiasm, and you may boast about yourself restraining will power, but there is at least one thing, which if you get into it, you will find that there are times when you simply can't help being entirely taken up with it.
James Burnett – And what is that?
Mr. Ratliff – An elevator.

If we die and go to heaven,
There we'll see the football 'leven,
But if we die and go to hell,
Then we'll make Stewart Irwin spell TYLER

Mr. Rutledge – What is steam?
Robt. Hamilton – It's water gone crazy with the heat.

Freshman – Why have you that bandage around your head?
Junior – A thought suddenly struck me.

Will H. – Miss Mattie, what is a battlelion?
Miss Mattie – A what?
Will H. – A battlelion.
Will was trying to ask about battalion.

Mr. Rutledge – Wayne, what are the best three media for transmitting sound?
Wayne D. – Graphaphone, megaphone, and telephone.

Miss Mattie – So you have written on both sides of your paper, Philip?
Philip G. – Ye, I am preparing for hard times.

Mr. Ratliff – George, what composes the Roman senate?
George L. - Senators

Page 57


Page 58
(Group photo, Sophomore Class 9 A, not identified)

Page 59
Sophomore Class 9 A

Verenus Hale
Richard Hale
Ross Chitwood
Albert Bell
Howard Summerville
Maurice Lovelady
Edwin Foscue
John Oden
Darwin Joyner
Genevieve Corbin
Edwin Mosby
Bonjie Barron
Tom Wilson
Clarence Moore
Michael Goldstucker
Milard Mimms
Raymond Golson
Edwin Gilliam
Solomon Morein
Bernard Gardner
Paul Stone
Anna Lee Estes
Ida Mae Erwin
Lois Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Smiley
Margarite Seeton
Genie Starnes
Marie Shuford
Lena Ginn
Alla Mae Curry
John Beaird
Elizabeth Smiley
Marie Shuford

Grady Ferrell Lois Fitzgerald Cathaline Harris
Margarite Seeton Genie Starnes Florence Pounds
Susie Scott Mary Gresham Elanor Brazelton
Thelma McGinnis Ethel Friedlander
Nellie Marshall Lois Estes
Lois Estes

Sophomore Class Officers
Lois Fitzgerald President
Edwin Mosby V.-President
Tom Wilson Treasurer

Page 60
(Group photo, Sophomore Class 9 B, not identified)

Page 61

Sophomore Class 9B

George Denison
Pane Whisinant
Simon Meyer
Frank Walker
Askew Waterman
Mae Lorance
Ernest Bell
Gilmon Cawthorn
Henry Burks
Florence Holland
Mitch Taylor
Francis Mathews
Leon Shuttlesworth
Lois Crawford
Ruby Gage
Julia Cherry
Cornelia Cherry
Maurine Ford
Leximae Palmore
Lucretia Reel
Alliene Jay
Noriene Walker
Ora Brown
Evaline Basham
Virginia Fletcher
Noriene Peerson
Beryl Bulloch

Sophomore Class Officers
Maurine Ford President
Florence Holland V-President
Alliene Jay Sec'y-Treas.

Page 62


Maurine Ford – Did you know that Adam met Eve in a dry goods store?
Ruth Haney – No, did he?
Maurine Ford – Yes, didn't he meet her at the rib-in-counter?

Many humorous incidents occurred not very long ago in Miss Jones' Literature class. While the class was discussing Milton's Paradise Lost, Miss Jones stated that Satan was cast out of Heaven by God. (Reference the Bible). Some one asked her where was Heaven. She said that the school room was not the place to discuss the definite location of Heaven and Hell.

Miss Jones – What incident in Paradise Lost seemed to impress you most?
Tom Wilson – Well, when God captured Satan and then let him go. I don't see why God did not keep him while He had him.

Miss Mattie also states that Hell is represented by – Darwin can't you keep still?
Domestic Science
My cake is dough, my mush is bad,
The coffee is muddy and popovers sad:
The cream won't freeze and pies won't bake;
I think some lessons in cookery I'll take.
There is only one thing left for me,
That is "2" go "2" T.H.S. and "2C"
Those girls do things up very fine;
There I won't "B" ashamed when guests come "2" dine. - Exchange

D. J. – Say, if a rich man were not to be very bright, would he be a doughnut?

Why is a compliment from a chicken an insult?
Because it is foul language.

Page 63


Page 64
(Group photo, Freshman Class 8 A, not identified)

Page 65


Lillian Pirtle
George Hill
Raymond Harris
Marvin Carson
Bruce Ezel
Sammie Cohen
Rudolph Rosenstein
Georgie Crow
Artis Wooten
Eulas Hall
Jewel Loving
Lewis Casien
Pearl Adams
Cleo Lacy
Mary Martin
Zula Harmon
Bessie Bryant
Emma Price
Robert Bridges
Bernard Boyd
Lee Edwards
Freddie Fifer
Morris Gans
Willie May White
Lexie Land
Lillian Howell
Geneva King
Uarine Hale

Jessie Barton Margarette Thompson
Marguerite Ross Johnnie Arrowood
Sarah Butler Vera Williamson
Cleota Simons Francis Sledge
Allie Mae Thomasson


Johnnie Arrowood President
Allie Mae Thomasson V-President
George Hill Sec.-Treas.

Page 66
(Group photo Freshman Class 8 B, not identified

Page 67


Max Krumholz
Joe Alexander
Earl Horton
Solomon Edleman
Alex Bonner
Douglas Logan
Euell Harmon
Julian Brazelton
Egbert Adkins
Maud Castle
Daisie Messerau
Grace Coffin
Lucille Clark
Alice Brogan
Varina Garnett
Minnie Cohen
Mary Walker
Leta Cartledge
Laura Hudson
Ed Gans
Italine Burnette
George Clark
Claude Lyle
Walter Lieb
Hoyt Philips
Herman Lacy
Will Hill
Tom Sneed
Louise Loftin
Ora Belle Burks
Searcy Kendricks
Florence Pinkerton
Ethel Adams
Maggie Lemons
Ollie Greene

Ora Belle Burks President
Grace Coffin V-President
Walter Lieb Sec.-Treas.

Page 68
(Group photo Freshman Class 8 C, not identified)

Page 69

Hilda Manley
Rudolph Wiley
Ernest Wilkes
Clayton Dean
Gahlen Niblack
Cortlandt Frazier
Rozelle Smith
Barbara Bridwell
Louise Gilliam
Richard Bryan
Helen Wadel
Herbert Russell
Vera Laird
Richard Clark
Malga Story
Hyman Golenternek
Cecard Ellis
Florie Covert
Eunis Crow
Lois Philips
Berdie Lawrence

Ollie Ginn Jewel Pruitt Margarette Marsh
Dessy Horton Miss Holmes

Hilda Manley President
Rozelle Smith V-President
Louise Gilliam Secretary

Page 70


Miss L. – Which is the oldest piece of furniture in the world?
Hoyt. P – The multiplication table.

Why is wit like O. M. B.'s foot?
Because brevity is the soul of wit.

Sneed – Which travels with the greater speed, heat or cold?
Miss T. – I should say heat
Sneed – Why?
Miss T. – Because it is the lightest
Sneed – I wouldn't, I'd say heat travels the fastest because you can catch cold.

George C. – Miss Koch, how many sides has a tree?
Miss K. – Four sides: North, South, East and West.
George C. – I don't think so. I say it has two sides, inside and outside.

What was the first bet ever made?

In what part of a church do they ring the bell(e)s?
At the altar.

What a Freshman loves more than life;
Hates more than death or moral strife;
The poor have, and the rich require;
The miser spends, the spendthrift saves,
And all men carry to their graves? – Nothing.

Lieb wants to know when is a pie like a poet?
My answer is when it's "Browning."

Wanted to know on what day of the year Geraldine Boone talks the least.
My answer is "The shortest."

Mr. Gaines wants to know how many young ladies it would take to reach from London to Brighton?
About forty-two, because a miss is as good as a mile."

What is it that you can't hold ten minutes but is as light as a feather?
Your breath.

What letter made Queen Bess mind her P's and Q's?
(Armada) – R made her.

Page 71





Page 72


Too much can not be said for this valuable branch of school work. The High School is equipped in this line of work, without a doubt, as well as any school in the state. While the above picture sows only one room there are three others, the kitchen, which is furnished with a large gas range, sink, hot and cold water, etc.
The dining room is furnished with a beautiful table, chairs and other pieces of furniture; it is here that the girls enjoy eating things they have cooked. The sewing room is also nicely furnished with many machines and sewing tables.
The class-room kitchen which is shown above speaks for itself.
Much progress has been made in these departments during the year, owning to the splendid teacher, Miss Thatcher.

Page 73


Manual Training, though a new feature, is plainly a success in the T.H.S. This is probably due both to the teacher, Mr. Getty, and the thorough manner in which the School Board has fitted out this department.
The Manual Training room is equipped with rip-saw, planer, turning lathe, and emery wheel, (all electrically driven) besides a complete and high grade out-fit of tools. In the room, also, are ten work benches, so that ten pupils may be accommodated at each period.
It needs only to be stated that some eighty boys are taking this subject to demonstrate the interest which is being hown [sic] along this line.
The work done has been very satisfactory, from the first steps in learning to make joints, to the present period of mechanical drawing and furniture making. If you doubt any of this, come to our exhibit at the Fair next fall and have it proven to you.
- I. C.

Page 74


Few people stop to realize the great benefit which our gymnasium is to the High School and they hardly consider the results which it will accomplish.
A man or woman, to get the most out of life and to be prepared best, must have a development and a training in both the mental and physical being, and with this thought in mind, the splendid gymnasium has been built, and fully equipped into the High School.
The gymnasium which we have is one of the best in any High School in the
state and is equipped with all the latest improvements. It is large enough for any of the indoor games and much practice in this line is being gotten.
We have given several exhibitions, each of which was truly a success and shows the efficient training we are getting, thanks to our teachers, Miss Koch, Miss Thatcher, Mr. Belew and Mr. Getty. One-half credit each year is given in this work towards graduation.

Page 75


The Tyler High School is equipped with one of the finest Science departments that can be found in any High School in the state. There are two sections: the general class room which is shown above and the laboratory.
The class room I furnished with all the modern conveniences of a science room and here also many experiments are carried on. We also have a large collection of many rocks, ores, oils, etc., which we are indebted to Mr. Rutledge, our teacher for the privilege of using.
The laboratory is equipped as few High School laboratories are, with all the instruments and apparatus which it takes to perform a first class experiment.

Page 76

T. H. S.


Page 77


On December 26, the Bakers Dozen, composed of thirteen girls of the Tyler High School Senior class, entertained a host of their friends in their club rooms on Erwin street.
The rooms were beautifully decorated in club colors (blue and green), Christmas bells and festoons of ribbon. The mistletoe which was secretly hung in the great bell over the door way added charm to the decorations.
The guests enjoyed the game of Buncho for a part of the evening, then dancing was participated in by a part of the guests.
Ruth Hambrick held highest score in buncho, but as she was a member of the club she graciously gave the prize to Chas. W. Boone, who held next score. The prize was a Kewpie doll tied with a large bow of red and greed ribbon.
At eleven thirty refreshments were served to Sidney McClendon, Maurine Littlejohn, Earl Cain, Marion Seeton, Gordon Hanson, Mary Kilfoyle, Gordon Simpson, Grace Simpson, Clifford Hall, Iva Henry, Harris Cobb, Ruth Hambrick, Nat Gentry, Louise Marsh, Sam C. Dreyfus Lovic Roberts, Pope Taylor, Josephine Taylor, Lee Powell, Mary Allen, Whitney Rowland, Ruth Patterson, Paul C. Hamilton, Cecelia Hogan, John Cheatham, Pauline Palmer, B. B. Watson, Lucille Littlejohn, Ray Smith, Doll Smith, Charles W. Boone, Paul McClain, Harry Swann, John Hunter Pope, Frank Bell, Maidel Roberts, Irwin Pope, Milton Shull, Roy Reviere, Della Langford.
The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Payne, Dr. and Mrs. Nasits, Mrs. Hattie

Page 78


On Friday night, March 26th, a small percentage of the Senior girls made a noble at temp at money making to help defray the expenses of the Alcalde by the old fashioned means of the box supper.
The class numbering 59 strong, represented y eight faithful girls and three staunch masculine members. The girls after laboring diligently all afternoon, each in a sincere effort to have her box prettier than any other, arrived in due time, and presented a happy picture of friendly rivalry. We won't tell you how large (or small) or audience was. Before opening the sales, the girls entertained and amused their guests with music and readings. This wasn't planned as a part of the program, but we found it necessary to resort to this scheme in order to keep them till the rest of the "customers" arrived.
When at last the auction was opened by Ernest Plant. We felt fully repaid for our efforts; for we found that all the bidders were exceedingly generous. This part of the affair was interesting, but the eating of the lunches was decidedly the feature of the evening.
With Miss Jones as chaperon, and a crowd of care free school girls and boys and many boxes of delightful lunches, who could doubt that it was an evening of revelry and pleasure to those few faithful ones? And what care we even if we didn't realize $100.00?
The fun was enjoyed.

Page 79


One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season was a Chafing Dish Party given by the members of the Bakers Dozen.
Informality characterized the affair and the free and easy spirit of the evening emphasized the cheerfulness afforded by the lively spirited guests, the

"comfy" of the open fire and the bubbling of the fudge.
As is usual, the candy failed to harden, but who cared as it was twice as good eaten from an egg beater?

When the town clock had struck "half past the" three times in succession the merry crowd dispersed, each declaring that they had never attended a more successful party.
Those present were Misses Velma Shull, Maurine Littlejohn, Katy Waterman, Marion Seeton, Iva Henry, Grace Simpson, Gladys Ardis, Kathleen Coker, Messrs. Willie Buck Watkins, Frank Foman, Ernest Plant, Leon Hanchett, Eskew Waterman, John Jackson, Roy Reviere and Nat Gentry.
The chaperon was Mrs. Hattie Raguet.

Page 80
(Photos of Mr. Belew and Miss Koch)


Page 81


Special mention should be made to our two coaches: Mr. Belew and Miss Koch, who tried throughout the year in every way possible to bring the school to the highest point in Athletics.
Mr. Belew comes to us from Marshall Training School, this being his first year with us. His work has been such that the High School has ranked high all during the year in Athletics. He is master of the situation as a coach, and he is loved by all the boys as a friend.
Miss Koch is considered one of the old teachers and needs no introduction to the people of Tyler. Let it suffice to say that she has done her work well as a coach, teacher and helper to each and
every pupil. She is loved by all her pupils and her kind words and helping hand will long be remembered by the class of 1915.

Page 82


Paul Hamilton (photo)
T.H.S. was fortunate indeed in having Paul Hamilton, the old favorite, back in his old place at quarter. The team's success was largely due to his cool judgment, untiring energy and splendid spirit which he manifested on all occasions. Although handicapped by a bad foot during all the later part of the season, he never let up and was always in there fighting, no matter which way the score read. The Blue and White will miss him in the years to come.
Marion Sneed (photo)
Sneed was a veteran from last year's battles having played left tackle and there was never a question as to who would secure that position. Strong, cool and determined he was ever able to bear his part of the play either on the offense or defense. In fact he was easily a star in both departments but his smashing runs through right tackle made his work here much more noticeable and resulted in many long gains for the Blue and White. He is another one of the "Old Guard," who will be missed during the coming season.

Page 83

Homer Brown (photo)
"Brown starred at left end" was the way the papers had it in nearly every write up of the games played by the Tyler team last season. In tip top form from the very beginning and always ready for any kind of a struggle. Homer stopped more plays and made more tackles than any other wearer of the Blue and White. His steady, consistent play elicited hearty approval from all the coaches of East Texas and they were unanimous in declaring him to be the best left end of this part of the state. Homer is a senior and no doubt some other team will be fortunate enough to obtain his valuable services next year.

Nathan Goldstucker (photo)
Captain Goldstucker had formerly placed at end but he was switched to the back field after the first game and immediately adjusted himself to his new place. Fast on his feet, a clever dodger, a sure tackler and cool and ready at all time He was especially fitted for his position at left half and captain.

Horace Thomasson (photo)
Among other essentials that are absolutely necessary for a winning combination are loyalty and fighting spirit. That Horace possessed these qualifications is not to be doubted and such traits enabled him to almost invaluable service on many occasions. Although always unfit physically to be at his best all the way through a strenuous game. He was ever ready to take any old place in the back field and hold his own with the rest of them. Jacksonville, Palestine, Mineola and others of our opponents will readily testify as to his effectiveness. He will not be with us next year as he graduates in June.

Page 84

Albert Young (photo)
Having acquired a love for the great game of football during his past years' experience at half back with Tyler, Albert was first among the faithful to report for fall practice. In the shifts that followed the early days of play, he was sent to right end lining up with Harrington, a veteran on the side of the field, he easily discouraged attempts at runs through his territory and on many occasions downed the runner and all his interferers with one crashing tackle. His play in Lufkin with the score against us was decidedly the feature of the day and turned seeming defeat into victory. "Cy" also graduates this year and will doubtless don the spongees again at the State University.

Royal Harrington (photo)
Royal was in poor condition due to injuries during the first part of the season for a time it seemed that he would not be able to do himself justice but he regained his old time form as the play advanced and in the latter stages was unquestionably one of the mainstays of the line. In Palestine his work was phenomenal and gave the local coach more concern that any other wearer of the Blue and White. In Mineola where T.H.S. really showed her greatest efectiveness [sic] the whole Tyler attack revolved around him and that it secured results is amply evidenced by the core. Royal will also be among the ranks of the missing next year. On account of his speed and his ability to carry the ball he was placed at tackle during the last games and his work here also attracted attention.

George Lieb (photo)
Much was expected of the "Flying Dutchman" by the student body this season because of his remarkable work in '13 and suffice it to say they were in no wise disappointed. "Let George do it", was a common cry when the score was pressing and seldom did he fail to make his gain. Endowed with a wonderful physique and possessed of a wicked stiff arm, he threw his superior strength into the battle with a reckless abandon which easily caused him to be the most dreaded man in the Tyler back field. He is a Junior now and 1915 will find him in there leading out the same old misery to his opponents.

Page 85

Bryan Marsh (photo)
Bryan was already a veteran of the gridiron before the season of 1914 commenced. He was early regarded as the logical candidate for center and his experience and fighting spirit enabled him to be one of the team's dependencies right from the beginning. Cool and fearless he was always true with his poses, a tower of strength on the offense and ever reliable when the enemy had the ball. He is also a senior and one of the big problems in the coming season will be to secure a man to fill his place.

Jacob Eisen (photo)
Among the new men who tried for places this year, none made good so readily as Jake. The very first game showed conclusively that he knew how to take care of his position at guard and here he continued to demonstrate his ability throughout the season. Possessing enormous strength and using his 175 pounds to good advantage on defense and when called upon for offensive work was sure to have an opening for his back field. Jake also secures his sheepskin this year.

Wayne Dean (photo)
The boy with the pep and ginger in the line was Wayne Dean. Inexperienced at first but game and willing to learn he stayed in there despite injuries and constantly improved as the play advanced. In the last games of the season, the opposition soon learned that there was nothing doing through his position and at Mineola the local back field was often stopped by his sure tackling before reaching the line of scrimmage. The "Duke" will again be wearing the Blue and White next season.

Page 86

Tommy Wilson (photo)
Tom was light, young and inexperienced when the season opened and the coach, fearing that he would be unable to stand up against the hard knocks of real men, refused to give him a change in the first game with the Jacksonville Giants but his practice was so efficient and his eagerness for the fray so pronounced that he was soon placed in the line-up and from this time forward his work was wonderful. Lack of weight, years and experience made on difference to Tommy. Possessing all the characteristics of a natural born football player, he featured every contest with phenomenal performances and easily became the idol of the entire student body. He will be back in harness next year and will no doubt again be one of the mainstays of the team.

Gillis Campbell (photo)
Gillis was taken out of his old position in the line early in the season's play and placed at full back. Despite the fact that the job was new to him he at once acquired the art of running low and used good judgment in striking the openings in the enemy's defense. He was also skilful in the pass-tossing the pigskin to the forwards. He is also one of the dependencies for the coming year.

Tom Collier (photo)
Collier came along slowly at first because of inexperience, but his progress was sure nevertheless, and by the end of the season there was no more valuable man on the team. In the big Palestine game his excellent work, despite injuries, won for him a place among the ranks of the best High School line men in the state. Hard work and lots or [sic] nerve
accomplished this result and these characteristics will make tom a member of any team that he tries for in the future.

Page 87
(Photo of girl's basketball team, not identified)

Page 88

Girl's Basket Ball Team, not identified

Page 89



Tyler High School 2; Lindale High School 5
Tyler High School 6; Lindale High School 3
Tyler High School 2; A.C.I. 6
Tyler High School 4; Gilmer High School 3
Tyler High School 6; Gilmer High School 4
Tyler High School 4; Mineola High School 3
Tyler 26, opponents 24. Average .666.

Page 90

(Group photo, base ball team, not identified)

Page 91


T. R. Smith
N. Gentry
E. Mosby
J. Hendricks
A. Woldert
N. Goldstucker
T. Collier
J. Brown
M. Oden.
G. Campbell
A. Brown
H. Brown
I. Morein
J. Roberts
T. Wilson
Mr. Belew
D. Brigs
M. Gans

J. Hendricks Captain
Mr. Belew Sec.-Treas.

Page 92


Is this Palestine?
Oh – Oh – h – h – h – Well.

Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah
Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah
Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah,

Are we lions? (solo.)
We are lions (chorus.)
What kind of lions? (solo.)
Tyler Lions, (chorus.)
Roar then lions. (solo.)
R-I-O-O-U. (chorus.)

Hand Car, Push Car,
Engine Full of Steam,

High School Base Ball.

If Idie [sic] and go to Heaven,
There I'll see the foot ball eleven.
But if I die and go to Hell,
I'll make old Stewart Erwin spell T-Y-L-E-R

Rah! Rah! Blue (slow)
Rah! Rah! White (slow)
Tyler! Tyler! (fast)
We Are All Right! (fast)

Blackberry –
Huckleberry –
Dewberry –

Page 93


Page 94

(Group photo, Boys' Debating TeamT not identified)

Page 95


Horace Thomasson
Philip Golenternek
Nathan Goldstucker
Esten Willingham,
Albert Brown
Israel Morein
Pat Beaird
Gillis Campbell
Albert Young
James Burnett
Fred Baldwin
Will Hanson
Nat Gentry
Gus Taylor
Edwin Fosclue
Bryan Marsh
John Hendricks
John Parker
Joe Herrin
Will Walker
Hudson McMinn
Clyde Ingram
Joe Gentry
Cade Smith
Royal Philips
Wayne Dean
Claude Harrington
Robert Hamilton
David Brigs
Joseph Roberts
Jacob Eisen
Alex Woldert
T. R. Smith
Thomas Collier
Marion Sneed
Ike Crutcher
Edwin Mosby
Morgan Oden

Pat Beaird President
Alex Woldert V-President
Albert Young Sergeant at Arms
Prof. Bryan Critic

The Debating Club was organized in the early part of the year. Some very excellent work along both the debating and declamation line was accomplished. It was a great benefit to all that participated especially the debators, yet there is no doubt that this year has been very unsuccessful in its efforts along some lines. In truth it has done less real earnest work this year than any other year previous.
The cause of this fact is attributed to lack of interest, poor order officers. But above all things that tended toward the final result was the strong class spirit entertained by the senior and juniors. This finally led to the separation of the two classes into separate organizations. No matter what the cause of this separation it certainly was not with the consent of the senior part of the club.
One good thing, in particular, can be attributed to us, the T.H.SD. Debating Club, after our division, five good books were bought and paid for. They treated on every phase of public speaking and we sincerely hope that those who follow us next year shall enjoy and derive the best of the benefits from these books.
From some time after the division of the club, the T.H.S. club meet in joint meeting twice a month with the Girls' Debating Club. Here we derived great benefit especially from Miss Mattie's criticisms.
Hoping that next year's club shall be the most beneficial and the most entertain-of all [sic], we wish to beg to remain,

Very truly yours,
T. H.S. BEBATING [sic] CLUB '14-'15

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(Group photo, Girls' Debating Club, not identified)

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Louise Loving
Gladys Stone
Anna Lee Lambright
Geraldine Boone
Pat Burnette
Katy Waterman
Lucille Holmes
Opal Porter
Lena Verner
Grace Kendricks
Florence Gorman
Inez Anderson
Kathaline Coker
Elizabeth Pirtle
Mary Maud Reese
Lovic Roberts
Florence King
Ruth Haney
Maurine Ray
Willie Belle Fuller
Margarette Smith
Ruth Wiggins
Sunshine Pope
Betty Pinkerton
Marion Goldstucker
Hattie Fleschner
Odessa Anderson
Marion Seeton
Maurine Littlejohn
Patience McClendon
Reba Martin
Velma Shull
Julia Perry
Gladys Ardis
Minnie Allen
Nathelia Liebreich
Edna Broughton

Margarette Smith President
Mable Ford V-President
Ella Mae Fletcher Sec.-Treas.
Miss Jones Critis

Page 98

At the Debating Club

Oh, nothing ever does go wrong,
At our debating club,
For everything just glides along
At our debating club.
And the arguments they are some swell,
Our voices ring out like a bell,
And every point we always tell,
At our debating club.
We have no need of any notes,
At our debating club,
For we all know debates by rote
At our debating club.
We may not use parliamentary rules,
Just as they do in the other schools,
And yet we manage to keep cool,
At our debating club.
Oh! everyone has lofty aims,
At our debating club.
And only Miss Hattie doth praise or blame,
At our debating club.
So if you want to shed your tears,
And thus be free from toil and cares,
Just come along, don't mind the jeers,
At our debating club.
But should we chance through dust and heat,
At our debating club.
To suffer disaster and even defeat,
At our debating club.
Why, then we never raise a sigh,
Just let events pass gently by
Oh, there'll come great debaters by and by
From our debating club.

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(Photos, Albert Young and Pat Beaird)

(Photo, Raymond Golsan)

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What We Did At Jacksonville

The district debate and declamation contest for this year was held at Jacksonville on Saturday, April 17 and Tyler, (Smith county) was represented by Albert Young and Pat Beaird for the debate, and Raymond Golsan for the senior declamation.
Our debators left early Saturday morning on the cotton Belt jitney for the scene of battle. They were met in Jacksonville about eight thirty o'clock by Mr. Bryan and Raymond Golsan who had gone down the day before as the declamations were held April 16. They both set up a big howl on seeing the debators and both were trying to talk at once so that in the end nothing could be understood at all, but finally when they had both run out of breath and could not talk so fast the main issue of all the fun came to light which was nothing more nor less than that Raymond had won first honors by a vote of five to one.
The debators were then started on the long march, at double-quick time, from the station to the high school which is about five miles, (more or less) and soon arrived, at that most sacred building, where they were met by the sad and sour looks of the other debators from the different counties.
The debates then started and it fell Tyler's lot to debate first on the negative side against Trinity. Judges were then chosen and Trinity started the debate, and it might as well be said right here that Tyler finished it. The eloquence with which Mr. Young and Mr. Beaird delivered their debate will long be remembered by the surprised public that was present. The judges were out only long enough to say the word and returned with a unanimous decision in favor of Tyler.
The next team with which Tyler had to cope was Crockett who had survived the first attact with Cusion. The Tyler boys felt just a little afraid of Crockett for as they came upon the platform they came carrying suit cases, hand satchels, papers, books and a whole library of notes. Tyler was not debating on the affirmative and opened the debate and by the way also closed it. Crockett was exceedingly strong and well prepared. She had by far the best team that Tyler met, but Mr. Young speaking in that loud, clear and forceful voice and Mr. Beaird impressing on the judges' minds the facts of the case with his many jestures, won the debate for Tyler by a vote of four to three.

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The final debate found the Tyler boys still on the field fighting for the honor, Tyler had the affirmative again, and was debating against Palestine. This debate was the easiest of the list, in the words of the boys themselves, it was a "walk-over." How Palestine over came the first onslaught and got into the finals is a mystery, but there they were and Tyler had to debate them, so more for politeness sake and from a a charitable motive, the Tyler boys decided to show them what real debating was. The Palestine boys really appreciated this effort though they said nothing about it. One could tell by the humble expression on their faces that they did. The judges out of sympathy gave them two votes and returned a verdict of five for Tyler.
Thus ended the district debate leaving Tyler a victor, representative of this district in both the debate and declamation.
This is the first time in the high school's history that it has won both the debate and declamation in the district.

Deutschen Verein

Among the new organizations which have made their appearance in the High School this year, we find the "Deutschen Verein." This club was organized by the pupils of the Senior German Class, for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with the history, literature, names and customs of the German Empire and the German people, and to gain practice in the use of the mother tongue of one of the foremost nations of the world.
With the assistance of Miss Koch, head of German department, an organization was effected, to meet twice a moth, in which all business as well as programs and dicussions [sic] is conducted wholly in German. Miss Lila Allison was elected president; and Homer Brown, as secretary, was accorded the privilege of taking and writing the proceedings of the meetings. He groaned when he was told that it must all be in German.
The first program, given just before the Christmas holidays was a miscellaneous one, suited to the time of the year; it concluded with some of the old time Christmas and New Year's songs of the Germans. The meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, including some Senior Latin pupils, who so far forgot their anti-German feeling as to become self-invited guests at the "Verein."
At the January meeting of the club the topic for the day was "Goethe." they twenty members each responded to roll call with a quotation from this great writer. Then they listened to papers and discussions, on his life and works, a reading and a declamation from Goethe. After the conclusion of the program, the club members all took part in playing the same "Where will lichen."
The first meeting of the "Deutcher Verein" in the new semester was a business meeting at which the following officers were elected:

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President, Hattie Flesehner
Vice-President, Elizabeth Pirtle
Secretary, Gus Taylor
Treasurer, Bettie Pinkerton
Critic, Miss Koch

Though still young, the club has assumed a position of growing importance, and will take an active part in making the German department of the High School better and stronger.

N. Y. U.
(O, Horrors!")

Among the many secret organizations of the colleges and High Schools, none has ever created as much curiosity and excitement as the N.Y.U. of the T.H.S. this club was organized at the beginning of school with fourteen charter members; ten of whom were Seniors, the rest Juniors. As an emblem, this club selected the black bow which signified the fact that the school was dead. The purpose of this society was to create more school spirit.
At the first meeting only the charter members were present and the following officers were elected:
Alex Woldert, Grandfather.
Bryan Marsh, Father.
Royal Harrington, Son.

The by laws and constitution, by which every member was pledged to secrecy, were framed by the charter members andn they show the ready wit and humor of the originators. The promoters of this movement were except from initiation and therefore having "say so" as to the manner in which the initiation was severely inflicted upon the new members. For membership certain requirements were made. One of these is as follows:
A member must be a male student of the Tyler High School, being either Junior or Senior.
Our first meetings were held in room five; later they were transferred to the "Teachers' Rest Room," where water could be easily procured for the drowning process which was the most severe of all. Initiating the new members afforded those already belonging to the club much amusement as well as much comment from passersby who thought – (we won't tell what)!
The charter members were:
T. R. Smith
P. Hamilton
H. Thomasson
R. Phillips
A. Woldert
M. Oden
B. Marsh
G. Campbell
R. Harrington
M. Sneed

Page 103


Ah! how well do I remember,
One day in early November,
We thirteen girls all in a row
Were dreamily conversing without a beau.
When all of a sudden into this den,
A thought came by, and sauntered in
To make a club of thirteen "chaps."
Then down to the street to get the "scraps."
We found two Marys, from the Bible I hope;
And Ruth and Kathleen with Sunshine Pope,
With Katy, Iva and Maurine;
Then we found Lovic, with Louise her cousin,
And now we have the "Bakers Dozen."
A club most fair and honorable by name.
The Bakers Dozen is very tame.
Pleasures we have by hundreds and scores,
And we hope to have a great many more,
But the end of school is drawing nigh,
When each of the club must say good-bye;
For we are Seniors, all and each.


The boys of the T.H.S., organization an Athletic association upon the request of Mr. Belew. The organization lasted only a short time for lack of the right spirit.
Albert Young was elected President; Nathan Goldstucker, Vice President; D. O. Belew, Secretary-Treasurer.

Page 104


Never in the history of Tyler High School has a class of such exceptional qualities made its appearance as the graduating class of 1915. It not only excels all former Senior classes in size but also in intellectual ability and progressiveness.
Did it not show Tyler that it surpassed all other of its kind when it presented to the public the long to be remembered carnival of 1914? Or could its superiority be denied when you consider that both our representatives to our State Debating contest were from our class in 1914?
When you stop to consider the distinction we won as a Junior class you will naturally expect still greater things from us as Seniors.
During the first week of school this year, our Senior class was organized with an enrollment of sixty-three regular Seniors and two extras.
Owing to the varied tastes and opinions represented by so large a class it was with many class meetings, discussions (?) and enthusiastic campaigns, class officers, an Alcalde staff and class colors were decided upon. It is remarkable to note the ease with which the minority of the class conformed to the decisions of the majority during the first few weeks of school. After canceling one order for pins and rings and much consideration and deliberation we placed our order with a reliable firm in New York, and perhaps the most pleasant occasion of our school year was the distribution of our rings and pins. The most credible affair of the year to our class was the "Ring", a play given by the best talent of the class under the management of Mrs. Urquhart.

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Page 106

To a Senior

His eyes are brown,
His smile so rare,
His heart is big;
For his love I'd care.
He's tall and handsome,
His manner's sweet,
He has but one fault –
That's the size of his feet,
But I don't mind that,
For there's really no harm.
He can't dance tho,
So we'll live on a farm.
- Found in a Senior's Desk

Page 107

Gymnasium Exhibit Was Great

Thursday, February 18, the boys' gymnasium class of the High School gave an exhibition for the benefit of the base ball team. Quite a crowd of pupils gathered to see the exhibit and many expressions of praise were heard, both of the boys and their earnest teachers, Mr. Belew and Mr. Getty.
The boys did many tricks on the bar, mats and horses which were new to many of the audience and which showed careful training and love for such work.
The gymnasium is a new thing in the school and is giving many of the boys a line of training that they have never had and which they need very much. It is bringing to front many athletes who would never have acquired the skill and physical training which they now have were it not for the gymnasium and careful physical directors which we have. This being our first year in gym work we may well be considered in the first grade of the work, but we think in

this first year, we have developed some athletes who will rank with so called "old headers" in this line of work. We do say and we are proud to boast of it, that we on the whole have developed more and have brought out more experts in this length of time than the gym classes of many schools have.
In regards to the exhibition which they gave, we need to mention only a few of the leading participants, especially Israel Morein who furnished the fun and amusement for the audience by playing the jester or clown. He was dressed in gaudy clothes with his face all painted and tried everything anyone else did. Of course he failed to do any of them and would always fall which caused the audience many a good hearty laugh.
In reference to some of the boys we need mention Wiliniel Christian, Homer Brown, Ed Gilliam, Albert Young and
many others whom I haven't space to mention.

War vs. Peace

Europe resounds with steady tramp
Of soldiers marching on to death.
Marching o'er fields with life blood damp
Of those who perished by war's breath.
But in America is peace,
And it shall be the land of hope,
When this barbaric war shall cease,
To thousands left with life to cope.
I. H. Crutcher, '16

Page 108

To the Alcalde Staff

He robs the people; he gets the coin.
He takes the slurs; he gets the scorn.
He says very little; he talks a lot.
He gets the dope; he makes the plot.
He writes the poems; he builds the book.
He gets the money; he knows the crook.
He works all day; he writes at night.
He figures some; he makes things right.
He bluffs a few; he begs the others.
He sees the fathers; he asks the mothers.
He gets the cuts; he picks the backs.
He gets crazy; 'tis sense he lacks,
He bores the teachers; he bothers all.
He's always ready; he comes at call.
He stays at home; he never goes.
He studies some; he never knows.
He sells tablets; he bums the shade,
He does it all; he gets the mon'.
He likes the girls; he call them "Hon'."
He gets the knocks; others the fame.
Others get praises; he gets the blame.

Page 109

The Trials and Tribulations of The Alcalde Staff

I am sure that no one realized the fact that "the war is on" any more than did the members of the Alcalde Staff of the 1915 class. This has been the general cry as we went from business man to business man and had the pleasure (?) so many times of seeing men reach in their pockets for money for ads but to our utter dismay would show us – empty pockets and with tears (?) in their eyes say, "Boys, I'm sorry, but the war is on and I can't collect a cent." Such was our lot, but living up to the old maxim of "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again." We have tried and now come to
the conclusion, "All things come to those who wait" and are pleased to present to you this Alcalde into which is carefully woven the "doings and mishaps" of the T.H.S.
Had this been the only draw back and discouragement we would not offer so many complaints but the most discouraging of all were the contracts for the engraving, printing and photographing which caused us the greatest anxiety as the spending of money is lots easier than the making of it. In this, we had in mind not only the

interest of the Alcalde, but that of the individual as well. This is plainly shown when we arranged with Mr. Denison for the Seniors' pictures to be gotten at half price.
Perhaps those trials and the success we had in meeting them made us a little bold for we dared ask the school board for a cut of themselves, one of the Domestic Science, Manual Training and Science rooms and also one of the Gymnasium for which we extend to them our heartfelt thanks.
As a general rule the pupils of the High School are always willing to give write-ups to the school annual, but it seems that the pupils of our Tyler High School hae not yet awakened and realized their literary aspirations and very few of the several hundred have contributed to our meager stock of literary works. But to those who have so kindly given us the benefit of their talents, we wish to thank you each and all most heartily.
Dear reader, do not take this as an excuse for it is not meant as such, you may consider this a joke but to us it is a sad reality.

Page 110

To Mother

Silver has streaked the shining hear
That once was shimmering gold;
And wrinkles have furrowed the brow so fair
In the glorious days of old.
Once bright and happy this beautiful flower,
But age and sorrow have bent the frame.
The shades of night are beginning to lower,
And the steps once light, are not the same.
The head droops lower, the eyes grow dim,
The beautiful life story is told.
The soul so pure is gathered by Him,
And is safe at home in His fold.

Page 111

The Try-Out Debate

On Friday, March 7th, the students and teachers were assembled to hear the candidates for the Inter-Scholastic Debate render their speeches, the faculty, as judges, to determine who should represent our school at the district meet. The question was the Literacy test bill, debated by Pat H. Beaird and Ike Crutcher on the affirmative, and Albert R. Young and Nate Gentry on the negative. The contestants for the declamation were Joseph Roberts, Israel Morein, and Raymond Golsan. Every boy who was brave enough to enter the contest deserves special credit; each candidate showed careful preparation and spoke with freedom and earnestness. There was much interest manifested as to the outcome, and when the chairman of the judges announced that the votes had been rendered in favor of Albert Young and Pat Beaird as representative debators and Raymond Golsan as declaimer, there were storms of applause. Our school was proud to have such capable representatives.

A Maid

A maid there was in our town
Whose modesty was rare;
Of autumn trees she'd never speak
Because their limbs were bare.
When night its sable shadow threw,
She'd tumble in a swoon
If curtains did not hide from view
The man up in the moon.
A plumber caused her death one day,
So the story goes,
By asking in a careless way
To let him see her hose.

Page 112

Tyler High

T.H.S. is a very good school,
But sometimes it's mighty dull.
So many teachers but no common rule;
You feel like you want to sull.
Some say do this, some say do that,
'Till you don't really know where you're at.
We do very well, could be better.
Teacher sits down, writes mamma a letter;
Mamma scolds, papa fusses;
Everything seems like musses.
Next day things are just the same.
Day after day they're just as tame.
I'm really not complaining,
But merely just explaining.
That maybe if things were just a little more gay,
We'd learn a little more from day to day.
- M. L.

Page 113


The football record for the Tyler High School for the year 1914, while not phenomenal by any means, was one which proved very gratifying to the followers of the wearers of the Blue and White. Of course there is a feeling of disappointment because of our inability to secure the highest honors, yet there is no little satisfaction in the knowledge that each of our opponents who were really contenders for the same laurels must share the same thoughts of regret since every team in
East Texas at some time or other during the season went down to defeat.
As has been intimated Tyler won neither the state championship nor the supremecy [sic] of East Texas, but when we take into account the facts that out of the strenuous schedule of nine games, most of which were played in the territory of the enemy who always outweighed us, we were forced to lower our standard only twice and in each instance by a single touch down. It is easily apparent that our achievements were creditable indeed.

Since school opened in September, practice was necessarily delayed and with only one weeks' work out the Tyler boys invoked Jacksonville for the first struggle of the season. Our opponents outweigher [sic] us by t least fifteen pounds to the man and were in excellent condition but T.H.S. never fought harder, the lines especially doing heroic service and when the battle was over neither goal line has been crossed and thus neither side could claim victory.
Eisen, Smith, Harrington and Marsh featured with splendid work in the line for Tyler, while Homer Brown's play at left end was magnificient [sic].


The next contest was staged on the grounds of the East Texas Fair Association and was played before an immense crowd. Palestine, our ancient rival, was as usually our opponent on this occasion and although the day was entirely too warm for good football, the game was bitterly fought from start to finish, Both goal lines were threatened frequently but good defensive work in every instance prevented scoring and as a result at the end of the struggle the count stood nothing to nothing.
There were no particular stars on either side in this indecisive battle but Lieb probably made the longest run of the day when he circled left end on a fake formation and placed the pigskin within striking distance of the enemy's goal. Hamilton was also good at quarter and little Tommy Wilson

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demonstrated that he could play with the best of them.

After another week of strenuous practice, manager Hamilton matched his moleskin warriors against the undefeated high school boys of Henderson on the latter's gridiron. A bog crowd was assembled to witness the rout of the invaders but splendid work by the Tyler back field enabled them to carry the fight into the local's quarters right from the beginning of the fray. Costly fumbles delayed scoring in the first half but in the last session brilliant runs by captain Goldstucker and quarterback Hamilton, made it possible for the latter to score two touch downs and cinch the contest for Tyler. Score Tyler 12, Henderson 0.

The giants from Jacksonville next stormed us in our own stronghold on Crutcher's field and although the game was replete with excellent performances yet the Tyler boys were not at their best and suffered their goal line to be crossed for the first time of the season. The visitor's touch down came from an accidental fumble in mid-field but it counted nevertheless and the score which resulted could not be overcome.
Marsh at center played well for Tyler often stopping opposing runners after they had evaded the other tacklers; while Sneed was also a tower of strength on the defense. Campbell's line bucking was especially effective in this contest and Hamilton's end runs gained much ground for the locals.

With only two days of rest after the hard fought Jacksonville battle, Mineola High, chock full of confidence because of our late defeat, came down with probably the best team in her history to put Tyler off the football map. The wearers of the Blue and White however were anxious for a chance to redeem themselves and the visitors never had a look in the struggle that followed. Using splendid judgment Hamilton sent Lieb, Tohmasson [sic], Goldstucker and Campbell thru the ranks of his adversaries until the goal was almost reached andn then deftly executed a forward pass to Wilson who was waiting behind the goal posts. The next score came as a result of Sneed's long run through right tackle and a splendid pass from Goldstucker to Young who ran the remaining thirty yards for the final touch down. In fact "Cy" was never better than in this contest and played brilliantly especially on the defensive while Lieb and Brown shared with him the chief honors of the day. Score Tyler 12, Mineola 0.

The historic city of Nacogdoches was next visited by the Tyler boys and although captain Goldstucker and his pikskin [sic] chasers gained decidedly more ground than their opponents and outplayed them from every angle, yet the contest resulted in another tie. It seemed at the outset that T.H.S. was to be returned as easy winner for Sneed and Smith on tackle runs and Lieb and Campbell on line bucks planted the ball on the local's ten yard after three minutes of play. Homer Brown then skillfully took the pass from Hamilton and raced over the remaining distance for the first touch down after which Tyler started but a fumble gave the ball to Nacogdoches on their five yard line and then by a variety of plays which seemingly could not be stopped the score was soon tied. After numerous runs and passes with the spheroid always near the local's goal. The struggle ended with neither side claiming a victory. Score Tyler 7, Nacogdoches 7.

At the iniation of the Lufkin captain who had witnessed the encounter in Nacogdoches the Tyler boys journeyed to the saw mill city in order to demonstrate the gridiron gladiators there just how the gentle game of football should be played. Although the contest was staged immediately after noon of a fearfully hot day on an exceedingly rough field. The Blue and White lost no time in securing first blood. Just as at Nacogdoches, however, the lads from Smith Co. seemed to relax and before they had realized it their opponents had with the aid of two long forward passes crossed their goal line and by kicking goal assumed the lead. Fighting back fiercely to recover what they had lost the Tyler boys aided by Goldstucker's long end runs and a beautiful pass to Young scored another touch down and secured the prize.

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Collier, Claude Harrington and Dean were the mainstays in the line while Goldstrucker was the star on offense. Score: Tyler 12, Lufkin 7.

On a muddy field in Palestine, Tyler fought the hardest game of the season with everything against her and was defeated by the narrow margin of one touch down. P.H. S. had a splendid team and they started the contest with a series of rushes that carried the pigskin to within the few feet of Tyler's goal in the first few minutes of play.
Securing the ball on downs in the shadow of their own goal posts, T.H.S., beat back the enemy's onslaught for a time but the charging backfield of the locals was not to be denied and by a series of fierce rushes, carried the ball across in the second quarter for the first count of the game. With only three minutes left to play in first half and the
ball in Tyler's possession in mid-field, Hamilton displayed remarkable judgment and skill in successfully making pass after pass to Brown and Wilson. In fact the work of these little ends at this stage of the game was wonderful and Tommy's triumphant capture of the lost fling with three Palestine men entirely around, was easily the most spectacular play of the day and resulted in the touch down that tied the score. The last half was filled with excellent playing by both teams who surged up and down the field with almost equal success but in the fourth quarter, Palestine's back field finally broke through Tyler's line for the winning score despite the phenomenal defensive work of Harrington and Collier and who were in the midst of every play. Score: Palestine 13, Tyler 6.

The last game of the season which was staged in Mineola proved an easy victory for the Tylerites. Led by George Lieb who absolutely astounded the natives by his marvelous play. the Blue and White's back field crashed through
and around the Mineola defense until the battle became a rout. Accurate forward passing from Hamilton to Brown, Campbell, Young an Wilson before which the locals were entirely helpless paved the way for several touch downs and Goldstucker's educated toe added pointy after point to the score. Harrington was again a star in the defense and he was ably seconded by Sneed, Collier, Eisen and Dean, the latter especially playing his best game of the season. Claude Harrington also did good work in the line for Tyler. Score Tyler 39, Mineola 0.

Tyler High School 0, Jacksonville H.S.O.
Tyler High School 0, Palestine H.S. 0.
Tyler High School 12, Henderson H.S. 0.
Tyler High School 12, Mineola H.S. 0.
Tyler H.S. 7, Nacogdoches H.S. 7
Tyler High School 12, Lufkin H.S. 7.
Tyler High School 6, Palestine 13
Tyler High School 39, Mineola H.S. 0
Tyler 58, Opponents 44.
Average .666.

Page 116

The Faculty

Mr. Bryan sits in his office chair,
Dispensing wisdom and justice there.
Mr. Bright stands at the board, rule in hand,
He could teach algebra to any man.
Mr. Rutledge rules mid pitches and dabs
Down in the Physic's and Chemistry labs.
Mr. Ratliff talks of latin compounds,
And the mysteries of Casear [sic] expounds.
Mr. Gaines tries to teach the freshies math,
Who, like all bone-heads, hate wisdom's path.
Mr. Belew shows through the miscroscope,
Things with which freshmen minds never cope.
Mr. Getty teaches us M.T. and Gym.
Teaching how to make joints and break a limb.
Mrs. Urkuhart talks of Rameses the Third,
From what she says he must have been a bird.
Civilized man can't live without cooks,
Miss Thatcher teaches this science from books.
Now I come to my tale to Mrs. Magee,
Who taches both English and History.
Miss Mattie teaches Literature,
And brags on the Seniors to be sure.
Of Miss Lucia we are very proud.
She is a foot ball rooter avowed.
Miss Faber turns each poor freshman cold
With rules of how stories shall be told.
All of us are exceedingly fond
Of Miss Koch, our pretty German blonde.
Miss Alice, our Latin teacher fair,
Captivates all with her charms so rare.
Thus have I shown our faculty complete;
Name another which can with it compete.
Ike Crutcher, T.H.S. '16

Page 117



On November 8, the first team of T.H.S. met the Rusk team at Rusk in a match game. The Tyler team put up a hard fight, and succeeding in having the same number of points when time was called, but when the tie was played off, lucky rush made the first score and defeated Tyler 13 to 11.
The line up was as follows:
Rusk Scores
Guynn, forward 3
Spinks, forward 10
Whiteman, captain
Tyler Scores
Marjorie Goodman, captain, forward 8
Carrie Mae Langford, forward 3
Gatha McFarland, center
Opal Porter, side center
Georgia Lee Alston, guard
Vivienne Garnett
Lilah Allison, (sub)

On February 1, the Tyler and A.C.I. teams met again, this time on Tyler soil, and our girls proved themselves the superior in a score of 19 to 9. We feel exceedingly proud of this as they were defeated in Jacksonville.
Line up:
A.C.I. Scores
L. Ennis 4
Davis 4
Cadenhead (sub) 1
N. Ennis
Tyler Scores
Goodman 15
Langford 6
Loving, O. Porter, V. Garnett, Alston, Allen (sub), L. Porter (sub).

The first team of Rusk High School came to Tyler, January 9 to play against T.H.S. first team. When time was called, Tyler was found victorious in a score of 15 to 2.
Line up:
Rusk Scores
Guynn 11
Spinks 1
Nash, Thompson, Cobble, Prior, Whiteman and Bonner.
Tyler Scores
Goodman 12
Langford 3
Loving, McFarland, Alston, Garnett and Burnett.

On January 16, the T.H.S. girls, grim and determined met the girls of A.C.I. on the A.C.I. battle field at Jacksonville. The battle was strenuous, and Tyler suffered defeat 13 to 10. Still they had hopes of winning the return game.
Line up:
A.C.I. Scores
L. Ennis 3
Davis 10
Dashiell, Cadenhead, N. Ennis, Williams and Lynch.

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Tyler Scores
Goodman 10
Longford [sic], Loving, Burnett, Garnett and Alston.

Black Fork
In a game played on November 21, between Tyler and Black Fork, Tyler was declared victor with a score of 19 to 9.
Line up:
Black Fork Scores
Parker 8
Hand 1
D. Campbell, Bell, R. Campbell and Hill.
Tyler Scores
Goodman 9
Langford 10
Loving, Porter, Allen and Garnett.

On January 23, the old enemies contested: Tyler and Palestine. Our High School girls played against the Y.W.C.A. team. After an exciting game, with Tyler at a disadvantage, the opponents being the larger, our team came out of the tussel defeated, but conscious that they had given the "giants" a stiff fight. Miss Koch played in the second half and showed herself an excellent player as well as instructor. The score was 17 to 14.
Line up:
Palestine Scores
Wynne 17
Manall, Dunlap, Ackerman, Melbane and Sammor.
Tyler Scores
Langford 7
Koch 7
Porter, Loving, Burnett, Alston, Garnett, and Porter.

The Boy, the Cow and the Bumble Bee

A humble boy with a shining pail
Went gaily singing down the gale,
To where a cow with brindle tail
On the clover pasture did regale.

A humble bee did gaily sail
Over the soft and shady vale,
To where the boy with shining pail
Was milking the cow with the brindle tail.

The bee lit right on the cow's left ear;
She kicked her heels into the atmosphere,
And through the leaves of the chestnut tree,
The poor boy sailed to eternity.
M. A. Rose

Page 119


1. Why are Opal's cheeks like a good cotton dress?
2. What is it that Pat and Marjorie seek but never wish to find?
3. What does Maurine do when she goes to church?
4. Why was it that Gus was surprised when Fred hit him with a stone?
5. When does butter remind you of the Senior Class?
6. Why should you always choose the 12:50 train for Big Sandy?
7. What goes from here to Lindale without moving?
8. Why was "Uncle Tom's Cabin" not written by a female hand?
9. Why is Mary Allen like Malavansos?
10. Who killed the greatest number of chickens?
11. Why should Mr. Rutledge make a good tanner?

1. Because they are warranted to wash and keep their color.
2. Holes in their hosiery.
3. Look at the hymns (hims).
4. Because such ad never entered his head before.
5. When there are "Pats" in it.
6. Because its ten to one you catch it
7. The road – Ha!
8. Because it was written by Mrs. Beecher Stowe (Beecher's toe).
9. Because she deals in high screams.
10. Hamlet's uncle; he "did murder most foul."
11. Because he thoroughly understand ox (h) ides.

Page 120

To The Alcalde

Alcalde, 'tis of thee,
Sweet book, dear to me,
To thee I write,
Long may your work succeed.
And record each noble deed;
Let every reader heed –
Thy praises sing.

My own school book thee,
Write with a hand so free,
Thy "shade" I love,
I love thy jokes and thrills
Thine editorial "quills;"
Mine eyes with rapture fill
When Thee I read,

Our school book to thee
I send this eulogy,
To thee alone,
Long may your page be bright
With intellect's holy light;
Protect us with your pen –
Alcalde – Amen!

Page 121


During the first term of school this year, the girls in T.H.S. who were interested in athletics, met with Miss Koch for the purpose of organizing an athletic society. The T.H.S.G.A.C. was the result of their efforts, and at the first meeting the officers elected were: Norma Burnett President; Genevieve Garnett, Vice President; Lilah Allison, Secretary; Georgia Lee Alston, Treasurer. They made their rules, and prepared for hard work in basket ball to show their superiority over the teams of other towns. Also, a championship pennant was offered to the class team which should win the most games over the other classes. So the teams elected their captains and began practice. On account of their superior prowess and agility as basket ball players, the Sophomores were declared winners of the Interclass League and were presented with the beautiful championship pennant. Besides this those girls who in four out of the six interclass games including the last, received an arm pennant as reward for their work (Champion, etc. - )
After several practices, coach, Koch, began selecting the girls for the first team. Those she deemed most worthy of the honor were: Vivienne Garnett, Georgia Lee Alston, Louise Loving, Norma Burnett, Marjorie Goodman, Carrie Mae Langford, Lilah Allison, Opal Porter. Norma Burnett was elected first captain and Marjorie Goodman second captain. The team played a number of games and were victors of several occasions. Championship pennants were awarded to the first team champions. Those receiving the championship pennants were: Vivienne Garnett, Carrie Mae Lanford, Marjorie Goodman, Georgia Lee Alston.
At the beginning of the second symmester [sic], the club held election of officers. Those chosen being: Marjorie Goodman, president; Vivienne Garnett, vice president; Opal Porter secretary. This half of the year was devoted to tennis and base ball and in this line, as well as B.B., quite a number of skilled players were found.
The T.H.S.G.A.C. has proven quite a success, and we hope that next year it will be even better managed so that outsiders may know that there are feminine athletics, as well as masculine.

Page 122

The Sea

Oh, beautiful, beautiful, deep, blue sea,
With your myriads of ships that go sailing;
And your white-capped waves, on the breakers free,
And your tides, twice a day, never failing.

On, sea, you have wealth all over your floor,
Brought there by the galleons of old;
You have jewels, and ingots and doubloons galore,
Besides many pounds of pure gold.

Dear sea, you cannot be lonely at all,
For you have just scores of children,
Who come, and dance, and play, at your call;
In numbers, 'way over the million.

Blue sea, you're as happy, as happy can be,
For your song rolls along the shores;
And your birds take passage, without any fee,
For you draw them along with your lore.

Deep sea, you are boundless, and oh, so free,
As one on land almost never can be.
For God, our Creator, thus has made thee,
And to all Eternity, thou shalt ever be.

Page 123

Woman Suffrage in T.H.S.

Although the Smith County Equal Franchise League is comparatively new in the race, nevertheless may ardent enthusiasts have declared themselves armed for the fight. The determined spirit of these "militant millie's" was manifested by the fact that the Woman Suffrage League of Tyler obtained the services of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, world renowned suffrage leader, while she was on her Southern tour. She spoke to an enthusiastic audience at the High School Auditorium on the evening of Friday, March 19th. To attempt to do justice to her magnificent lecture by endeavoring to describe it with mere words would end in miserable failure; her reputation for power of speech and force of argument are too well known to be mentioned here.
A further evidence of the earnestness of this notable League was demonstrated by their energy in persuading Miss Helen Todd to lecture in Tyler. She spoke convincingly to a large, appreciative assemblage at the Court House in January. She was also good enough to visit the Cotton Belt Shops and the General Offices and make short speeches there. Her cordial visit to the High School was most welcome, and was joyously received. She dwelt mostly upon the advantages Equal Suffrage has gained for her home State, California. Both she and Dr. Shaw used the Suffrage Map, which denotes states where there is total woman suffrage by pure white, partial suffrage by stripes, and no suffrage by black. (Texas was the biggest, blackest blot on the map). Miss Todd will be remembered kindly and appreciatively especially by the men who had been let off from the shops because of her generosity in sending tickets for Dr. Shaw's lecture to be distributed among the shop men who were out of work at that time, two being given each.
These, with Dr. Axton's inspiring lecture on "Modern Patriotism," were a few of the unusual educational advantages offered to the High School students this year.

Page 124


By heck, I reckon I'uz born a poet,
A allus feel that way when spring comes 'round,
An' by th' time that summer's come, I know it,
When viewing nature's progress with th' groun'.

Th' tillin' o' th'soil t' raise th' winter's grain,
An' making hay on t'wards th' summer's last,
An' fields o' cotton, and th' rows of sugar cane,
That brings t' mem'ry times that are long past.

An; then comes fall with frost, an' mobby rain,
That makes th' groun' jus' fin fer fat mud cakes,
But then a blizzard clears the trees again
And makes us kinds git buzzy with th' rakes.

Th' wind a whistlin' through the leafless trees,
An givin' me jus' w'at I don't desire
When I'm a rakin' yards and 'bout ter freeze;
I kinder want ter scout int' the fire.

Page 125

Advice for 1916 Alcalde


Organize staff at first of year. Have one man for every branch and make him had in his work on time. Give receipts for every subscription refuse to give out books unless the receipts are produced. Would suggest the following officers:
Editor – Duties: Collect and cull over material, see that every member of the staff does their duty, plan cover design, consult with business managers concerning contracts and style of printing. Keep in touch with every member of the staff.
Assistant Editors – Duties: Assist editor in everything.
Business Manager – Attend to all bids, contracts, ads, bills. Demand and give receipts for everything.
Ass't Business Manager, assist Business Manager.
Treasurer: Receive and give out all money. Place it in the bank as soon as you receive it. Give receipt when you do receive it and then handle it all by checks. Keep your bank book balanced so you will know how you stand.
Exchange Editor: Attend the exchanges.
Foot Ball – Report every game within two days after playing. Get pictures of team in action. Have pictures of team and their weights ready at close of season.
Basket Ball – (Boys and girls) Same as foot ball.
Track – Same as foot ball.
Society – Report entertainment within two days afterward.
Clubs – (Boys and girls) Have matter all in by the week after Senior exams.
Ward Schools – Same as clubs.
Alumni – Begin work early, have copy all in by the week after Senior exams.
Notice: Have every one who writes anything for the "Alcalde" to write it so it can go to press and will not have to be copied.
Have reporters in each room, and get them to turn in some jokes every Friday evening.
Subscription Manager: Keep a list of all subscribers, give receipts for every Subscription, and force them to show receipts before you give them a book.
To Business Manager: Arrange with some bank so that your publisher will have a guarantee of his money, and can thus afford to bid close and then force him to bid close. Get several bids, don't stop with just one.
Editor: Advise Seniors to have their pictures taken early so that they can get others if they don't like them. Have an official photographer.

Page 126

Our Team

No town has a team that will compare
With our ball team of girls so rare.
The jolliest girls on this wide earth;
Just full of joy and harmless mirth.

To beat 'em means a fight so hard,
That few teams draw was winning card;
The very few that cause them defeat,
Soon after knew what it meant to beat.

After losing to the team of A.C.I.,
The dear old team made them comply
To their defeat on our home ground.
The game was won in a great bound.

Before I stoop I want to say,
That whether at work or at play,
These girls are of a determined kind,
Who always to the top will climb.
H.B. T. '15

Page 127

Germans With Solid Lines Rely on Straight Football

Germany kicked off to France, the ball going out of bounds in Belgium. Belgium was there as a spectator, but was an old time player and was itching to get into the game and on the winning side. Instead of dodging the ball, Belgium caught it and started a brilliant return. Belgium made several clever plays but could not hit the German line effectively and soon was thrown for a loss, and lost the ball on a steady march for the goal line, Paris. Germany relied on straight football, using old style mass formations. The Allies tried a number of forward passes, but they were broken up by the heavy German offense. Germany reached the 10 yard line before it could be stopped but there the Allies got the ball and executed a clever wing shift. They were unable to hit center but circled the left and for several good gains, carrying the ball lack to the 40 yard line. Germany then took to playing the open game, executing successful forward passes to Antwerp and Ostend. Both sides are alleging unnecessary roughness. The score at the end of the first quarter stands nothing to nothing.

The Class of 1915

After years of silent expectation,
From the crooks and cannies of the naton,
A class springs up, we call the "leventh";
Just four years above the seventh,
Yet we deem it, in a rank most high,
And we leave it with a sigh,
Friends, and schoolmates go together,
In sunshine, rain or snowy weather,
Into the world with happy laughter,
Some ahead, others after,
But T.H.S. a memorial part,
Lurks somewhere in every heart.

Page 128


There's noble being in our midst of whom I often think,
You've seen her – yes, I know you have.
You needn't smile or wink.
It's not a teacher or the prin –
You'll have to guess some more –
No soph or freshie, guess again.
No senior has such qualities;
The Seniors ne'er can gain
Her great reward of bales of hay and grain.
And when I cross the sea of death and reach the golden shore,
I'll see Grace Kendrick's gentle nag near by the pearly door,
A diamond crown will dorn her brow,
A field of emerad grass will surely be the just reward.
For patience in days past.
Student News Staff Poet.

Page 129

Revenge Is Sweet

"Well, Polly! Didn’t know you were here. Come now, shake hands with an old friend. Say, you're not still angry with me after all this time?"
"I – oh well of course not, Jene – er - a Mr. Patterson – "
"Drop the 'Mr.' please, I'm Jene. Going in here?"
"Yes, I was just going to wait for my – for John," and a slight twinkle came in Polly's big brown eyes. Here was her chance to get even.
"May I wait with you and – a talk over old time?"
They stepped into the cream parlor, but the talk was too restrained. Old times seemed as if they had never been. John loomed up before Jene Patterson, Polly's old sweet heart, like a big mountain barrier, for 'who in thunder was John?'
Polly saw it all out of the corner of her eye, and the twinkle twinkled more. Very sweetly she ordered their old time drink, grape juice. Jene ordered, "coc – strong,"
"Will you be here long, Jene?"
"Not as long as I expect – I mean wanted."
"Oh, you must stay over and call tonight," – he brightened; perhaps John was a cousin – but Polly's heart was hard, 'I want you to meet my – to meet John"
"Am awfully sorry Miss Polly, but –
"Oh, yes you can, so don't tell any story, besides here's John now."
A big fat man came blustering in the door.
"Well, Polly, I'm late, but business is – Hello, who's –
"I hate excuses, John; but you see, I didn't mind waiting; I've had a pleasantest chat with – Oh, I beg pardon, Mr. Patterson. Mr. Whitney, John, this is one of my old home friends."
Polly edged over to John and kicked his foot ever so slightly. And John understood.
"Patterson, glad to know you sir, glad to know you! come out to the house for lunch. Oh, yes you can; come right along; car's waiting now."
And Jene found himself in John Whitney's car, sitting by Polly – by Polly who – that was it, Polly who?
Surely she wasn't married to that fat lubber; why, he didn't suit Polly; she ought to marry a man like – well like himself.
(Oh, the conceit of man!)
But Polly had her thoughts also. She fully appreciated Jen's feelings and enjoyed it to the utmost. He had always had his way, and if he wanted anything, he always expected to get it, knew he would get it, and usually did get it. That was Jene; and Polly was going to show him for once how it felt to be uncertain. Now she was getting the revenge. She would show Mr. Eugene Patterson that he couldn't pretend to care for her, and then just deliberately make love to another girl – right before her eyes too, and that wasn't half what he did; he has always been doing something – but –
"Oh!" Yes," cooed Polly, "You must meet Mary. She's the sweetest little lady I ever saw. I know you will like her; John and I both adore her – don't we, John?" – casting a long, loving look in John's direction, much

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to Jen's discomfiture, for Polly's glances were loving when she wanted to make them so, and before that ride was over Jene Patterson realized that he had lost the only girl who could ever have made him happy. Who was Mary, and why should he be interested in her? He looked again at Polly and John. Good Lord, Polly and a fat man! He wondered how that fellow ever had the nerve to propose to Polly – his Polly.
Polly, however, chattered on, asking about the people at home and everything in general, apparently not noticing the lack of interest in the conversation on the part of the young gentleman.
"Oh, wouldn't I love to go back home again – even jut for a day. But here we are, I know that Mary has been thinking that we were never coming. John, please take Mr. Patterson in the parlor, while I take off my things and call Mary."
They had stopped in front of a pretty suburban cottage. Polly led the way in, very much at home. Another pang entered Jene's heart – here it was just the sort of home he had dreamed of sharing the Polly.
Excusing herself, she left the room and poor Jene was left with "dear John" – and what could he say to interest Polly's husband? But John, being just as kind as he was fat, decided to play the leading part in the conversation; furthermore, he would have to hurry, as he had much to say.
"Now look here, young fellow, don't interrupt me, but tell the truth when I ask you a question. "Are you in love the Polly? Well, never mind I can see you are; I've been all along the same line, so don't mind telling it. You see, I've caught on to Polly's joke; you haven't. I'm married all right, but to Mary, not Polly. She's still single, and as much in love with you as ever, I think; mind I just think so. She told us once she was going to get even with you if it took her a life time, but I have an old score to settle with Miss Polly myself, so this is my chance. Let's carry out the joke and turn tables on the invincible for once. You stay a short time, but find that you must leave on the midnight train, and, having some business to attend to, decide that it is necessary that you go early. Bid her good-bye, as a mere acquaintance would, pretend to go, but don't, walk around to the side door, come in and we will call the little lady's bluff. One thing more I forgot to tell you – I am Polly's uncle. here's luck to you; I like you son; you/re a little but too over-sure, but that's the way to with [sic] Polly, if you win her. Boy, you'll have the best little girl in the world – except Mary. But win her fair; you'll have to play square with Polly."
All of Jene's troubles had vanished as if by magic. Why, that was just the jolliest little fat man he had ever met – Polly's uncle, Polly free – it was too good to be true.
"Uncle John – Mr. Whitney, you're – "
"That's all right son, I know you were about to hate me; don't blame you a bit, would have done the same thing myself, so forget it, my boy, forget it. Say, quick, look like your richest Uncle's disinherited you, Here she comes."
"And so you like that line of business, Mr. Patterson - ?"
"Oh, can't men talk anything but business? Lunch is served. I didn't mean to stay so long, but, of course, if you were talking business you didn't miss me."
Lunch over, Mary played, Polly sang and Jene left early, when he asked for his hat, Polly stared, John winked, Mary looked worried, but Jene only looked grave, saying good-bye to Polly last.
Good-bye Miss Polly; if you ever come back to the home town, we'll all be glad to see you."
But Polly was game. She had carried her joke too far, but he shouldn't know it.
"Good-bye, Jene; surely am glad that I saw you in town. Give my love and best regards to everyone at home."
The front door slammed and he was gone – a big lump rose in Polly's throat, her little chinm trembled. She tried to keep the tears back but couldn't. Now he was gone and it was all her own fault, and Uncle John would laugh. She was ashamed to cry, but the

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lump in her throat become larger and larger.
"Now look here, Polly,. I told you - ?
"Uncle John Whitney, don't you dare say that to me; I hate you and him and I'm glad he's gone. I hope I never see him again, never!" Dropping to the floor she gave way to her tears, her whole body shaking with sobs.
John and Mary slipped quietly from the room; just as quietly, Eugene Patterson slipped in, tip-toed over to where Polly sat, and lifter her gently to her feet. Then Polly saw – "why Jene, Jene Patterson, I thought – "
"Listen Polly, never mind what you thought, you can think again. We didn't mean to make you cry. You see, I didn't know you cared enough for that. Your uncle told me about your joke, and we just carried it on. Now don't get made, please Polly, it was only fair; you had me worried nearly crazy on the way out here. Won't you -."
"No, I won't," and Polly's foot came down upon the floor decidedly. "That's the way you always do. Jene Patterson is there any way that I can ever get even with you?"
"Well, you, there is one way."
"And that, please - ?"
"You might er – a – marry me you know." The blue eyes twinkled this time and smiled the sweet wistful smile that Polly loved so well, and – well anyway Polly got even.
Fat Uncle John with dear Aunt Mary patiently awaited to hear the terms of the treaty. They knew there would be one. Jene had always gotten what he wanted – so had Polly – that was why they knew.
"But, you know dear" – Uncle John's voice grew soft and tender – "though Polly can't help playing jokes, she deserves to be happy; for, as I've said before, she's the sweetest little girl in the world – next to Mary."
Passed by National Board of Censorship.


Page 132

The Pirate Story

"Listen to me, my children,
And a story I will unfold;
Of the days that are long gone by,
When I was a pirate bold.

"The old hulk lay at anchor,
In my little bay, one day,
When I decided to make a haul,
But not one came in sight.

"All that day we sailed and sailed,
and far into the night;
We swept the seas, to see a sail
But not one came in sight.
"But early on the morning
I looked from the helm afar;
And floating on the water,
Was a girl, on a broken spar.

"After the boat was lowered,
Tenderly, I picked her up;
But she, poor girl, was unconscious
And did neither eat nor sup.

"However, I gave her some brandy,
And her story to me, she told;
Of how a gale had wrecked the ship,
And killed its inmates bold.

"Her appointed lover was on the ship,
And her dear father was there;
And her chosen lover she did not love,
But he had money to spare.

"Her father wished her to marry him,
And love a luxurious life,
Without a sorry, without a care,
And freed from toil and strife.

"But I asked her to be my bride,
And sail the seas with me;
But she just shook her pretty head,
And said, "A cottage by the sea."

"And so we married and settled her,
And I built this cottage dear;
And of all the placed in the world
I want to die right here.

"The old man ceased, and with a sigh,
Leaned back in his deep arm chair;
Just as his wife came walking in,
Sweet and gentle, with silver hair.

She took her seat beside him.
With a grandchild, on her knee;
And they watched the departing evening,
Just as happy as happy could be."

Page 133

History of Tyler and Smith County

In the earlier days, most of the inhabitants of Texas, were Indians, but the red skins were usually friendly towards the white, and caused very little trouble.

Smith county, lying in East Texas, in the Third Congressional District, and having organized from a part of Nacogdoches county in 1846, has an area of 984 square miles and a population of about 45,000.
The surface presents a succession of hills and sloping valleys which are well watered by numerous streams, the most important river in the county being the
Sabine. It is about twenty miles from Tyler and in olden times it was of great importance, because nearly all the traffic between Shreveport and Dallas was ferried across the river at Belzora, a ferry owned by Mr. Berry who kept a small commissary.
In 1860, Mr. Berry sold Belzora to Mr. Thomas R. Swann, and floated down the pass with his family on a flat board.
Belzora was named for a young lady, a bell of Antibellum days, of Henderson, Texas, Miss Belzora Ham. This little ferry was intended to be a city and the vIsions of such at at once leaped into the minds of a large crowd "picnicking" at Belzora when "Uncle Ben," a steam boat bringing supplies from Sabine Pass to Mr. Swann's General Merchandise store, plied up the river. These hopeful people tried to get an appropriation bill passed through congress, providing for the dredging and digging out of the Sabine, but Mr. Reagan was in Congress at the

time, and he opposing it, the bill failed to pass.
Thus Belzora was never anything more than a ferry managed by Mr. T. R. Swann from 1860 to 1866.
The soils of Smith county are divided into three classes: the alluvial of the bottoms, the gray and sandy, and the red lands. The bottom lands are well adapted to corn, peaches, and strawberries, and the red, to fruits and vegetables.
The county is well supplied with timber. The uplands are thickly studded with pine, post oak, red oak, hickory, and black jack, and the bottoms with pin oak, wateroak, walnut, sweet and black gum.
The Sabine river forms the northern boundary, and the Neches the western. There are many natural lakes, while near the city of Tyler are half a dozen reservoirs covering from 100 to 400 acres a piece.
The St. Louis Southwestern, the International and Great Northern, and the Texas and Pacific railroads have a total of 100.0 miles of operated lines through this county. Probably it will be of interest to note the origin of a few of the early railroads.
With captain James P. Douglas, as president, William Goodman, as vice-president, and Charles T. Bonner, then quite a young man, as secretary, the first twenty-two miles of the Cotton Belt railroad was built from Tyler to Big Sandy, then called the Tyler Tap (railroad). During the next two years it was extended to Mt. Pleasant, with cross ties marking the town, and later Mr. Paramore and his associates buying the road, completed it to Texarkana, then westward to Waco. This company named the road the "Cotton Belt."
When the original owners of the road sold it to Paramore and associated, they stated clearly in the contract that they should establish the principal offices and shops of this railroad at Tyler, Texas, perpetually and forever. They were so particular about this point because at this time, Marshall and Dallas were wrangling over the location of the Texas and Pacific shops.
There was a law then by which Texas gave all completed roads in operation sixteen

Page 134

sections of public land. The owners could not raise enough money to build more road; so
they sent Mr. Douglas to the Senate to get an amendment, and he succeeding, got eight sections of land on the grade and the other eight on completion. By subscriptions gotten by Dr. Goodman in Tyler and Shreveport twenty-two miles was graded from Tyler to Big Sandy, by an experienced grader, Daniel Heartnet.
Thus they had one hundred and seventy-six sections of public land. Captain Douglas and Governor Hubbard then went up North and sold the land and bought iron and rolling stock, built the track and put it into operation.
Mr. Reynolds was engineer of the first train, just anyone acted as conductor, brakeman, and fireman. The first passengers were mostly immigrants, seeking homes in productive East Texas.
In 1905, when Mr. Brittain, president of St. Louis Southwestern, published a notice that in ten days the Cotton Belt General Offices should be moved from Tyler to Texarkana. The citizens of Tyler raised forty-five hundred dollars and engaged Judge Edwards and Horace Chilton, Tyler lawyers, who defended the case through all the courts, it being appealed clear up to the Federal Supreme Court, but this court, refused, because they had no jurisdiction over State questions. Ellis Perkins represented Mr. Brittain, but he failed to get the
offices moved from Tyler; so being a big-hearted man, President Brittain built new shops, and put many thousand dollars worth of improvements on the old ones.
Now in 1870, a railroad known as the Houston and Great Northern was
being constructed under the presidency of a certain Mr. Young.
This railroad was built about forty miles from Houston to a little town called Willis, where one day, President Young was sitting on a flat car loaded with cross ties, looking over the work, and with a sudden lurch of the train he was thrown in front of the cars and killed.
Mr. Gatusha A. Grow, succeeding him, continued the construction of the road toward Palestine.
In the meantime, H.M. Hoxie, president of another railroad company, known as the International, started a road out of Hearn, Texas, building toward Palestine also.
These two roads were completed into Palestine about the same time, so the two companies consolidated under the presidency of Mr. Grow, and assumed the name of the International and Great Northern Railway, its present name. Mr. Hoxie, as general manager, looked after the work personally for a great many years.
The road was constructed through to Longview in about 1872, and a branch was started from Troup towards Mineola, and was built into Tyler, in the first part of the year 1873, and was afterwards completed into Mineola in the part of the same year.
When the I.&G.N. Railroad company was beginning, Smith county agreed to pay $250, 000 to have the road pass through the county and Tyler paid $50,000 of this amount to have the railroad constructed so that it should pass within a half mile of the Court House; the money being paid in bonds by the citizens of Tyler.
Mr. Gould bought the I.&G.N. Railway Company in 1875, and it is still owned by him. There have been many strikes on the road since Mr. Gould's purchase, but none have affected this part of the road.
The first I.& G.N. station ever owned in Tyler was at the enter-section of the present Mulberry street and railroad avenue. The first freight depot was situated on the lot where the Pierce Fordyce Oil Association now is. The depots remained in these locations a good while and it was then moved to East Ferguson street and located on the lot directly opposite and across the track from the position where Palmore and Dean's Lumber company stands. When the station was placed on the lot adjoining the present Tyler Hotel, where it stands today.
In 1907, the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company and the International and Great Northern Railway company built a union depot at its present position.

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The first engine ever operated on this section of the road used wood as fuel. Coal was then introduced, and today both coal and oil are used.
There have been a great many improvements made in this most excellent means of transportation, as there have been in the other roads through Smith county.
General James Smith, in whose honor, this county was named, was born in Spartanburg county, South Carolina, September 10, 1792, being reared and educated there. He volunteered as a private at the age of twenty, and served under General Jackson during the War of 1812, his last service in that war being the Battle of New Orleans. He returned to Carolina in 1816 and married Hannah Parker. Three years later he moved to Tennessee.
He came to Texas in 1834 and settled in Nacogdoches (now rusk) county on a league and labor of land.
When the war with Mexico opened he went back to Tennessee and raised a volunteer company of seventy-five men, and being chosen captain, brought them to Texas. He fought brilliantly in the war, attaining to generalship, and enjoyed the close friendship of Houston, Rusk and Henderson.
He died and was buried on his farm, December 25, 1855. He was buried with military honors, General Rusk officiating.
He was in politics, a faithful disciple of Andrew Jackson and in religion a loyal member of the Baptist church. He was many descendants in Texas, some of whom have taken a leading part in the different walks of life.
Smith county is composed of a number of small towns and Tyler, the county seat, with a population of 15,000.
When this county was organized in 1846, two places were proposed as location of the county seat, the present city of Tyler, and the other, about three miles east of Tyler on what is now known as the Omen road. The majority vote being in favor of the location first mentioned. Tyler was made the county seat in 1846.
J.C. Hill, E.E. Lott, father of our townsman, Jno. A. Lott; John Dewbury, Jno. Loller and W.B. Duncan were appointed to locate the county boundary and seat. The commissioners located the city of Tyler quickly, J.C. Hill being the surveyor who laid off the city.
What few families who lived here then used water from the spring on the west side of Spring street, and opposite where the American Laundry now stands. This spring was regarded as public property, and desirous to keep it so, the surveyor began his work by setting his compass four feet west of the spring and running north to where west of the spring and running north to where west of Spring street strikes the public square, where it now is and then competed the survey of the first laying out of Tyler. The spring was also used as the baptizing pool.
The first court house was a little log house about where the rear of the Jester National Bank now stands and the first county jail was also a small log house built on East Ferguson street where Palmore and Dean Lumber company now is.
In 1848 a controversy arose between the locating commissioners and the commissioners' court of the county over the permanent location of the court house, but it was retained in the old place.
Tyler was named for one of the most prominent and distinguished men of the United States, John Tyler, tenth president of the said States.
Soon after Tyler was made a town in 1846, and her streets laid off, business began in a small way in this thinly peopled section of the country.
Dr. Caldwell was an early merchant; Savala another, and Frank Bell kept a grocery store on the north side of the square. The business houses were built of hewed out logs cut from the surrounding forest; the stocks of merchandise were small but answered the purpose. A path led from one store to the other. The Caldwell business house ranked first. Caldwell also kept the postoffice.
The social features of the forties were dances, candy pullings, quiltings, and sometimes a game of cards, such games as solitaire and "seven-up."
The women of Smith county spun and wove their own dresses from the cotton and fashioned their hats from cornshucks and wild palmetto. Two young ladies who lived close to Tyler wove beautiful Neapolitan straw from the tails of white horses. The shoes worn by the society girls, as well as all other clothing were home productions.
Mollie E. Moore, famous for her poetry, was educated at the noted Old Charnwood school. She was the leading spirit among

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the young people of the sixties.
Tyler has always been an intellectual center, and was early known as the Athens of Texas. The first club was organized immediately after the Civil War with Mr. Richard Long as president. One of the leading spirits of the Tyler Literary and Social club, which met at the homes of the members, was Dr. J.H. McBride.
A literary club of much patronage and wide fame met in the college, now known as the High School.
The Sandford House, during the War, afterwards the Bates Hotel, which stood on the east side of the square just south of East Ferguson street; the old Henry House, located on the southeast corner of the square; and the big three storied brick Ferguson House where Mayer & Schmidt's store, now stands, have all played their part in Tyler's special as well as business life.
The first opera house in Tyler was built by Tom and Eliff Albertson in 1879 and occupied the entire space over the store now run by Goldstein and Brown
Tyler stands preeminently the musical center of East Texas and paralleled in the United States only by the largest cities
The first prominent violinist in Tyler was Professor Schue. He took part in the first orchestra of the Baptist church and taught in Tyler for many years. His two "brag pupils," were Mary Bonner and Nell De Shong. At the same time, Prof. Schue, a pianist of note, was organist at the Methodist church. He had a large class, and organized a band of about twenty musicians who amused Tyler audiences twenty-five years ago.
Mrs. Benson Roberts was the leading musician of her day. Other renown musicians of eighteen hundred and eighty-six were Mrs. Wash Cain and Mrs. Bob Cain.
The first music club, organized in Tyler on March 27, 1887, was the Mendelsohn club, with W.H. McBride as president, Miss Nita Wells, vice president; Mrs. C.B. Epes, secretary, and Miss Annie Bonner, treasurer. The first meeting of this club was at the home of Mrs. M.H. Bonner. The chapter members were: Mrs. C.B. Epes, Mrs. J.M. Sharp, Misses Nita Wells, Annie Bonner, Bethe Bonner, Nannie McBride, Mamie Grinnan Ellis, Mr. Frank Allen, W.H. McBride, Ernest Wild, T.B. Ramey and Miss Mary Herndon.
The name was changed to Sherwood, in 1894, in honor of the famous American Pianist who gave a recital in Tyler. The membership greatly grew, and, in honor of the old club, the name of the Mendelsohn-Sherwood club was adopted.
Mrs. L.L. Jester, daughter of Wash Cain, and a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass., had charge of the Marvin Choir many years. Her voice was always in demand. She won fame by singing at the State Fair to the accompaniment of Sousas' Band, and again to that of the Mexican Band at the Fruit Palace.
Nor must we forget Mrs. A.P. Baldwin and Mrs. Walter Wiley who are now educating Tyler musically. These two ladies are sisters and have unusual talent.
Tyler is certainly God's country, for from the earliest times churches were established here.
The Methodists founded the first church in Tyler, in a blacksmith shop, 1847. Mrs. Miller Johnson is the only charger member living. The first church was located where Jester's Bank now is; the next, a log building on the court house square, and the next across the street from the present church. Rev. Wells organized the first Methodist Sunday school of twenty-five scholars in his school room. Mrs. W.G. Cain organized the first church choir and Ladies' Aid Society. In 1878 Miss Jessie James was Sunday School organist. The world famous Sam P. Jones held a revival meeting at an early date, converting many, and raising a large sum of money for the building of the new church. the Woman's Foreign Missionary was organized in 1882, by Mrs. M.B. Adams, the Star Circle by Mrs. Alex Woldert and the Epworth League, by Rev. W.B. Hays.
In 1848, the Baptists organized with thirteen members, and their first meetings were held in the old log court house. The first ice cream ever seen in Tyler was made in a tin bucket and served at a Baptist church "supper."
The first Episcopal church service ever held in Tyler, Texas, was in the old Methodist church at early candle light a few days before Christmas, in 1866, and was conducted by Bishop Alexander Gregg. The communicants were: Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Grennan, Mrs. Susan A. Smith, and Arch Bowen.
In 1867, Bishop Gregg confirmed Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Brown and arranged for occasional services to be held in Tyler by ministers from nearby towns.

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Rev. Emie Hamvassey became minister in 1872 and held services regularly at the Federal court room and the old Christian church.
Under the supervision of Rev. H. Hamvassey and with the aid and donations of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Brown, Mr. J.H. Bonner and Mr. W.W. Grinnan, the present church was erected. Rev. C.H.B. Turner presented the first confirmation class in Tyler, March 1893, to Bishop Kinsolving, Miss Maggie Clark and Miss Alberta Askew composing the class.
The first organ was given by Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Brown, the second was bought by the church. The communion service was held while Mr. Turner was Rector. A lot for a new church was bought in 1913. It is situated on the corner of West Erwin and College streets, purchase price being $7,000. The first Catholic priest to visit Tyler was Reverend Father C.M. Chambordut, who was located at Nacogdoches from 1848 to 1854. Different priests visited Tyler every year. In 1879 or 80 the two lots where the present church and resident stand were purchased for $650. The first suscriber [sic] was Mr. E.W. Ferguson, a non Catholic, who gave $100, seeing it would help Tyler. Mr. K.W. Wright, Anthony Smith, and Mr. DeLaney were among the first Catholics. At first, the church here was a mission, priests coming every Sunday. Father Henckemer came in July, 1890, as first resident priest. In 1904, Father Donohue took charge of the church. The membership now was four hundred. He resided here until 1912. During his stay here he made valuable improvements in and around the church. He had the church building changed from facing North College Street to that on West Locust. He enlarged the parsonage from one to seven rooms, and the cement side walks, flowers, and shrubbery brought about by him serve to show the church property off beautifully. Two priests have succeeded him.
Various other churches were established in Tyler at an early date, and are of equal importance to those mentioned.
Tyler has a cotton seed oil mill, shops of Cotton Belt Railroad, cannery, box and crate factory, pottery and brick plants, overall and ice factories, creamery, bottling works, and other manufacturing establishments as well as wholesale houses, general offices of Cotton Belt, large nurseries, dairies, etc. In the county are 110 cotton gins and fifteen saw mills.
There are four ward schools in Tyler for white children and two for negroes, and a magnificent new High School building. The country has 135 public free schools employing 235 teachers. The Tyler Commercial College, and Phillips University (for negroes) are located here, and the location of a new state normal in Tyler is being greatly agitated at present.
In the election of 1881 Tyler was a candidate for the location of the State University, but Austin being the capitol of the State, won over Tyler.
Tyler has the only Confederate cemetery in the State. It is 200 feet by 80, and 200 by 70, and had its beginning in 1863 when a Confederate soldier was buried in a clearing made in the forest.
After the war 231 Confederates rested in the cemetery. The Molly Moore Davis Chapter of the United States Daughters of the Confederacy raised the funds for a monument of General Robert E. Lee, which was erected in the middle of the cemetery and dedicated in 1909 to the memory of these valiant heroes.
The first post office of Smith county was a little log house on the corner of the square where Gaston & Son store now stands. W.S. Caldwell being postmaster. The second post office was at the northwest corner of square where Mayer & Schmidt's store is. This was then a small plank house. The next office was about where the Citizens National Bank is, this too being made of plank. The office was afterwards moved to the south side of the square on the east corner of south Broadway. Then a plank building was erected where the present postoffice now strands, which succeeded the former. The present, handsome, brick building has been improved and added to since construction, and in it are employed ten rural and six city carriers, ten clerks, a postmaster (McClendon) and an assistant postmaster.
In 1850 the first newspaper was established by David A. Clapton in Tyler, known as the "Tyler Telegraph" but in 1852, it was purchased by William H. Parsons, J.C. Hill, Everett Lott, and B.T. Selman. This paper was a six column four page paper, well set, made up, and printed. Agents for it were in all parts of the State.
Later Mr. C.L. Collins bought the paper and changed its name to "Tyler Reporter," with H.V. Hamilton as journalist. It was twice sold to different parties, and again the third time, in 1860 to James P. Douglas and H.V. Hamilton. It was the leading journal in the section.

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In 1856 the publication of a paper, "Intelligencer," was begun by C.L. Collins, and in 1859, another, "The Hornet," whose motto was "Touch me and I'll sting." The publishers of these were at first unknown, but later found to be small boys, Matt Hays and Irwin Cowsar.
Before the Civil War, William H. Smith and George M. Johnson, published the "States' Rights Sentinel," but it was suspended the first year of the war.
To these papers, Mollie E. Moore, W.F. Hamilton and William F. Logan contributed verses and poems regularly.
About 1866 Ex-Senator Horace Chilton conducted a paper in Tyler with Ex-Governor Hogg as type-setter.
In 1872 the "Tyler Democrat" was established and soon became the property of Lush Beaird and H.V. Hamilton and was conducted under this management until 1908 when it was merged into the "Tyler Times," then run by F.E. Rafferty. From 1873 to 1875, the Tyler Reporter was under the supervision of Captain Sid S. Johnson and Dr. G.A. Shuford. In 1876 the Tyler Courier was established by L.M. Green, and in the same year, the Reporter was consolidated with the Tyler Democrat, then known as the Democrat-Reporter until the publication was absorbed by the Times.
Abut 1906, The Times was absorbed by the CourierC and has since been known as the Daily Courier and Times. The present proprietor is T.B. Butler & Co., with H.A. McDougal as editor and manager.
Abut 9 years ago, Mr. Coopero established the Smith County Weekly News which was conducted by Frank Boyette.
The last established paper in Tyler is the Texas Democrat, which began publication February 1914, owned and edited by D.M. Reedy.
Recently associated press has been installed under the Courier and Times management.
From the earliest times Tyler and her worthy citizens have been progressive in every line, as has been shown. Another evidence is this:
In 1869, the first fair in Texas was held at Starrville, a small village four miles north of Winona and eighteen miles northeast of Tyler. This fair continued its exhibitions several years until 1873, when the Sabine Valley Fair Association organized at Tyler, broke it up. Mr. John A. Lott was a stockholder in the association, and Major B.B. Beaird was president. It was held the first time, in 1876, on the Bergfeld property one mile South of the court house, and was a grand success. People came to it from all the surrounding country.
The next fair was held at the compress for two years. Following this came the Fruit Palace in 1895 and 1896, a more extensive exhibit of horticultural and orchard products of East Texas. The president of Mexico honored the U.S. by furnishing the music. The latter fair proved a financial failure; so no more fairs were attempted until the last few years, but now, we won our Fair Grounds and intend to make it equal the State Fair.
When the Civil War broke out, five military companies went out from Tyler, and fought in some of the world known battles, many being killed, others captured, while there were a few who returned at the close of the cruel conflict. The stockade was located a few miles out of Tyler.
Then followed the period of reconstruction when no lady was safe to leave her home even in the day time and the men had to always be on guard. Many outrages, which put death to many of the Ex-Confederate heroes, were committed by the unruly negroes and spiteful "Yankees," which existed.
The spark of hatred between the two factions finally died out.
Among the earliest and most prominent settlers of Tyler who did much to build our city up are: Judge Stephen Reaves, who settled in Tyler on April 4, 1847; Col. Thos. B. Erwin, 1850; Col. Everette E. Lott, 1845; and Jno. M. Patterson, 1848. Tyler was chartered as a city in 1875.
Margaret Smith.

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Open House at T.H.S.

One of the most brilliant affairs of the season in Tyler society was the reception held by the faculty and students of T.H.S. The entertainment occurred on Tuesday, the twentieth, from two until four o'clock. Promptly at the appointed hour, the doors were thrown open, and guests came pouring in.
All departments were opened to the visitors, including the Domestic Science, Manual Training, Gymnasium, Laboratory and class rooms. Miss Laura Lee Thatcher was hostess of the day, and was assisted by Misses Lois Holland, Margaret Smith, Mary Allen, Lilah Allison, Iva Henry, Maurine Ford, Beryl Bulloch, Virginia Fletcher, Ora Belle Burke, Aliene Jay, Marjorie Goodman, Willie Allen.
The rooms were decorated exquisitely with roses of all different colors and the sewing room was also decorated with numerous dainty garments, the handiwork of the High School students. Mary Allen led the guests explaining the various accomplishments from the sewing room to the culinary department. Here they were shown the well arranged conveniences.
Pat H. Beaird presided over the laboratory department displaying the various apparatus belonging to chemical and physical laboratories.
From three until four o'clock the girls and boys' gymnasium classes entertained the guests by an exposition. The boys performing acrobatic feats in the form of horizontal bars, acting, diving, jumping, etc. the girls gave some fancy marches and formations, Indian club drill and the "Baby Polka," a gymnasium dance.
After the various departments and classes had been visited the guests were escorted to the dining room where delicious punch and cake was served.

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Senior Carnival

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for the Seniors to obtain money for the "Alcalde." A decent book requires that they by some hook or crook, get the dough.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that year books are not created equal that if we would have one above the average, we must work for it, and that we are just as capable of getting out a respectable annual as any other class.
Therefore, we gave a carnival. To prove this let facts be submitted to unbelievers.
We do assert first and foremost that the carnival was strictly high class in very respect, that the "wonders" were indeed characteristic of their name – "The Red Bat," has never ceased to be a marvel of scientists; the fat girl, lean man, dwarf, strange man, snake charmer and eater, each "more so" than most carnival wonders were enjoyed by all.
We do affirm that the musical comedy should and be merit ought to be on the road; the chorus girls with their graceful athletic (?) dancing were a source of joy to lovers of grand opera. The minstrel deserves special mention for those real live coons sho' could sing and talk about yo' buck and wing. "Niggers ain't none of yo' in it."
In view of all the shows of which we have mentioned only a few, we do, as Seniors, in the name of T.H.S. solemnly publish and declare that the carnival was by use of elbow grease a howling success to which we mutually pledged our time, originality (?) and fortunes (?)
M. G. '15

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On Friday night January 9th the citizens of Tyler were cordially invited to attend the joint debate between the boys and girls' debating clubs of the high school, which took place in the High School auditorium.
The question being "Resolved that all Immigrants into America (or the United States; should be required to pass a literary test before entering the United States." The debaters showed wonderful ability along this line and no doubt the audience was well pleased with the program which was as follows:
Violin duet by Messes Marjorie Goodman and Lila Allison.
The first debater was Miss Katie Waterman for the affirmative. She gave us a most magnificent debate; her points being fine as well as her delivery.
Miss Margaret Smith was the first speaker for the negative who most gracefully and easily gave us a splendid address which showed hard and diligent labor.
Miss Mary Allen of whom you all have heard and who has quite a splendid reputation for her voice sang two beautiful songs, "I Love You," and "The End of a Perfect Day," both of which were enjoyed by all."
Next on the program came Mr. Pat Beaird who so becomingly and stately said what he had to relate in regards to the facts of the case as he saw it. He then turned the matter over to his friend Mr. Albert Young, who as we all know usually wins everything he goes into. He gave his side of the subject to even stronger and more forceful language and thought than anyone else.
The refutation was most eloquently given on both sides. The judges then retired and the audience was entertained with a song by the Boys and Girl's Glee Club.
When the decision was announced, Mr. Young and Miss Smith had won the negative.
In addition to the debate special mention should be given to the excellent readings given by Miss Grace Simpson, which were enjoyed by all. After the reading the program being over the audience left, each thinking that the time had been well spent.

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We, Albert Young, Pat Beaird and Raymond Golsan, having won the district debate and declamation at Jacksonville, were entitled to the trip to Austin.
We, therefore, left here Thursday morning, May 6, at 3 o'clock for the city of Austin. At Corsicana we were met by the debaters from that city and immediately made friends with them in spite of the feeling of hatred which surged up on our hearts. Arriving in Waco we had about two hours, to wait, which was spent in wandering over the city and meeting friends. When the train came in which was to take us to Austin, there was hardly room enough on it to stand but by pushing and crowding, room was made for some fifty or sixty who got on the Waco all bound for Austin.
It was an exceedingly nice trip from Waco to Austin, standing on about four square inches of floor and afraid to move for fear you might lose the space, you did have.
Arrived in Austin we were met at the train by Dr. Shurter and a reception committee composed of about 200 University boys and girls. Special cars were waiting on which we were carried to the University Y.M.C.A., where there were about three hundred other delegates from all parts of the state.
We then registered and were given a small badge which admitted us to every show and other interesting places free of charge.
The delegates were assigned to rooms in private residences throughout the city where they spent the night.
Friday morning, May 7, we awoke and got breakfast and immediately went to the law building of the University where the debates started at 9 o'clock and the declamations at 10, also the preliminaries on the track were held during the morning.
The first team Tyler met was Clarendon whom we quickly defeated. Next we met Weatherford and after a long hot debate the judges returned a verdict that we were beaten by one point. (It may well be spoken here that Weatherford, the team that defeated us were the winners of the final debate and now the champions of the State). Raymond in his declamation although, not winning first honors, won for himself the words of admiration and applause of the entire audience and many of the judges.
We were now free and we set out to see the many places of interest. We explored the University and all the buildings connected with it, we then spent the remainder of the day meeting delegates at the Y.M.C.A.
Saturday May 8, special cars were waiting at the University for the delegates, all of whom, about nine hundred, quickly secured a seat and we were treated to a ride all over the city, visiting such places as the insane asylum, the old confederate home, the Austin dam and man other places. We then left the cars on Congress avenue and with bands playing we marched two and two up to the capitol into the House of Representatives. Here we listened to talks from men of nation-wide fame for quite a while, then the House was dismissed for five minutes and we had the pleasure of shaking hands with many of its members.
On the night of May 7, we were given a banquet and heard many speechfrom the University men and many others.
We then left Austin about 12 o'clock for Tyler, each feeling that he had enjoyed him- [sic] for more than he has expected.

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Comparing the former Junior classes with the Junior class of 1915, we find the latter has more versatile members than any preceding classes. We have musicians, readers, poets, scientists, an artist, and other distinguished members.
First, are our musicians, Georgie Lee Alston and Julia Perry are our song birds, and their beautiful selections inspire us as the songs of the beautiful Jenny Lind did her people. And Georgia Lee is always a dependable accompanist.
Carrie Mae Langford and Genevieve Garnett are out violinists. Their soft violin music makes us think of the music rendered by Maude Powell.
Minnie and Leta are piano duet players; they render some beautiful ones, too.
Misses Douglas, Liebreich, Phillips and Fuller are our pianists; they are coming along, too, but are like Longfellow's Ladder of St. Augustine.
Heights by great men reached and kept,
Where not attained y sudden flight,
but they while their companions slept
Are toiling upward in the night.
James Burnett, our pianist who plays by ear, will astound the world with his wonderful musical compositions.
Hanson, our drummer boy, will be a drummer at a kindergarten school, if he continues making progress.
Walker and Harrington are on the royal road to success, and will be the country's greatest orchestra players in the future.
Ardis standing so gracefully on the stage delivering her inspiring readings which makes others wish that they could be as noted as she, and you may be sure she is noted.
. Morris with her humorous and pathetic selections first makes the audience laugh, then weep.
Crutcher, our class poet, is a genius. His writings show his close association with nature and human nature.
Beth Tewsbury has distinguished herself by writing a Latin poem, which no Junior has probably ever undertaken before.
Misses Stone Caldwell, McFarland, King, Wiggins, and Fuller write poetry of high order of beauty, and will probably be America's greatest poets in the course of a decade. Willie Walker has artistic taste, and his drawings and pictures are realistic.
Our scientists are John Parker and Richard Castle. We are well posted on all electrical and scientific works and improvements. John has even made a clock and it keeps good time, too.
No other Junior class can say that they have had such a progressive scientist as we.
Mosby had the honor of getting an answer to his letter to the post master of London. What other T.H.S. class ever had so prominent a member?
Our Junior class also has other budding geniuses who will probably come to fame some day.

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Every fair has its floral parade day, therefore, Miss Lucia Douglas decided to have a T.H.S. float. Through the kindness of Mr. Ike Crutcher, Jr., we secured a float, a team and a driver.
As all the girls were very interested in the float, they assisted Miss Lucia and the teachers in decorating. We never knew that Mr. Ratliff and Mr. Rutledge were such good carpenters but to our great delight they were. Royal Harrington was Miss Lucia's right hand man and he stood by her to the end.
One of the greatest inducements was a prize of twenty-five dollars offered for the best decorated float: so including the money inducements and our ambition to show off our pretty high school girls, we determined to be the victors.
Blue and White being the high school colors was used throughout. The roof of the float had slanting sides and boxed ends the front being open for the driver. Each side was covered with white flowers with T.H.S. written in blue flowers with holes cut in each initial for the pretty girls (chosen from the high school), to put their heads through. Each girl stood on boxes, boards, or any thing else she cold find to make her the right height and you can imagine our comfort.
Our out-riders were our gallant high school boys. With this galazy [sic] of high school beauty, gallantry and unique idea we were confident we would get the prize but we were sadly disappointed.
Thanks are due Miss Lucia Douglas for his beautiful and effective float.
The occupants of the float were: Georgia Lee Alston, Julia Perry, Marion and Margaret Seeton, Lexic May Palmore, Helen Wadel, Thelma McGinney, Barbara Birdwell, Lois Fitzgerald, Agnes Shuford, Gladys Ardis, Margaret Marsh, Josephine Taylor, Elizabeth Loftin, Mamie Hight, Florrie Covert, Louise Marsh, Iva Henry, Beryl Bulloch, Sunshine Pope, Bonnie Flannegan, Kathleen Coker, Grace Simpson, Mabel Ford, Nathalia Liebreich, Lovic Roberts, Sarah Butler, Maurine Littlejohn, Norma Peerson and Allie Mae Thomasson.

Norma Peerson.

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Do you doubt that the Senior class of 1915 has been with out varied and valuable experiences. Just listen to only a few personals. "Any adventures?" did you say? "Yes, a plenty – rich, rare and racy."
Morgan Oden encountered a wild cat or panther while fishing near Lindale, reached camp "all in," left eh beast behind him he says. Why, Morgan, why didn't you bring him along with you.
Horace Thomasson was arrested for eloping (?) with the Mt. Vernon girl who kindly offered to watch his grip while he got off a train at Pittsburg at attend to business. "Arrested? What for?" surged thru Horace's brain. The strong man with the badge of authority: "Which one is it?"
Which one? who? Where?" Horace cried all in one breath.
The man with the badge only coldly laughed, marched him back to the girl watching the valise – looking at her, then at him, laughting [sic] softly and muttering: "Runaways. – why, you kids, - the idea."
So it soaked in that they were regarded as eloping. Protests, threats to business head quarters, home and everywhere else were without avail. The whistly for Mt. Pleasant, an officer at the depot, laughing heartifly [sic], to report the guilty parties found elsewhere, relieved them from the embarrassing situation.
Imagine Marion Goldstrucker being so joily [sic] and hilarious that the neighbors thought wild Comanches were turned loose in town.
Opal Porter on her way to school met a crazy man with a butcher knife on the rail road. But he simply handed her a box and passed on. Afraid to take the box and afraid not it, she snatched the box, grabbed her sister, and ran home as fast as her heels could carry her. The box contained candy and chinquapins. Opal will run more than one man crazy.
Go to Lovic Roberts for an account of her trip with three others in a bucket drawn by a cable up a mountain at Silver Plume, Colorado. Imagine her suspended in mid air, the cable "out of fix" for three hours.
Grace Simpson's sojourn in San Antonio has enriched her experiences.
The poetic Royal Philips gets a glimpse of heaven and paradise as he sees the sunset from Pike's Peak when the snow covered the mountain sides on August 13. He heard thunder and saw lightning below him, for he was above the clouds.
Mary Allen visited the zoo and art museum in Forrest Park, St. Louis.
Tom Collier, on a business mission, was fired at by a drunk man on a dark road out from Little Rock.
Betty Pinkerton saw a ghost (?) in her room at 3 a.m.
Norma Burnette had a thrilling experience with a burglar one night.
John Gilpin's ride was nothing to compare with Albert's first ride on his own pony.
Iva Henry in a party of six goes thirty-five miles winding around the foot of Lookout Mt. in a car with a negro chauffeur. They encounter two revengeful mountaineers in a Ford, who, because of the narrow road on the mountain side caused a narrow escape for both parties.
One of the men, a mean looking young man with tattooed arms and with shot gun; the other perhaps the father. After passing their car had turned and followed Iva's, ordered the negro chauffeur out, saying they were going to shoot him for trying to run over them, but after intercessions, slapped the negro in the face, warned him that they had the negro's number and to look out; them fled before officers could be called.
Lucille Holmes was in a train wreck near Dallas, and saw men dying around her.
Annie Lee Lambright was in a storm on the Gulf of Lake Charles. Elizabeth Pirtle was also in a storm on a lake.
Israel Morein and companions on a hike, camped in a cemetery at night – went frog hunting same night, got lost, climbed to top of tree to hunt light. The limb breaks, he jumps for his life to another, and makes a narrow escape.
David Briggs eats cream with his best girl at the Candy Kitchen, accompanied with hand music; finds not a cent in his pocket when ready to pay the bill. The charming girl gives him a haughty stare, pays the bill, and eats candy now to other music. (Who had slipped David's change?)
T. Royal Smith may tell you of his experiences in Yellowstone Park, especially of his coming upon a bear that told him in muttering

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tones that he (T.R.) was good for eating. T. Royal lost no time in begging Mr. Urses pardon to hasty leave taking for camp.
The unsuspecting Joseph Roberts and T. Royal, on a hike with scouts, slept in a shed opposite the depot at Chandler. Out of sympathy they invited a well dressed stranger to a place in their sleeping apartments to await for a late night train. He soon changed to rough clothes and lay down, and with suspicious movements watched them. But scout master and Joseph had eyes on their guest. No sleep that night; they having on weapons felt uneasy. The tramp's inquiries brought the reply that scouts carried no money, and he left for richer fields.

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Never did such a large, active, capable Senior class graduate from the Tyler High School as the class of 1915. And none of that body have merited special mention more than Katy Waterman, Albert Young and Horace Thomasson – the lat two for their unequal ability and energy in the management of, editing, and financing the Alcalde; while Katy Waterman as class president has proven so capable in securing harmonious co-operation in advancing the interest of her class and showing executive ability in handling their varied affairs.
Principal and Teachers

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Page 150

Mayer & Schmidt
Tyler's Big Department Store
Complete stocks in all Departments of High
Grade, Well Selected Merchandise,
Novelties Arriving Daily
in all Departments

Page 151

Guaranty State Bank
Oldest Guaranty Fund Bank
in Tyler
Fletcher & Wilson
Appreciates Your Patronage
Goldstein & Brown
Tyler's Cheapest Cash
W. E. Nunnelee
Handles Groceries and Feed
Also Best Fount in Town
Tyler Creamery
Pure Ice Cream, Ices and
Special Flavor and Fancy Designes for Birthdays, Weddings and

The American Laundry
Dry Cleanes too
A. Eisen
The Guaranty Grocer

Page 152


Uncle Sam says he must have help. He wants stenographers for his offices in Washington, and throughout many of the Southern States, at entrance salaries of from $840 to $1200 per annum. He has some vacancies in his Philippine offices and in Panama, for which he pays an entrance salary of $1200 to $1500 per year. He advances on merit, if you are competent you will soon draw a most attractive salary and only work from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with thirty days' vacation during the year with pay. Five different examinations were held in our city during the past year by the Civil Service Department to secure help for the Government. Special letters were received by our school, urging our graduates to take these examinations. We prepare students to pass examinations for several departments for Government work.
Owing to America being the great department store of the world during te European war, Uncle Sam will need far more help this year than ever before. Young men and women ambitious to succeed should give this Civil Service work prompt and serious considerations. The position is certain, the salary good, the pay sure, and we can prepare you.
Had it ever occurred to you that you had as well try to be a successful physician without attending a medical school, or a successful lawyer without attending a law school, as to try to be a successful banker or merchant or business man of any kind without first getting a practical business education? If you wanted to make a first class doctor or lawyer, you would attend a university with a reputation. Why not use the same good judgment in selecting a school in which to secure your business training? The Tyler Commercial College is the business university of the South; it enrolls more students annually for Bookkeeping, Business Training, Shorthand, Business Administration and Finance, and Telegraphy than any other similar school in America. Its students have come from 39 di fferent states; its graduates re holding the very best positions.
If you will spend $57 for tuition, and books for a course of shorthand and typewriting or $62 for Bookkeeping and Business Training or $72 for Telegraphy and Station Work or $75 for Business Administration and Finance or better still spend from $110 to $130 and complete any two of these courses, you will have made the best investment of your life. What young man or woman with grit and determination cannot raise this amount? Hundreds of students who borrow every cent of the money at attend our school or gave us their note tuition have found it the best venture of their lives.
Tyler, Texas

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Starley Drug Company
Paints, Wall Paper and Glass
Ask for Your Premium Tickets
I. H. Crutcher & Son
Grain,. Box Material, Fertilizer
Coal and Feed Stuff
Irion Drug Company
The Rexall Store
Alta Vista, the pure Ice Cream; our own special Chocolate Served in all our
Chocolate Drinks
Nunnally and Liggett's Candies
Sam V. Goodman
"The Store That Pleases Everybody"
Where Chase & Sanborn's famous coffees and teas and spotless flour, the finest
on earth are sold
Durst Electric Company
Efficient and Scientific Workmanship
J. B. Parker Parker & Pinkerton Gus Pinkerton
Groceries and Grain
J. D. Irons
The Up to Date Grocer
Something new every day. Richelieu package and canned goods always on hand
Kyle Clothing Company
Made to Measure Clothing
Hats, Shoes, Men's Furnishing Goods

Page 154

Denison's Studio
Photographs of
The Better Grade
This is Not Much of an Ad,
But the Fully Thing about It,
It Actually Means Something

Page 155

Bryne Publishing Co.
Wholesale Stationers, Commercial Printing, Office supplies and Advertising
Invitations and Announcements
Engraved Calling Cards

To the Graduating Class of Young Men for 1915:
This occasion will be one of the important events of your life and it is very important that you are dressed properly for this occasion.
Let us take your measure for your graduating suit. It will be made by expert journeymen-tailors and will look, fit and wear better than any suite you ever had. Our prices are as low if not lower than you can get elsewhere and the fit and workmanship cannot be surpassed. We also carry all the accessories for dress occasions.
E. G. Connally
If you will pay us a visit, we will take pleasure in showing you the very best creations in MEN and YOUNG MEN'S FIXINGS
Our Spring and Summer display of tailored-to-order clothes, is by far, the most elaborate showing ever offered for sale in our city, and the prices exceedingly low.
Any purchase from our entire stock will insure extra value to its wearer.
T. B. Ramey
The Leading Jeweler and Optician

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Manufacturers of
Class Emblems Rings Fobs Athletic Medals
Wedding and Commencement Invitations and Announcements
Dance Orders, Programs, Menus
Visiting Cards, etc.
Next to your education comes your personal appearance. Appear well by being properly clothed in one of our made-to-measure suits
Clothing, Shoes and Hats

Page 157
Billy Walsh
Does Not Keep Hardware
He Sells It
Walsh Hardware Company
Patronize Those Who Advertize in The Alcalde
They Help Support the School and the School
Should Help Support them

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United States Depositary
Capital, Surplus and Profits
Oldest and Largest Bank in Smith County
Smith County Depository for the State Adopted School Books
Cash Paid for School Books
School Furniture, Maps, Charts, School Room Heaters and Black Boards.
If It Is For School or Student
BRYAN, The Bookman
Tyler, Texas

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