THE ALCALDE - 1922 - Volume Eleven Annual Publication of the Student Body of the Tyler High School Tyler Texas GREETINGS The Alcalde for 1922 is now in your hands. We realize all too well its incompleteness. But we beg of you to remember, in your criticism, that it was also your privilege to have contributed something which might have made it better. In our brief outline of the High School Year, we have sought to suggest the brightest as well as embarrassing instances and include the little bits of stray school gossip. If this modest volume brings back to your memory glimpses of the fleeting golden days of High School life, of those days which live longest, we shall be glad of having tried. -- The Staff DEDICATION To her, whose untiring efforts, patience, and wise council have made possible the publication of this, the 11th volume of the Alcalde of the Tyler High School, we, the Staff, lovingly dedicate this year's Annual to Miss Georgie Cooper in appreciations of her valuable services, and her sympathetic interest in us; for she has inspired us to work and made this number an honor to the school we all love. -- The Staff THE ALCALDE STAFF (Includes photo of each) Editor-in-Chief: Willie Mae Elliott Business Manager: Emer Shuford Associate Editor: Thelma Watson Assistant Business Manager: Walter Shelton Society Editor: Virginia Porter Art Editor: Lee Burge Kodak Editor: Bess Matkin Assistant Art Editor: Sam Nash Athletic Editor: Harry White Assistant Athletic Editor: Laurette Hobbs Circulation Manager: Morris Collier Poet: Florence Henry STAFF OF '22 (B.M.C.) I'm just a dern staff poet, kind of a goat, you know, The whole staff kicks me 'round to made my workings go, They seem to think that I can write 'most any thing they say, And write just anything, just any time o' day. Now I'm going to say some things they didn't tell me to, I'll show you just the kind they are, and just the things they do, And if they all get mad, and try to break my neck, I'll 'holler" for my rough-neck pals to clear away the wreck;. Now, the editor, she's a lady, and so my lips are sealed, But Lord! the things I know on her could never be revealed. If I consider telling, I turn a deathly pale, "For the female of the species is more deadly than the male." The manager, he's a dandy, the slickest kind of lad, With his old Dodge car and a brain that's far from bad. He gets the ads, but swipes the dough, he makes the ads go thru; And drinks a thousand "cokes" on the cash he got from you. There's 'bout a dozen more that's members of the band, Some is wors'n the rest, but all's the crooked brand, So if you have some cash within your pocketbook, Don't come into this bunch 'till you look, my brother, look! Now, friend, I guess you wonder why I work with such a bunch; Well I have my little reasons, also a little hunch When they've robbed the public (my words are very true) I'll relieve 'em of the cash and give it back to you (?) ------------------------------------ Here's to you, Tyler High School With your flag of blue and white; We're with you, Tyler High School, We're with you wrong or right. Your sons are more than many, And your sons are young and strong And we love you, Tyler High School, And we're with you right or wrong. Here's to you, Tyler High School, And your glory list that's long. You're our fighting Tyler High School, And we're with you right or wrong. ---William Pinkerton. When all the world seems dark and gloomy, And there is nothing left to do; If anyone asks you how you are feeling, Just say: "Fine, and how are you?" When your best friends have left you, And there seems nothing left to do; Do not sit and worry, Cheer up! It will be the best for you. ---Oran Lowry. Psalm of High School Life Tell me not in mournful numbers High School is a waste of steam, For, altho, they make some blunders, School boys still have got the "bean." All enjoyment and not sorrow Is the school life of today Work put off until tomorrow, Gives new life and time to play. Art is long and science tedious, And our hearts, though brave and stout; Like unmuffled Fords are beating, When the "F" reports come out. Lives of graduates all remind us, We can throw away our time; And some day can leave behind us, High school life, the all sublime. ---Walter B. Shelton Faculty (Includes photos of each) Mr. G. O. Clough - Superintendent Mr. R. J. Ratliff - Principal Miss Ileta Burt - Mr. Clough's Secretary Miss Modena Howell - Mr. Ratliff's Secretary Miss Henderson Mr. Lawver Miss Douglas Miss Rodgers Mr. Finley Miss Jones Miss Bruan Mr. Bingham Miss Yarbrough Miss Frels Mr. Willard Miss Roughton The Faculty Mr. Clough, the head of the Tyler Schools, Inspires us and aids us in plying our tools, And smiling Miss Glenn, our tuneful lassie, Sings us Scotch songs that are quite classy. Dispensing wisdom and tardy slips there; Mr. Ratliff sits in his office chair, Mr. Bingham stands at the board, rule in hand, He could teach Algebra to most any man. Mr. Willard rules mid pitches and dabs Down in the physics and chemistry labs. Miss Rodgers talks of Latin compounds, And the mysteries of Caesar she expounds. Mr. Fenley, tries to teach the freshies math, Who, like all bone-heads, hate wisdom’s path. Mrs. Hawes shows through the microscope Things with which Freshmen minds never cope. Miss Taylor came in at mid-year, Dear thing, she drove away our tears, Little Miss Marberry, tiny one, De we love her? You bet, to a one. Mr. Lawver teaches us M. T. and gym Teaching how to make joints and break limbs. Miss Henderson talks of Rameses the Third, From what she says, he must have been a bird. Civilized man can’t live without cooks, Miss A. Jones teaches this Science from books. Now, I come in my tale to Miss Kuehne, Who devours Algebra as I would a “Wienie” Miss Mattie teaches literature, And brags on Seniors, to be sure. A freshman class she also teaches And marvels at their senseless speeches. Of Miss Douglas whom we all adore, Makes not our dresses to touch the floor. Miss Terry turns each poor freshman cold With rules of how stories shall be told. Of Miss Frels, we are very proud, She is a football rooter vowed. Mr. Barksdale, our brand-new-man, Plays in the orchestra to beat the band. And dear Miss Cooper whom we all love Will always be loved here and above. And yes, Miss Howell, our dearest Steno. Has won our hearts, somehow—oh, you know! Miss Burt, too, is a typist fine, And leads Miss Howell a merry time. And dear Miss Yarbrough who teaches French, Can talk more French than the men in the trench. Miss Bryan, our chic little maid Is efficient, capable, joyous and gay. Miss Roughton, our geometry Queen, Makes us study like (?) everything. --Willie Mae Elliott. MR. G. O. CLOUGH, Superintendent B. A. University of Texas MR. R. J. RATLIFF, Principal B. A. Baylor University. Texas University. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT MISS MATTIE JONES MISS INEZ BRYAN Peabody College L. T. B. A. Southwestern University. University of Chicago. Southern Methodist University. MISS VICTORIA FRELS B. A. University of Texas. MISS VERA TERRY University of Chicago. B. A. Southern Methodist University. Columbia University. HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE MISS GEORGIA WEEMS COOPER MISS ADELE HENDERSON University of Texas. B. A. University of Texas. MISS HELEN KUEHNE MISS MARY TAYLOR M. A. University of Texas. B. A. University of Texas. MATHMETICS MR. R. J. BINGHAM MISS GUSSIE ROUGHTON B. A. Millsap College Jackson, Miss. B. A. Texas Woman’s College. University of Texas. LANGUAGE MISS METTIE RODGERS B. A. Baylor University MISS LETA REBECCA YARBROUGH MISS LETA MARBERRY B. A. University of Texas. B. A. University of Texas. SCIENCE MR. AMOS BARKSDALE MR. T. A. WILLARD B. A. University of Texas. M. A. University of Texas. Baylor University. DOMESTIC ART MISS ALICE DOUGLAS B. A. University of Texas. DOMESTIC SCIENCE MISS ARDELLA JONES B. S. College of Industrial Arts. MANUAL TRAINING MR. E. A. LAWVER MR. CURTIS FENLEY Sam Houston Normal. MUSIC MISS LOUISE GLENN College of Industrial Arts. POOR LEE BURGE Lee, are you well today? Lee, do not worry so, No, I’m not, Virginia. You are just a yap. With Xmas bills to pay. Kindly let me have some dough I am almost crazy. For a seal skin wrap. --Walter Shelton. Mr. Ratliff: “For heaven’s sake, what is that noise in Study Hall?’ Sam Vilches: “Oh, nothing, probably it’s only history repeating itself.” Lucile Smith: “Oh, you are so bright, I bet your mother has to put you under a tub so the sun can rise.” James Caldwell: “I don’t get up in time for that, but I stay out so late that there’s no moon.” Isham Walker: “My mother was born on Xmas, and my father on the 4th of July.” Mary Roberts: “And I suppose you were born on the 1st of April. Loriet McLeRoy: “Have you heard the latest scandal on Mary Roberts?” Florence Henry: “No, what it it?” Loriet Mc.: “Why, she kissed Baldwin R. right on the Tennis Court.” Harry White: “Have you read ‘Freckles’?” Miss Terry: “No, that’s just my veil.” Willie Mae Elliott: “Do you think a girl can love before 20?” James Kirklin: “Nope, too big an audience.” Miss Mattie (in Public Speaking Class): “What’s the matter with you James. Can’t you speak any louder? Be more enthusiastic, open your mouth, and throw yourself into it.” Mr. Beard, a salesman was talking to the Senior Class showing them samples of invitations when suddenly Bess Matkin exclaimed: “Oh, what if we should have our names changed?’ Mr. Beard: “Oh, that’s all right, I’ll change your name.” Emily B.: “Have you seen the janitor?” Lena P.: “No, why?” Emily: “He is so black that if you rub a piece of charcoal across his face it will make a white mark.” Maurice Mc.: “A cod fish lays 10,000 eggs per year.” Harry White: “It’s a good thing it doesn’t have to cackle for each one!” Mitchell Mings: “I’ve got the nicest girl in town!” Robert T.: “How’s that?” Mitchell: “She won’t even look at a mail wagon.” My parents told me not to smoke, -- I don’t. Or listen to a naughty joke – I don’t. They make it clear to me I must not wink At pretty girls, or even think About intoxicating drink – I don’t. Wild youths chase pleasure Wine and song. – I don’t. I’ve kissed no girl – not even one. I do not know how it is done, You say I cannot have much fun. – I don’t. Harry A. (to Mr. Bingham): “Does the barber charge you full price for a hair-cut?” Mr. Bingham: “Worse than that, old man. He considers it such a joke that he adds an Amusement tax.” THE END OF A LONG, LONG TRAIL. SENIORS (Includes a photo of each.) BESS MATKIN – Glee Club, ’19-’20. Kodak Club, ’19. Kodak Editor of Alcalde, ’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’20, ’21. HENRY ASKEW – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’19-’20. Science Club, ’19-’20. Class Football, ’19-’20. HELEN Whelan – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20. Glee Club ’20. LENA DEAN – Glee Club, ’19-’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’19-’20-’21. Science Club, ’19-’20. Kodak Club, ’19. Athletic Club, ’19-’20. DALE SMITH – Junior Chamber of Commerce ’19-’20-’21. Glee Club ’19-’20. Science Club ’20-’21. ELIZABETH HILL – Basket Ball ’19-’20. Athletic Club ’18-’19-’20. Kodak Club, ’19. President Senior Class '21. Junior Chamber of Commerce '20, '21. MITTIE ELLERD – Glee Club, ’20-21. Science Club ’20-21. Kodak Club ’19. HARRY KLINE – Science, ’19-’20. Glee Club ’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’19-’20-’21. EDNA MAE ALSTON – First Honor of Class ’21. Glee Club ’20-’21. Kodak Club, ’19. RUBY INGRAM – Treasurer of Senior Class of ’21. Glee Club ’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’19-’20-’21. RUSSELL WATSON – Kodak Club ’19. Class Football ’19-’20. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’19-’20-’21. RUTH GILLAM – Second Honor of Class of ’21. Glee Club ’20. Science Club ’21. Kodak Club ’19. LEONARD WALLACE – First Honor of Boys of Class of ’21. Science Club ’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’19-’20. HELEN McDONALD – Secretary of Class of ’21. Glee Club ’19,-’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’20,’21. TRUMAN WARREN – Science ’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’20-’21. Class Officers ’21 President ELIZABETH HILL Secretary HELEN McDONALD Treasurer RUBY INGRAM Flower: Pink Carnation. Colors: Pink and Green. Motto: Excellsior. WILLIE MAE ELLIOTT – Editor-in-Chief of “Alcalde” ’22. MINNIE WILSON – Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21. Glee Club ’21. VIRGINIA PORTER – President of Senior Class ’21-’22. Flower: Pink Carnations Colors: Pink and Green. Fall Term President VIRGINIA PORTER Secretary EMER SHUFORD Treasurer MISS RODGERS Spring Term President VIRGINIA PORTER Secretary ISHAM WALKER Treasurer MISS RODGERS VIRGINIA PORTER – Society Editor “Alcalde”. Vice-President Junior Class. President Senior Class, ’22. Sen. Director Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21. Science Club, ’22. Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. BERNICE BELL – Science Club, ’20-’21-’22. Class Football, ’21. Class Basket Ball, ’18-’19. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20-’21-’22. THELMA WATSON – President of Science Club, ’21. Glee Club, ’19-’20-’21. Associate Editor of “Alcalde”. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Kodak Club, ’19. Athletic Club ’19. President Freshman Class. FLORENCE HENRY – Kodak Club, ’20. Tennis Club, ’20. Glee Club, ’22. Athletic Club, ’20. Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21-’22. Baseball, ’22. Basket Ball '20. MITCHELL MINGS – Class Football, ’20-’21. Baseball, '21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Calhoun Debating Society, ’22. ISHAM WALKER – Athletic Club, ’19. Kodak Club, ’20. Girls’ Club ’21-’22. Tennis Club, ’20. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Baseball, ’22. JAMES CALDWELL – Baseball, ’19-’20-'21-’22. Vice President Sophomore Class, ’20. Football, ’18-’19-’20-’21. Basket Ball, ’19-’20-’21-’22. President Junior Class, 21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. “Katcha-Koo”, ’21. Debating Club, ’22. Track, ’22. LORIET McLeROY – Girls’ Club. Glee Club, ’21-22. Athletic Club, ’19. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Basket Ball, ’18-’19. EMER SHUFORD – Football, ’18-’19-’20-’21. Science Club, ’20-’21. Basket ball, ’18-’19. Business Manager “Alcalde”. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. First honor of class of ’22. FAY GENTRY – Basket Ball, Bryan High ’18-’19. MORRIS McFARLAND – Class Basket Ball ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce. LEAH HENDERSON – Glee Club, ’20-’21. Girls’ Club, ’21-’22. DOROTHY WILLIAMS – Kodak Club ’19. Glee Club ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21. Literary Club ’22. Girls’ Club ’21-’22. JAMES KIRKLIN – Class Football, ’21. Science Club, ’22. Glee Club, ’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21. MILDRED KENNEDY – Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21-’22. Glee Club ’20-’21. Kodak Club ’19. “Y” Girls’ Club ’21-’22. Literary Club ’22. SAM VILCHES – Football ’21-’22. Basket Ball ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Glee Club. VIRGIE COOK – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20-’21. Glee Club, ’20-’21. POTTER COLLINS – Glee Club ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce ’21-’22. Class Basket Ball. CLARA NICHOLS – Glee Club, ’19-’20-’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. CLAYTON McCULLARS – Glee Club, ’19-’20-’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce. LAURA MAE GWIN – Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. MORRIS COLLIER – Subscription Manager of “Alcalde”, ’22. Class Basket Ball, ’19. Class Football, ’20-’21. Calhoun Debating Club, ’21, ’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce. President Debating Society. INEZ KEELE – Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Science Club, ’21-’22. ORAN LOWRY – Orchestra, ’20-’21-’22. Tennis, ’21-’22. Class Football, ’21. FLORA BELLE LACY – Glee Club, ’22. WALTER B. SHELTON – Declamation Rep. 2nd place, ’19. Declamation Rep. 1st place, ’20. Debator, Rep. 2nd place, ’21. President Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’22. President Calhoun Debating Society, ’22. Assistant Business Manager “Alcalde”, ’22. WILLIE MAE ELLIOTT – Editor-in-Chief “Alcalde”, ’22. Sen. Director Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’22. Basket Ball, ’18-’19-’20. Kodak Club, ’19. Glee Club, ’18-’19-’20-’22. Dennison Glee Club, ’20. Dennison Orchestra, ’20. Sen. Girls’ Club, ’22. Athletic Club, ’19-’20. Secretary “Y” Club, ’21-’22. ORALIE BYRNE – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Athletic Club, ’18-’19. Kodak Club, ’19-’20. Orchestra, ’18-’19-’20-’21-’22. Girl’s Club, ’20-’21-’22. Basket Ball, ’19-’20. Baseball, ’22. Second honor. WALTER ROGERS – Class Football, ’19,’20, ’21. Class Basket Ball, ’19-’20. Football, ’21. President Science Club, ’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. PATSY PALMORE – Girls’ Club, '21-’22. Athletic Club, ’19. Kodak Club, ’20. Basketball, ’18-’18. Baseball, ’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. GORDON RUSSELL – Glee Club, ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21. ELIZABETH BRYARLY – Kodak Club, ’20. Tennis Club, ’20. Athletic Club, ’20. Girls’ Club, ’21, ’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Glee Club, ’21-’22. Baseball, ’22. MARSHALL STONE – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. SADIE THOMPSON – Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Chairman of Invitation Committee, ’22. Kodak Club, ’19. HARRY WHITE – Football, ’18-’19-’20-’21. Basket Ball, ’19-’20-’21-’22. Baseball, ’19-’21-’22. Track, ’19-’20-’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20-’21. Athletic Editor “Alcalde”, ’22. FANNIE RATLIFFF – Basket Ball, ’21. Sec. Junior Class, ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Athletic Club, ’21. Third honor. LUCILLE SMITH – Athletic Club, ’20-’21. Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20-’21-’22. Science Club, ’21-’22. THOMAS LEE ODOM – Treasurer Freshmen Class, ’18. Treasurer Sophomore Class, ’19. Treasurer Junior Class, ’20. MARY WIGGINS – “Katcha Koo”, ’20. Glee Club, ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20-’21. PERNIE ROZELL – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’20-’21. Glee Club, ’21-’22. Secretary Science Club, ’21-’22. CONARD McDONALD – Secretary and Treasurer Science Club, ’21. Secretary and Treasurer Debating Club, ’21. Class Basket Ball, ’21. Class Football, ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, Glee Club. ANICE MATTHEWS – Glee Club, ’20-’21. LILLIAN BERTRAND – Glee Club, ’20-’21. LEROY FORTNER – Football, ’21. Basket Ball, ’22. Glee Club, ’21-’22. Baseball, ’22. SIBYL VERNER – Glee Club, ’21-’22. TOM McDOUGAL – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Science Club, ’21. Class Football, ’21. Class Basket Ball, ’21. ALMA MOORE – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21. Glee Club, ’21-22. Science Club, ’21-’22. JAMES EVANS – Class Football, ’20. Basket Ball, ’21. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’22. Science Club, ’22. GERTRUDE STEIN – Glee Club, ’21-’22. CECIL ALLISON – Class Basket Ball, ’18. Class Football, ’21. Science Club, ’22. PAULINE THEDFORD – Glee Club, ’21-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21. VALDA HOLLEY – Glee Club, ’21. Girls’ Club, ’21-’22. Athletic Club, ’20-’22. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Basket Ball, ’19-’20. TOM BUTLER – Football, ’19-’20-’21. Secretary Freshmen Class, ’19. Secretary Sophomore Class, ’20. Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. LOUISE CARSON – Junior Chamber of Commerce, ’21-’22. Glee Club, ’19-’20. Kodak Club, ’19. HELEN WHALEN Came From—Land ‘O Fame. Occupation—Trying on the new “duds”. Identification—“A Gentle Grafter”. LEAH HENDERSON Came From—A quiet retreat. Occupation—Riding with Ruth A. Identification—A wistful smile. SAM VILCHES Came From—A turn in the road. Occupation—Going to track meet. Identification—O, everybody knows him and likes him for his sincerity. SADIE THOMPSON Came From—Where everybody is beautiful. Occupation—Riding with Jess. Identification—Moving along the halls with no noise. EMER SHUFORD Came From—Down South (?) Occupation—“Adv. for the Alcalde?” Identification-”Have you seen Louise?” WILLIE MAE ELLIOTT Came From—Can’t tell. Don’t know. Occupation—Walking in the halls before school. Identification—A good friend to all, what more can one say? POTTER COLLINS Came From—Artistville. Occupation—Painting. Identification—Talking to Francis Philips. CECIL ALLISON Came From—The Zoo. Occupation—Making a noise. Identification—Little but loud. LEROY FORTNER Came From—The Gravel Pit. Occupation—Following the plow. Identification—Sunny disposition. LEONARD WALLACE Came From—The Movies. Occupation—Studying. Identification—An honor student. DOROTHY WILLIAMS Came From—A sudden romance. Occupation—Playing Fan Tan. Identification—Thinking of Ed. ELIZABETH BRYARLY Came From—A Comedy of Errors. Occupation—Enjoying life. Identification—A big Buick automobile. JAMES KIRKLIN Came From—The Styx. Occupation—Making posters. Identification—His black, wavy locks. Oh Girls! JOHN REED LOWRY Came From—Across the Sabine. Occupation—Doing nothing. Identification—“All’s Well that Ends Well.” GERTRUDE STEIN Came From—Where the River Shannon Flows. Occupation—Trying to get 19 points. Identification—Delivering elaborate declamations. LAURA MAE GWIN Came From—A Mocking bird’s song. Occupation—Studying Trig. Identification—Her peculiar tone. MARY WIGGINS Came From—We don’t know, we don’t care, we don’t give a d--- Occupation—Dreaming of the Lufkin guy. Identification—Light Hair. HENRY ASKEW Came From—A mighty cannon. Occupation—Hunting. Identification—A nut. FAY GENTRY Came From—Broadway. Occupation—Expressing new ideas. Identification—Caramel pies. MITTIE ELLERD Came From—Spice of Life. Occupation—Translating Caesar. Identification—Smiling. RUTH GILLIAM Came From—Field of daises. Occupation—Teaching Spanish. Identification—Brown eyes. FLORA BELLE LACY Came From—A bed of roses. Occupation—Being a companion to Mittie. Identification—A Latin Bug. (?) BESS MATKIN Came From—Land of Bliss. Occupation—Looking for Earl. Identification—Her coiffeur. TRUMAN WARREN Came From—Little town of Gilmer. Occupation—Going to T. C. C. Identification—Air of importance. CONARD McDONALD Came From—It’s hard to tell. Occupation—Batting the eyes. Identification—Bow-legged. DALE SMITH Came From—Where they grow tall. Occupation—Taking Post-Graduate course. Identification—Talking to Elizabeth Hill. WALTER ROGERS Came From—A literary shelf. Occupation—Day dreaming. Identification—Sorrowful expression, watch out girls! THOMAS LEE ODOM Came From—His deep ideas. Occupation—Listenin’ to ‘em rattle. Identification—Intellect personified. MARSHALL STONE Came From—Another Whitehouse. Occupation—Trying to be a ladies’ man. (?) Identification—A red tie. JAMES EVANS Came From—Ennis. Occupation—Anything he can. Identification—Standing in front of the furniture store. HARRY KLINE Came From—We know not; we care not—we all like him. Occupation--? ? ? ? Identification—An obliging somebody. EDNA MAE ALSTON Came From—Realm of the All-Wise. Occupation-“The Swing of the Pendulum”. Identification—A wise look. LUCILE SMITH Came From—Where they make curios. Occupation—“Smile and the world smiles with you.” Identification—A trim appearance. PAULINE TEDFORD Came From—A Japanese garden. Occupation—Honoring the honor hall.(?) Identification—A wistful smile. MITCHELL MINGS Came From—“Big Dusty.’ Occupation—Shootin’ up the town. Identification—Isham’s shadow. PERNIE ROZELL Came From—The valley of simplicity. Occupation—Studying. Identification—Often seen and seldom heard. ISHAM WALKER Came From—Funny Paper. Occupation—Talking. Identification—A very likable nature. TOM McDOUGAL Came From—Goodness knows where. Occupation—Leave it to your imagination. Identification—Never another like him. HARRY WHITE Came From—Football field. Occupation—Grinnin’ in study hall. Identification—A darn good fellow. FANNIE RATLIFF Came From—Land of Nod. Occupation—Waiting for Willie Mae at noon. Identification—Her funny little walk. RUSSELL WATSON Came From—Land of “Rubies”. Occupation—Arguing. Identification—Walking with Arzillah. ELIZABETH HILL Came From—Just any old place. Occupation—Riding with Ses Haines. Identification—Air of simplicity. WALTER SHELTON Came From—Where they sell Alcaldes. Occupation—Our lover poet. Identification—Always agreeable. ORAN LOWRY Came From—The land of Harmony. Occupation—Listenin’ to ‘em recite. Identification—A good nature, what more can we say? “Still waters run deep!” GORDON RUSSEL Came From—Whitehouse. Occupation—Prosposing to every girl he knows.(?) Identification—“Those curly locks”. INEZ KEELE Came From—Land of wedded life. Occupation—Taking care of hubby. Identification—A good little wifie. MORRIS COLLIER Came From—Dallas. Occupation—Attending Debating Society. Interscholastic debater. Identification—An oratorical voice. ALMA MOORE Came From—A front seat in Study Hall. Occupation—Just being quiet. Identification—Too brilliant for the world. HELEN McDONALD Came From—A dance hall. Occupation—Attention to Beauty Culture. Identification—Oh, Boy!. LOUISE CARSON Came From—Noah’s Ark. Occupation—Talking in Halls. Identification—Midget. FLORENCE HENRY Came From—Around the corner. Occupation—Giggling at everything. Identification—Curly hair (?) and sweet 16. TOM BUTLER Came From—The fountain of wisdom. Occupation—Talking to the girls. Identification—A giggle in a thousand. PATSY PALMORE Came From—Goodness knows where. Occupation—Driving her Dodge. Identification—Singing qualities. BERNICE BELL Came From—The north side. Occupation—Having a congenial disposition. Identification—Wise, or otherwise. ORALINE BYRNE Came From—Some place where one can’t keep still. Occupation—Fiddling. Identification—In a Ford Roadster with Severn. CLARA NICHOLS Came From—Silenceville. Occupation—Striving to comprehend. Identification—her matchless dignity. RUBY INGRAM Came From—Beauty Parlor. Occupation—Sitting still. Identification—Dainty little “Miss.” CLAYTON McCULLARS Came From—A field of clover. Occupation—Looking for luck. Identification—Valuable articles come in small packages. SIBYL VERNER Came From--Live and learn. Occupation: “Tilly”, the second. Identification-Few words and many deeds. VIRGIE COOK Came From—A lively place. Occupation—Keeping you laughing. Identification—Her voice. JAMES CALDWELL Came From—The cradle we suppose. Occupation—Parading the study hall and rushing new girls. Identification—“Huh! ‘S at so?” LORIET McLeROY Came From—Whistleville. Occupation—Vamping. Identification—Tyler Hi’s Giggler. VALDA HOLLEY Came From—The paint box. Occupation—Primping. Identification—“I don’t know”. HARVEY HEARN Come From—“Big Dusty,” too. Occupation—Combing his curly locks. Identification—His grin which he always wears. ROSS MABERRY Came From—The Sticks. Occupation—Professional annoyer. Identification—His big mouth. THELMA WATSON Came From—And going to--? Occupation—We like her best without any. Identification: “Where’s my sales ticket?” LENA DEAN Came From—Domestic Science Dept. Occupation—Taking life easy. Identification—“Aw, you know.’ RUTH ARRAT Came From—Home. Occupation—Coaxing the Ford. Identification—A large number of books. MIDLDRED KENNEDY Came From—Dorothy’s. Occupation—Buying candy and cheese chips. Identification—An accommodating girl. ANICE MATTHEWS Came From—A library shelf. Occupation—Being sweet. Identification—“Quietness is her trump card.’ MORRIS McFARLAND Came From—His own ideas and they’re pretty “nifty”. Occupation—Leading a quiet and simple ife. Who is she? Identification—White and red sweater, and thats not all! VIRGINIA PORTER Came From—Realm of promise. (To whom?) Occupation—Writing notes to Lee Burge. Identification—“Please write in my memory book.” MINNIE WILSON Came From—Front row. Occupation—Driving an Overland. Identification—A dainty little maid. Consolation Has anyone in this broad land Or country ever heard In favor of poor Seniors One solitary word? We hear enough of Sophomores And rights of Freshies gay, Of Juniors and of grammar grades We hear from day to day. But cheer up, Seniors, sad and blue, Until the last of May, Then we will show to every one That we’re to rule the day. Version: “The Pupil’s Psalm” “A strict lady is my teacher, I shall not be idle. She maketh me to study on hard lessons, for my sake; she leadeth me through long books; She taketh away my mind; she sendeth me to the office. Yea, tho I go thru the grade many times, I have no fear of passing; for she is my teacher, her pencil and grade book keepeth my record. She prepares to call out my grades in the presence of mine classmates, she advanceth my cards with red ink; my head runneth over. Surely memories (vague) shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in her room (after school) forever and ever.” “Don’t you wish you were a bird, James Kirklin, and could fly way up in the sky?” mused little Lula Thorne dreamily. “Naw!” scorned James. “I’d ruther be a elephant and squirt water through my nose.” “Tom”, queried his father, “how do you stand in school these days?” “In the corner most of the time”, replied truthful Tom (Jarvis). Mr. Hart: “Garrett, if you had a little more spunk, you would stand better in your class. Now, do you know what spunk is”? Garrett: “Yes, sir, it’s the past participle of spank.” Forrest Reynolds: “I know where you can get a chicken dinner for fifteen cents.” Miss Taylor: “Where”! ! ! ? ? ? ? Forrest R.: :At the feed store.” Miss Kuehne: “Johnnie, can you tell me what they do with ferry boats when they’re late?” Jimmie Binford: “Dock ‘em.” Harvey Wilkerson (talking about his sore leg): “I went to bed with it for about four months.” Emer Shuford: “I go to bed with mine every night.” In History class, Ross Maberry was discussing King George III. He said, “King George got along all right until he lost his supporters.” ? ? ?! X Mary Frances Collier was pointing out the personifications in the poem, “Trees”. One was that the “tree looked toward heaven”. Mary Frances said the tree had no eyes, whereupon Ralph Terry said that “It might have been a bird’s eye maple.” Dr. Campbell (to Lula’s latest suitor): “How is it, sir, that I find you kissing my daughter? How is it? Suitor: Great, sir, Great! ! ! Morris McF.: “Are you sure this is absolutely original?” Herman Clay: “Well, you may find some of the words in the dictionary.’ Mr. Bingham (absentmindedly to Harry Akers): “Harry, didn’t you have abrother in this course last year?” Harry: “No, sir, it was I. I am repeating the course.” Mr. Bingham: “Extraordinary resemblance though, positively extraordinary.” Olga Falkner’s little brother to Olga: “If I wasn’t in the room, this young man would kiss you!” Olga: “You impertinent little boy, leave the room this instant.”! ! ! Reformer: “Yes, brethren, I save men.” Murry B.: “Do you save women too?” Reformer. “Yes, I save women also.” Murry: “Well, I wish you would save me a couple for tomorrow night.” Ross M.: The doctor says I have camel’s feet.” Harvey H.: “How’s that?” Ross: “They’ve gone so long without water.” Shannon A.: “Help! Police, Stop him! He tried to flirt with me. Cop: “Clam yourself, young lady, there’s plenty more.” (A page of the seniors’ baby photos.) Conrad in his youth. Emer Shuford Morris Collier Dale Smith Willie Mae Elliott Jimmie Kirklin Big Mings Bernice Bell Virginia Porter Pinkie Marshal Stone Laurette Hobbs: “Wotcha gonna be when you get through high school?” LeRoy Harber: “An old man.” Mr. Ratliff to the Fire Dept.: “Hello, is this the Fire Chief?” Chief: “Yes.” Mr. R.: “Well, my house is on fire.” Chief: “How long has it been burning?” Mr. R.: “Half hour.” Chief: “Did you try putting water on it?” Mr.: ‘Yes, but it won’t go out.” Chief: “Then, ‘tain’t no use in us coming over, ‘cause that’s all we could do, G’bye.” Miss Henderson: “Yes, children, Lloyd George saved his country just as Joan of Arc saved France. Estelle G.: “And when are they going to burn Lloyd George?” Mr. Bradley to Lucile Smith: “Now, look pleasant for a moment. There, that’s it. Now you may resume your natural expression.” “James C., have you whispered today without permission?” “Only wunst.” “Leroy Fortner, should James have said wunst?” “No’m; he should have said twict.” Norma McDougal asked us: “Why do they slaughter elephants in Africa, when there is so much ivory in the Senior Class?” Mary Peters: “Oh, you don’t have a speedometer on your Ford do you?” LeGrand K.: “No, I just spit over the side.” Souverne K.: “Let me kiss those tears away, sweetheart?” Oralie fell into his arms and he was very busy for a few minutes, but the tears flowed on. Souverne: “Can nothing stop them?” he asked breathlessly. “No”, she murmered it’s hay fever, but go on with the treatment. Forrest Reynolds: “Aw, shut up!” Jesse Pope: “you are the biggest dunce in the school.’ Miss Bryan: “Boys, don’t forget that I’m here.” Mr. Barksdale: “you women don’t appreciate the heroism of soldiers. You don’t know what it means to be put against a wall to be shot—and keep on smiling. Miss Howell: “I know what it means to be left against the wall and wish you could be shot—and keep on smiling.’ Miss Mattie: “The week’s theme will be written in class.” Lucile Smith: “What on?” Miss Mattie: “On paper, of course.” Miss Henderson: “Gordon Russell, where did the Normans come from?” Gordon R.: “From Norway.’ James Evans: “no, they came from Normania.” Miss Roughton: “Lee, give a definition for a square.” Lee Burge: “A square is the place where the courthouse is situated.” Miss Roughton (to Everette): “How doesa a square approach a circle?” Everette O.: “On four sides.”! ! ! ! (A page of miscellaneous photos of seniors.) BEST SELLERS-1930. “How to Finance an ‘Alcalde’”—Emer Shuford. “How To Organize an ‘Alcalde’”—Willie Mae Elliott. “Why You Should Not Marry”—Lula Campbell. “Vamps”—Loriet McLeRoy. “Perpetual Motion”—Isham Walker. “How to Wash Dishes”—Louise Carson. “How To Grow Taller:--Gertrude Stein. “How To Pick Husbands”—Virginia Porter. “Pompadour Training”—James Caldwell. Miss Roughton: “We owe a great deal to Chemistry.” Mr. Willard: “Yes, indeed. For instance, a great number of our blondes.” A SHAKESPEARIAN WEDDING It was with great joy that we accepted the invitation to attend the wedding of “Romeo and Juliet” on the “12th Night” of August, knowing how beautiful the bride would look and what Royal personages would be there. Naturally desiring that our costumes should not be outshown by any others, we immediately set about making many purchases from “The Merchant of Venice” and really set up such a hum that the men, prosaic as they are about such things, declared that we were making “Much Ado About Nothing.” Undaunted, we began our preparation, and one fine morning, after waking from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” we set out on our way. Of course, the wedding was as delightful as we had expected it to be. The bride, radiant and beautiful, and the handsome bridegroom, surrounded by the stunningly gowned matrons of honor, “The merry Wives of Windsor”, and the ushers, “Two Gentlemen of Verona”, from a neighboring city, made a lovely picture, never to be forgotten. Knowing the bride to be a sweet, dear, and lovely girl, we naturally resented the minister’s advising the bridegroom, should he find the bride to be a woman of ungovernable temper, to set about at once to the task of ”Taming the Shrew”, and reminding the bride that whatever she did would be returned “Measure for Measure”, we allowed these remarks to pass silently, “Considering the Source”, and turned our attention to the guests. We were not surprised to find among the number, four men of Royal Birth, “King Lear”, “King John”, the noble kingsman of his dictatorship, “Julius Caesar”, and even our dear old Scotch friend, “Macbeth” was present, much to our delight. So after much enjoyment, we set out on our return journey only to be over-taken midway by a dreadful storm. Fearing the fury of the ”The Tempest”, we sought shelter at a cottage in a “Hamlet” far off in the country, and several hours later resumed our journey, reaching home without further mishap, all agreeing that “All’s Well That Ends Well.’ (A page of miscellaneous photos of the seniors.) Queen of Texas Contest The week preceding the week of November 11th included the liveliest contest ever given in the High School. The idea was to elect a popular girl for Queen of Texas and to represent the High School in the Armistice Day Parade. After much excitement, at four o’clock Friday afternoon, Miss Bess Matkin was announced the winner of the contest, having won by a majority of 2753 votes. Her nearest opponent being Miss Marjorie Barton who had 691 votes. Miss Ruby Ingram came third in the race, having 586 votes. The morning of the eleventh of November, a beautiful float was erected in honor of the queen, and making a bit of chariot for Her Highness. She chose as her maids-in waiting Misses Barton and Ingram, and the three rode in the parade, in dignity. They were escorted by Misses Pope Smyre and Marie Gaut. When the Queen of the Day, Miss Nannie Hight, en- tered the Grandstand at the Fair Grounds, at 3:00 p. m., Miss Bess Matkin and her attendants, Miss Majorie Barton and Miss Ruby Ingram were also a member of the party and occupied especially decorated seats next to that of Mrs. Henry Cruthcher, Mother of the American Legion. (Picture of an unnamed girl wearing a crown.) SENSIBLE NONSENSE Willie Mae E.: “Have you ever read proof?” Cub Reporter: “No. Who wrote it?” Miss Rodgers: “We have a new dish-washer in Lunch Counter.” Miss Ardella: “How did you know?” Miss Rodgers: “I noticed the difference in the finger-prints on the plate.” Quite matchless are her dark brown iiiiiii She speaks with perfect eeeeeee But when I tell her she is yyyyyyy She says I am a ttttttt Mis M. Jones: “What was that knocking at the end of the murder scene in “Macbeth’?” Emer Shuford: “That was Duncan kicking the bucket.” “Elizabeth B.” said he, as they sat on the bench in the moonlight, “will you marry me?” “This is so sudden!” she said. “My love?” he asked. “No, your nerve.” Miss Rodgers: “Walter, decline fio.” Walter Rogers: “Fio, fis, fit, convulsions.” Oh, the Freshmen protest and clamor Whenever you call them green. But it would take a hammer To dent their leather bean. SENIOR SOPHOMORE Deep Wisdom—swell head-- Played Football—‘nuff said— Brain fever—he’s dead. Neck broken—he’s dead. JUNIOR FRESHMAN Fair one—hope fled-- Milk famine—not fed— Heart busted—he’s dead. Starvation—he’s dead. Geraldine Holland: “Miss Mattie, who is the guy that takes prescriptions for the ‘Alcalde’?” Miss Mattie: “Dr. Shelton.” Mr. Bingham believes that the most essential thing in Geometry is a good figure. We fear that some of the students will have a poor chance in that class. Patsy Palmore: “What’s the matter with your lips, Willie Mae?” Willie Mae E.: “They are chapped.” Patsy: “Who’s the chap?” James Caldwell: “Oralie, get off my feet! Oralie B.: “I would, but it’s too far to walk.” Tom Butler went a-hunting, Yes, he took his gun along; He met Mr. Skunk Who then was feeling very strong. Oh, happy thought, Just what to do. Stooped quickly down, Unlaced his shoe. He took it off Skunk dropped his head, Some later hunters found him dead. (A page of miscellaneous photos of seniors.) Bird—Song (A la Mode—Amy Lowell) 1 Soft, slow, silent, To the westward glides the night, While in the east the sun, Like to a sleeper rising from an early bed, Awakes, and stretches forth His mighty wings to shake off slumber. 2 The first reluctant glance of his just opening eyes Discovers to him, wonders of the morning; He winks in pleased surprise, and mounts him higher To gain a better view of that he sees: A broad flat plain that stretches on and onward; And that which seems a dark blue smoke, o’er all The ground that moves, and shakes itself, and billows gaily Now in advance, now in retreat, yet never Rewarded for its ceaseless motion there. 3 Blue-bells! And in their midst a tree— One yet so small ‘twould almost seem a bush, Were it not dignified beyond such appellation By the fair presence in its soft green depths Of a small home, whose feathered architect Has just gone forth upon the topmost branch To herald in the growing light of day. 4 The first gold beams have centered round his body, And by their inspiration wakes his song. A few soft notes, sung timidly, and with A plaintive questioning, that seems to doubt If he, in truth, be out there on the prairie, Or if he be at all, and if so, where. 5 But with the growing light, he finds assurance, And finally breaks his song without restraint; Wild, free, and glorious, in its heartfelt rapture It seems as if ‘twould fairly burst his throat, As in the beast of one who hears, the heart Leaps madly to break down the fleshly walls In sheer exultance at the joy of being. 6 What matters it to him if the small twig Whereto he clings, with faith as great as if It were the stoutest thing that God had made, Might easily be swept away and broken By a slight wind; or that his life be brief And apt to fade and leave his body vacant Of that celestial fire that gave it spirit? 7 On these things think he not’ he only knows That in the east the dawn is slowly breaking To flood the plain with a pure light of gold. While in his heart he feels the joyous presence Of heaven’s own spirit, breathing love and peace, And teaching him that wherever he may be, If he but trusts and sing there is security. 8 O Soul of mine, so sing thou, glad and clear! Are not all questions vain? You need but know That in the east the dawn is slowly breaking; A glorious dawn, that floods the world with Truth, And gives to thee, and all, the glad assurance That God is ever near, and He is good. 9 Then sing, and sing, and never cease to carol; Nothing there is, in earth or sky or sea That can, for one small moment, dim the light; Know this, and keep thy joy, and still sing on, Till naught is left but thou, my Soul, and Dawn! --Thelma Watson. Juniors (Two group photos) Officers President TOLBERT DUNCAN, HERMAN CLAY Secretary MILDRED BEAIRD Treasurer MISS MARBERRY Junior Class Shannon Anderson Charles Hamilton Anna Payne Marjorie Barton LeRoy Harber Louise Peacock Mildred Beaird Louise Harris Enock Pendleton Lorence Beard Eugenia Havenkotte Letefe Peters Frances Brewster Alma Henderson Mary Peters Jack Brown Marvin Hill William Pinkerton Lee Burge George Hodgood Lula Pittman Louise Burns Grace Hodgood C. M. Pope Orville Calhoun Morris Harowitz Addie Powell James Campbell Sarah Harowitz Lois Powell Lula Campbell Billy Howell Louis Rather Addie Chisholm Jack Howell Louie Reeves Sarah Clark Evalyn Hudson Mary Roberts Herman Clay Louis Hunter Edith Robertson Charles Cohen Marie Jester Jewel Robertson Mary Frances Collier Willie Gray Jones Ligon Rozelle Scurry Davidson Newell Key Ernest Sadler Annie Dean Ruth Sangford Lucille Shaw Ruby Donahoe Maurine Lewis Vinson Shelton John Hamilton Jurst Lechie Lovin Margaret Shuford Bernice Ellis Maurice McCrary John Smiley Bland Eubank Ross Maberry Pope Smyre Olga Falkner Beatrice Marmar Walter Shaw Herbert Fifer Ida Massey Cecil Taylor Florence Fisher Harold Mayes Robert Templeton Howard Ford Mitta Mayes Ward Torrans Cora Freeman Jack Mayfield Irene Utz Mable Gaudes Vivian Melvin Newell White Marie Gaut Manuel Meyer Stanley White Hazel Gentry Sterling Moore Ernestine Wilson Godfrey Fisher Larkin Morrison Climmie Wright Lister Gowen Adell Nunnelle Zeffie Yarbrought Rose Hoddad Everette Oglesby Marjorie Birdwell Celia Hallmark Marceliete Owens ODE TO THE SODA JERKER Here’s to the soda jerker, But as I’m a girl, Here’s to the soda jerker’s wealth, And must lead a girl’s life, If I were a boy, My greatest ambition is I’d be one myself. To be a soda jerker’s wife. --Lucile Smith Not in U.S.A.: “I’m going to get tanked tomorrow”, said the gasoline tank. “Think I’ll get full myself in a few days, answered the moon. “What’s the secret of success?” asked the Sphinx. “Don’t get hot,” said the Stove. “Don’t be shocked,” said the ‘Battery. “Talk some more,” said the Telephone. “Never lose your head,” said the Barrel. “Make light of everything,” said the Lamp. “Don’t monkey around,” said the Monkey. “Be up-to-date,” said the Calendar. “Don’t be a Knocker”, said the Hammer. “Take pains,” said the Window. “Look out for time,” said the Clock. “Always keep cool,” said the Ice. “Find a good thing, and stick to it,” said the Glue. Mr. Barksdale: “Willie Mae, how many senses are there?” Willie Mae: “Six.” Mr. Barksdale: “How is that? I only have five.” Willie Mae: “I know it, the other is common-sense.” Study in Einstein’s Relativity. Sarah Clark to driver: “Which end of the car do I get off?” Grace Hobgood: Makes no difference, lady, both ends stop.” Elizabeth Bryarly: “Have you any ‘Lamb’s Tales’?” William Pinkerton: “Now, don’t get smart in here, this is a library and not a butcher shop.” Lucile Smith: “I sure am glad I don’t go with high school boys.” Virginia Porter: “I guess they are glad too.” Florence H. (at a football game): “Oh, look at those boys in all that mud. How will they ever get it off? Mitchell M.: “What do you think the scrub team is for?” Miss Bryan: What did the Persians wear when they went to war?” Freshman: “They wore trousers and caps on their heads.” Miss Cooper: “William, why were you absent yesterday?” William P.: “Had the toothache.” Miss C.: “Has it stopped aching yet?” William: “I don’t know, the dentist has it.” Dick Frazer was talking to Loriet over the telephone, “Well, Loriet, what have you on for tonight?” Loriet: “Oh, nothing.’ Dick: “Well, get dressed right quick, and we’ll go to the show.” Mitchell M.: “Don’t you think Pat Palmore is a good singer?” James Caldwell: “She ought to be, she has mocking bird legs.” Miss Mattie: “In what course will you graduate, William?” Wm. P.” “Why, I imagine in the course of time from the present prospects.” SOPHOMORES (Two group photos) OFFICERS President EARL HARDY, MILDRED STANLEY Vice-President HARRY AKERS, CLAUDE FLORENCE Secretary SHANNON ANDERSON, MARIAN GROSENBOCKER Treasurer MISS YARBROUGH The Sophomore Class Though we are not very old, Only two years to be exact, Ours is a very large fold, And this is a true fact! Purple and gold our colors are, As they do proclaim, we’re brave From the Juniors we are not far And our way they easily pave. We study hard, oh so hard! And our grades are so very good That on our report cards appear When we put on our thinking hood. We have activities quite many: Basket and football, plays and programs too, That do not compare with any No matter who. Now, “gentle reader”, as the authors say, We must bid you adieu And on some other day We hope so to see you. --Lottie Ray. Sophomore Class Cullen Adams Hazel Francis Harold Pickle Louis Adams Jewel Franklin Floy Pinkerton Louis Adkins Harry French Pledger Pickens Harry Akers Bernard Friedlander William Powell Floreta Allen Loyda Fuller Johnnie Pruitt Allen Alston Estelle Garrard Mary Pyles Ruth Berman Opal Garrard Lottie Ray Ida Mae Bertrand Lola Mae Godfrey Stanley Reily Gideon Binford Paul Goldstucker Ora Rice James Binford Florence Gollenternick Irene Roberts Freida Blackwell Isadore Gollenternik Jessie Mae Robertson Harvin Baring Emma Virginia Gowen Pauline Roberts Hansel Boyette Marion Grosenbacker Annie Love Jadler Jesse Bradberry Clayton Hamilton Lena Bell Saudel Elbert Broughton Harriet Haney Harold Sanders Henry Broughton Darrel Harding Pearl Sanders Lurline Browning Earl Hardy Maurice Shamberger Marjorie Bryan Garrett Hart Albert Sherwood Jewell Bryant Alta Harvill Gertrude Sloan John Burke Mary Jane Haynes Dotsie Smith Thelma Burnett Rebecca Heffler Erna Smith Joe Ella Butler Fannie Herndon Mabel Emith Annie Mae Byrum Amanda Herring Thelma Epivey Clayton Calloway Blanche Hill Mildred Smiley Lona Calloway Laurttle Hobbs Lorena Starnes Gracie Capes Ernest Howard Abe Stein Jack Carmichael Vera Hughes Arzilla Stocker Mary Carson Tom Jarvis Israel Ferlitsky Carl Chapman Alton Johns Ralph Terry Virgil Clanton Helen Johnson Lula Thorne Willoughby Claybrook Hubert Kidd Lamar Tipton Bryan Collins Geraldine King Alline Tanberlain Mary Agnes Corbett Raymond King Corrine Torrans Josleen Corben Elizabeth Laughin Jewel Towns Newton Cross Mable Su Lawrence Travis Turner Olnnie Crow Maurice Leath Fannie Bell Urban Ruth Davis Clara Levine Mary Verner Vesta Dean Dorothy Lindsey Ella Fay Walker Lorah De Land Dulse Fux Winifield Walker Ida Denton Ruth Syle Lorene Wallace Claude Dyer Mildred McConnell Raymond Wallace Abe Edelman Olene McCoy Lewis Watkins Same Edelman Lionell McKee Audrey Werner Cora Edrington Lucy Messer Elizabeth White Freida Eisen Mary Q. Mitchell Frances Whiteside Harvie Ellis Annie May Moore Harvey Wilkerson William Donahue Winston Moore Maxwell Williams Zilpha Dublin Howard Morrison Viola Willingham Annie Ellison Laura Matley Annie Woodward Everett Ellison Louise Murphy Virgil Yost Gertrude Falk Maude Muhphy Nannie Lee Lansford Ralph Falk Janice Odom Irma Mullennix Will Faris Hester Oglesby Elizabeth Bowron Claude Florence Will Parker Richard Mullens Benjie Ford Carter Pearson Oscar Roberts Thelma Ford Sarah Pendleton Beatrice Myers Ada Fortner Claribel Phillips Hazel Frances Bert Francis Ella Phillips FRESHMAN (Two group photos) OFFICERS President RICHARD OGLESBY Secretary ARZILLAH STOCKER Treasurer MISS FRELS Freshman Class Louis Kesser Raymond Pecot Ellie Stripling Herman Kidd Paul Peters Marie Summers Raymond Lacy Frances Phillips Douglas Swann Robert Lacy Rachel Pierce Everett Taylor Robert Lambright Carrie Bell Pinkerton Maurine Teller Reba Land Jesse Pope Carroll Thedford Udall Sangston John T. Post Lorene Thedford Harold Leath Edward Potter Lewis Thomas Thelma Leath Beulah Powell Merle Thomas Noble Lewis Estelle Prestwood George Thompson Ruby Lewis Nell Prestwood Susie Mae Thompson Walton Softis Odelle Prin Viola Thelkeld Exa Lolly Ruby Richard Vincil Tipton Grace Sanggere Maureta Prim Josephine Tucker Lucile Loving Forrest Reynolds Marvin Wade Opal Lowry Ruth Rice Mildred Walker Clayton Lusk Marion Ridley Frances Watters Roy Lyle Louise Rix Lois Watz Edward Lyrck Ione Roberts Jake Weiser Frank McClendon Ragan Robinson Charlie Joe White Cecil McCullars Verdna Roebuck Howell White Warren McDonald Inez Rosemond Rebecca White Norma McDougal Mattie O. Rozell Chester Welbanks Ida Mae McFarland Leon Schevartzberg Alice Wiley Clifton McKee Mabel Scott Ewell Williams Bernice McKinney Elizabeth Shaw Dannie Wilson Richard Massey Horace Shelton Mary Wisdom Henry Matthews Morris Shelton Elizabeth Yard Una Melvin Willie Bell Shippey Raymond Yord Ralph Messer C. R. Sides Freeman Goody Tommie Mae Messer Annie Bell Shelton Sloan Hyche Lorene Metcalf Henry Smith Maudie Rudd Ora Maye Nash Lee Smith Geta Crawford Sam Nash Margaret Smith Bessie Allsopp Willie Neeley Sarah Smith James Long Mildred Neill Bertha Will Smylie Thelma Brooks Percy Lee Neill Nellie Roy Solliger Eva D. Farr Louie Nelson Lena Soleman Lenora Steele Mary Nichols Reba Spinks T. J. Reeves James Norton Suie Starnes Nellie Rodieck Dick Oglesby Jewell Starnes Ray Noblett Lorene O’Neal Marguerite Still Helen Denton Lena Palmore Byrne Stone Bessie Smylie Ernestine Pate Martha Lee Stovall Mabel Wood Freshman Class (Continued) J. D. Thompson Inez Carpenter Maxie Garrard Joe Aaron Nona Carr Wydette Garrard J. O. Adames Harry Chambers Helen Gentry Randolf Alams Ray Chapman Pauline Gibson R. C. Adams, Jr. Milo Choote Royce Ginn Marie Alford Martha Christopher Joe Golstein Anita Allsop Mack Clanton Alvin Goldstucker Earl Andrews Wylie Clyde Edwin Goldstucker Lois Andrews Joe Colline Hazel Green Flow Ansley Clarence Cook Helen Green Irene Ansley Tom Cooper Carrie Ann Hamilton Clark Alten Timothy Carbett Emma Sue Hamilton Elmer Austin Anna Costire John Hamilton Willie Alma Baker Johnny Culwell Mattie Brown Hargrove Claud Barbee Joyce Darnell Modine Harville Billie Barron Theodore Deere Lucia Hayes Ella Mae Bateman Marie Dennis Grace Henderson Walter Beard Lois Denton Horace Henry Emery Beal Allene Dew Claude Herndon Emery Beal Elbert Dew Gladys Herrin Marjorie Bearden Paul Dorough Leetha Hicks Dessie Bell Charles Douglas Irene Hill Elizabeth Bell Less Dublin Nina Hill Alice Birdwell Ermin Dyer Ruth Hollbrook Winniebell Bott Flay Dykes Thomas Holbrook Harry Bowron Ben Edelman Geraldine Holland Susie Brewster Louie Edelman Dorthy Holmes Jake Brinkerhoff Marie Edelman Hoden Holt Chas. Brogan Mary Edelman Nathan Harowitz Emily Broughton Mikey Edelman Kimble Howard Guss Brown Gracie Edwards Elizabeth Hudson Royal Brown Dorris Eikner Evelyn Huggins Susie Browning Lester Elliott Sila Hughes Ludwell Bryan Lindsay Escoe Nellie Ingram Pauline Bryan Ruth Fancher Grace Irvin Emmett Bryant James Fitzgerald Annie Mary Jessup Nora Bryant Berta Ford Margaret Johnson Bonnie Lee Bryarly Oim Ford Mary Kaemmerlen Mamie Buckingham Curtis Francis Mamye Kennedy Maude Buckingham Hula Freeman Lois Kennedy Harvey Burden Katie Mary Fuller Joe Lee Kenney (Two group photos of Freshman Class) ORGANIZATIONS (Group photo of Debating Club) Debating Club Instructor MISS VICTORIA FRELS President WALTER SHELTON ’21. MORRIS COLLIER ‘22 Vice-President GORDON RUSSELL ’21. PAUL GOLDSTUCKER ‘22 Secretary CONARD McDONALD. VIRGIL YOST Harven Boring Nathan Harowitz Michell Mings Jess Bradberry William Pinkerton Virgil Yost Conard McDonald Abe Edelman Walter Shelton Morris Collier Louie Rather Will Farris James Caldwell Earl Hardy Clayton McCullars Leon Schwartzberg Paul Goldstucker Abe Stein Israel Terlitsky Gordon Russell The Calhoun Debating Society is one of the most beneficial organizations in Tyler High School. For the past year it has been under the able supervision of Miss Victoria Frels. This Society has enabled its members to appear more effectively in public. The two selected for the Interscholastic Meet were Morris Collier and Leon Schwartzberg. Both acquitted themselves well at Lindale and Jacksonville. They have won honors for themselves and for the high school. The Club delighted the students with its open meeting on April 12, 1922. The Calhoun Debating Club of 1921-’22 makes its will in favor of the Debating Club of ’22, and’23. May they benefit and prosper as we have. ORGANIZATIONS (Group photo of Science Club) Science Club Instructor MR. T. A. WILLARD President THELMA WATSON ’21. WALTER RODGERS ‘22 Secretary and Treasurer PERNIE ROZELLE John Burke Virginia Porter Newell White George Hobgood James Evans Lula Thorne Ligon Rozelle Charles Hamilton James Kirklin Herbert Fifer Maurice McCrary Lister Gowan Jack Howell Linell McKee Lula Campbell Lucille Smith Bernice Bell Conard McDonald Thelma Watson Leroy Fortner James Campbell Cecil Allison Pernie Rozelle John Smiley Orville Calhoun Earl Hardy Mary Peters Scurry Davison Walter Rodgers Leroy Harbor The Science Club The Science Club of the Tyler High School was organized four years ago last fall. Its purpose was to keep posted on all current science, to perform experiments not given in class work, and to become acquainted with some of the other sciences, as astronomy, biology, etc. As a result the club has about thirty or forty names on the roll and is doing exceptionally good work. Among the experiments performed this year are a number, usually considered too difficult for high school work. Some of these are: Making and operating a dynamo, making a step-up and a step-down transformer, experimenting with wireless telegraphy, determining the velocity of sound in metal, the preparation and properties of phosphine gas, and a number of explosives. The club has also done considerable microscophic work and has made a study of the planets and their satellites. Its last work for the year has been that of making pictures, negatives, and developing of them. The Club gave the following programs in assembly: 1. An Artesian diver Conrad McDonald 2. The balloon ascension Ligon Rozelle and John Burke 3. Colored fireworks Lula Campbell 4. Wireless Newell White and James Kirklin 5. Liquids John Burke 6. Vocal Solo Louise Peacock (Miscellaneous photos) ORGANIZATIONS (Group photo of Boys’ Glee Club) Boys’ Glee Club Charles Hamilton Conard McDonald Clayton Calloway Charles Brogan Ross Mayberry “Spud” White Morris Harrowitz Harvey Hearne Raymond York John Hamilton Durst J. O. Adams Lewis Hunter Herman Clay Leroy Fortner Pickens Pledger Clayton McCullars Ligon Rozelle Forrest Reynolds Cecil McCullars Merry Butler Nathan Harowitz Lee Burge Scurry Davison Carter Pearson Everett Oglesby Billy Howell James Kirklin Jack Brown ORGANIZATIONS (Group photo of Girls’ Glee Club) Girl’s Glee Club Virginia Porter Estelle Garrard Pauline Roberts Opal Garrard Pernie Rozelle Wydette Garrard Mabel Smith Emma Sue Hamilton Gertrude Stein Elizabeth Hill Lorene Thedford Marie Jeter Pauline Thedford Helen Johnson Lorene Wallace Vivial Melvin Sarah Harowitz Bernice Morris Lorena Beard Adele Nunnelee Arzillah Stocker Frances Phillips Grace Hobgood Lena Belle Sandel Gertrude Falk Dotsie Smith Annie Dean Lula Thorne Bernice Ellis Sibyl Verner Olga Falkner Ora Rice Ada Fortner Laurette Hobbs Loyda Fuller ORGANIZATIONS (Group photo of Girls’ Glee Club) Girls’ Glee Club Nora Bryant Lucille Smith Ruth Arratt Climmie Wright Susie Ruth Brewster Ruth Berman Thelma Burnett Lurline Browning Mary Agnes Corbett Elizabeth Bryarly Willie Mae Elliott Louise Burns Florence Golenternek Lona Calloway Rose Haddad Lula Campbell Harriett Haney Virgil Cook Eugenia Havenkotte Sarah DeLand Annie May Hayley Fredia Eisen Willie Gray Jones Florence Louise Fisher Lois Kennedy Thelma Ford Geraldine King Florence Henry Velma Lines Clara Levine Olene McCoy Exa Lolly Norma McOougal Lechie Lovin Loriet McLeRoy Ruth Lyle Anna Payne Annie May Moore Letefe Peters Louise Peacock Johnnie Pruitt Sarah Pendeton Inez Rosemond Mary Peters Gertrude Sloan Claribel Phillips Erna Smith Tommie Phillips ORGANIZATIONS (Group photo of Junior Chamber of Commerce) Junior Chamber of Commerce WALTER B. SHELTON President ELIZABETH HILL Vice-President A. LEE BURGE Secretary Miss Georgie Cooper Treasurer DIRECTORS Earl Hardy Lula Thorne Thelma Burnette Billy Barron Willie Mae Elliott J. Ligon Rozelle Bernice Bell Majorie Barton The Junior Chamber of Commerce What institution has done more for the Tyler High School than the Junior Chamber of Commerce? The original Junior Chamber of Commerce was organized March, 1921, by Mr. A. L. Burge, Secretary of the Tyler Chamber of Commerce, and Miss Georgie Cooper, teacher of Economics and Civics in the Tyler High School. Baldwin Allen was elected president and Tolbert Duncan vice-president. Miss Frances Johnston was elected secretary-treasurer. Since that time, it has grown very rapidly in membership, and has done many good deeds for the Tyler High School. Every worthy movement of the School has received the support and influence of the Junior Chamber of Commerce one hundred per cent strong. Many times it has come to the rescue; many times it has given its time and money; and many times it has helped in reaching the goal. The Junior Chamber of Commerce has been helped greatly by the hearty work and support of Miss Georgie Cooper. In fact, Miss Cooper has been the very backbone of the institution. She has used every resort and effort to make the Junior Chamber of Commerce a success. It is scant praise to say that she has succeeded. The Chamber of Commerce carried out a movement for the school library. Many useful and needed books were bought by the students. In every period of the day, a librarian, appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, issues books to the students. This has helped the students a great deal in their studies. This year, the football team was “up against it”, for an Athletic Field. Partly due to the efforts of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, a field was gotten and in this wasy not only a place to practice was secured, but a place was had for bringing other towns here. For the benefit of the Alcalde, the Chamber of Commerce gave a Carnival which was a tremendous success. The best part of the carnival was the “Majestic” directed in person by Miss Oralie Byrne. This netted a neat sum of money for the Alcalde. Several times, programs have been given by the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the benefit of the Alcalde, or other worthy works. They all have had the individual help of the members. Probably the greatest work the institution has done or will ever do was the publication of this Alcalde. Their success may be judged by the class of this book. You may readily see the benefit of men to the Tyler High School. The body is growing steadily, and with the help and co-operation of the student body, next year it will be the greatest and finest institution ever formed by a school such as the Tyler High School. (Group photo of the Senior Orchestra) SENIOR ORCHESTRA Directors MISS LOUISE GLENN, MR. AMOS BARKSDALE Violins WILLIE MAE ELLIOTT, ORALIE BYRNE Cornets ORAN LOWRY, JOHN SMILEY Trombone LEWIS HUNTER, MR. HUDSON BOHANNON Piano MARJORIE BARTON Xylaphone LEE BURGE (Group photo of the Junior Orchestra) JUNIOR ORCHESTRA Director: MISS LOUISE GLENN Alice Wiley, Aneto Allsop, Freidie Blackwell, Marjorie Bearden, Vincil Tipton, Virgil Yost, Inez Rosmond, Grace Longacre, Will Farris Morris Harowitz J., I. Adams, John Smiley, Joe Lee Keeny, Elbert Deer, Ewell Williams, Harold Pickle, Clarence Cook, Wiley Clyde, Ward Tarrans, Lewis Hunter, Mable Lee Lawrence. ATHLETICS The entire High School is in- debted to Mr. Bingham’s faithful services as Football and Baseball director for the past year. All of us know that Mr. Bingham is for athletics. (Photos of each of the Athletes) ROGERS—Guard Age, 16; Weight, 148 Perseverance got its just reward when “Cocky” was named among the letter men at the close of the season. He played in nearly all of the early games and this player gave his opponent a hot contest. He is a senior of ’22. BUTLER—Quarterback Age, 16; Weight, 132 Tommy had all the assets and few of the drawbacks of a good quarterback. On defense or offense, he was equally good. He was rather light, but spirit up for weight. Tommy is an- other Senior who leaves us this year. GOWEN—Guard Age, 18; Weight, 175 Tipping the scales at 175, it was feared that Gowen would be unwieldy but the massive guard proved himself a player of ability. He will be back to share of the glories of the 1923 team. FORTNER—Tackle Age, 18; Weight, 150 Fortner was late in coming out, but developed as the season progressed. From whistle to whistle, the tackler ramrod gave his best to the team, always fighting with unabated fury. Fortner possessed the ability of using his hands to perfection. He is another that passes with the glory of T. H. S. football team. CALHOUN—Guard Age, 17; Weight, 165 “Cal” did not come out until late in the season but when he did, the qualities of a foot- ball player came out with him. He was a tower of strength on the defense, and could be depended upon to clean a path for the runner on the offense. Calhoun is another Junior. LEATH—Halfback Age, 18; Weight, 140 Participating in football for the first time, he went into the gridiron game with a vengeance. He was fast and an excellent dodger. His strongest claim to distinction being the manner in which he handled the forward pass. He is another Junior. DUNCAN—Fullback Age, 17; Weight, 152 There have been few fullbacks in the history of the gridiron game in T. H. S. who can be compared with Duncan when it comes to broken field running. Remarkably speedy, and en ex- cellent side stepper, Duncan carved his deepest and lasting niche in the gridiron “Hall of Fame” when he dashed 75 yards in the Palestine game for a touchdown. he is a Junior. PINKERTON—Center Age, 16; Weight, 145 “Pinkie” was a veteran of last year’s squad, and take it from me, he was the greatest center of the Tyler High School “eleven”. He had a combined love and natural aptitude for the game and a passion for work. He possesses a quick working brain and almost uncanny ability to solve plays of an opponent. Pinkerton will be back next year. WHITE—Quarterback Age, 20: Weight, 152 “H” was given the distinction of captain of the 1921 football team. He was the oldest veteran star, having played 4 years. Because he was a terrific tackler and a bulwark of strength on the defense, he was justly dreaded by every opposing team. He was always the best man on the field for filling holes made by the opponent. He was a sensational player and the mainstay of the team. The passing White leaves a wide gap to be filled by our coach. CALLOWAY—Halfback While not particularly fleet, Calloway pos- sessed a driving power before which most lines crumbled. Whenever a few yards were needed to make first down, he could be depended upon to make the precious distance. He was there when it came to breaking up passes. He is only a Sophomore. WILKERSON—Guard Age, 20; Weight, 180 Wilkerson played his record season this year and held it down better than in 1920. He was exceptionally good at opening up holes and a sure tackler. He will share the glory of the T. H. s. Football team another year. AKERS—End Age, 16; Weight, 135 Akers is a Sophomore who made a berth on this year’s football team. When substituted on end, runners did not get around him. It is predicted by many that he has a great football career ahead of him. GOLENTERNEK—Tackle Age, 16; Weight, 150 Golenternek is the only “fish” who made the team. He was an excellent defensive as well as offensive player. His energy was tire- less and his fighting ability nervy and unre- lenting. VILCHES—End Age, 17; Weight, 130 Vilches was elected manager of the 1921 football team. He was the lightest and one of the fastest men, consequently it was a familiar sight to see him get under the punts, time after time. He was an excellent tackler; and as the season progressed, he handled the forward pass more accurately. Vilches has played his second and last year and his name will be one of the few to live with T. H. S. forever. (Photo of Mr. Fenley) Mr. Fenley has been quite successful as instructor for the Basket Ball Team of ’22. It was greatly through his untiring efforts and wise direction that this year of Basket Ball has been so successful. Tyler High School owes much to him. Basket Ball Coach MR. CURTIS W. FENLEY Captain HARRY WHITE Manager JAMES CALDWELL TEAM Harry White Sam Vilches James Caldwell Orville Calhoun Leroy Fortner Maurice McCrary Next year’s team will have the splendid support of Maurice McCrary, Harry Akers, Maurice Shamburger, Howell White, Orville Calhoun, and Theodore Deere. (A photo of each of the players) FORTNER—Forward Fortner, was especially known for his ac- curate basket ball shooting, and cunningness of out-witting his opponents. His best playing was shown in the Marshall game when he piled up a score of 28 points, out of 51 made. When he tied up with an opponent on the court, he usually came out with the ball, and his opponent on the floor. Fortner is a Senior and his place will be hard to fill next year. Age, 18; Weight 153 pounds. CALHOUN—Station Guard “Call” was another dark horse” to win a berth on the team. He was a standing guard that could be depended upon to keep the ball away from the danger zone. Whenever he got “warmed up”, he got that fighting spirit of the basket ball team. Much is expected from him for his next and last year. Age, 17; Weight 150, pounds. VILCHES—Guard Sam, Better known as “Muie”, played guard. He is dreaded and known by his opponents for eternally scrapping for the ball. Sam was not only good at the defense, but quite often you would see him come flying down the court and “llopum”. We dislike greatly to give Sam up, for he’s reliable, and he is a boy who would make many sacrifices for T. H. S. if called on. Age, 17; Weight, 135 pounds. CALDWELL—Forward “Fatty”, a short fellow, in size only, was ex- ceedingly successful as manager, as a player, and as a financier. Due to his ability, the team went through a very successful year, financially. Playing his second and last year, he gave his best. He was dangerous with the ball and a “hard customer” to guard. Caldwell is clear- headed, cool-tempered, and shoots goals with great skill. Age, 17; Weight 155 pounds. McCRARY—Guard Maurice, better known to some T. H. S. girls as “bright eyes”, hailed from Albuquerque, New Mexico. His main trait was to never allow the ball to get into the hands of his opponents. He was the fastest man on the team, and a trump card that played high. Age, 17; Weight 156 pounds. WHITE—Center “H”, our only four letter man, and captain for the last two seasons, is by far the best Basket Ball player in T. H. S. At center, he is seldom out jumped; his ability to be all over the court at once; and his accuracy of shooting baskets, won for him a place on the all state team last year. He would have been there this year had T. H. S. been represented at Austin. “H” will be missed next year as he is a Senior. Age, 20; Weight 150 pounds. (A page of miscellaneous photos) Society The program given under the auspices of the Senior class for the benefit of the “Alcalde” fund on March 27, 1922, caused much comment among the student-body. Everyone that saw it remarked about its cleverness and that it was the funniest play they had ever seen. And, it is no wonder the play was the funniest they had ever seen, for it opened with the villain (Walter Shelton), a young Spanish noble, pouring (with a water pitcher) over his notes, so eager was he to whip (he did with a small whip) them into shape, that he fairly devoured them (by eating). He got up and crossed the room (with chalk) and ground his teeth (teeth of a comb in a meat-grinder) in rage. He stamped his foot (with stamps) and call Zinzarella, the maid, (Isham Walker) who tore down the stairs (a sign ‘stairs’) and tripped into the room (over a rug). The villain bade her call Maggie O’Brien (Gertrude Stein). And so Zinzarella flew (by flying motion) to do his bidding. Maggie soon came sweeping into the room (with a broom). He asked her to marry him, and she refused. He told her he would lock her in the tower then, and getting down on her knees, Maggie appealed (by pealing a banana) to him. “Your appeal is fruitless”, said he (upon eating the banna and handing the pealing to her). Poor Maggie was locked in the tower to wait for her lover, Patrick, to come and save her. The hours passed slowly (Fannie Ratliff and Ada Fortner with signs ‘hours’ walked slowly across the stage), and still Maggie, on her stand (a box) by the window scanned the horizon for Patrick. She saw him coming. She called to him, and he asked her to throw him a line. She gave him a rope and pulled him up the tower (the stage). Upon seeing Maggie, Patrick tenderly pressed (with a flat iron) her hand, and the villain coming upon them was enraged and drew his sword (a wooden stick) upon Patrick where upon they assaulted (with salt shakers, they sprinkled salt over each other’s heads) each other and, after a fierce battle, the villain gave up the match (lighting a match giving it to the hero) and bathing his face in tears, (basin of water marked ‘tears’) left the room and the hero led Maggie away (by putting rope over her head). The sun (James Campbell) set, and the hours (the girls) passed and the play was ended. The curtains (Oralie Byrne and Loriet McLeRoy) came together. Miss Victoria Frels so kindly read the play with much expression, and gave to it its feeling. Mr. Francis was a genuine ventriloquist, and threw his voice first to the ceiling and then under the table. No better ventriloquist was heard on any Majestic program. No word of praise can be spoken too highly for our High School Orchestra, under the leadership of Miss Louise Glenn and Mr. Barksdale. They entertained us very much with the newest music. The boys’ quartet composed of Clayton McCullars, Lee Burge, Conard McDonald, and Ross Maberry, was delightful with its humorous songs. The program was so very good it is going to be repeated in the near future. The High School Carnival The success of the Carnival given at the High School on the night of November 14, 1921, was due, largely, to the efforts of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, though all classes in the High School took part in it. From the Hippodrome, under the direction of Elizabeth Bryarly, featuring the “ground hog’, “missing link”, “dead beat,” “four seasons”, “monkey show”, “wild woman”—part taken by Mary Wiggins—etc., to the Japanese Tea Garden, by the Freshmen class, everything was in a whirl of merriment and proved an enjoyment to all visitors. Two gypsies, whom a few people recognized as Florence Henry and Thelma Watson, told fortunes that only those two have the flattering personality to tell, and to please the large mass. Their booth represented the Orient in all its glory, form incense to heavy draperies. The “Good Eats” booth was ably presided over by pretty Sophomore class representatives, making it all-the-more attractive. The High Senior Class proved their business ability and “good-common- sense” by their original and beautiful decorated “Auction Booth", where they auctioned off every article imaginable from a tooth brush to wearing apparel. A neat sum was handed into the Junior Chamber of Commerce treasury by the class, and much of it was due to efforts of Helen Whalen, Truman Warren, Elizabeth Hill and Russell Watson. The Majestic given in the large auditorium was truly a success from beginning to end. Miss Oralie Byrne having charge, got up an original program, truly a work of art. The prettiest Freshmen girls in school, dressed in beautiful evening dresses, playing ukuleles; and singing “Ma” delighted the audience as shown by the vigorous encoring they received. Feminine beauty, at its height, was displayed when “Miss” Bernice Bell stepped forth to sing “I’m Free, Single, Disengaged”. Miss Willie Mae Elliott’s voice could be distinguished easily while Bernice Bell went through the gestures of the song. The audience was overwhelmed by the beautiful lady’s costume of light blue tarlatan, trimmed with fur, with picture hat to match. The trials through which the Junior Chamber of Commerce went to get this opera star were “overpaid” for by the appreciative audience. The great Broadway Players came to Tyler to be on Miss Byrne’s program, and to play “Lord Ullen’s Daughter”. Cast Lord Ullen Walter Shelton Daughter Murry Butler Lover Lee Burge Boatman Truman Warren Extras Inez Rosemond Lois Kennedy Marguerite Still Dessie Bell James Kirklin Interpreter Thelma Watson Miss Triblie Twinkletoes, the midget, was featured in a ballet dance. This was the cleverest stunt imaginable, for Miss Loriet McLeRoy smiled and waved her hands, keeping time to the music, while Miss Grace Hobgood, her hands concealed in ballet slippers, herself hid behind a curtain, danced to the music. Si Perkins from Grassville came over to play his fiddle for Tyler people and also brought his saw upon which he played an “Elegy”. Lee Burge delighted the audience as this personality. Julian Shettlesworth was the great magician who turned pure water to wine and startled the audience with liquid fire. His assistant was Clayton Calloway. Miss Willie Mae Elliott with the violin and Miss Morjorie Barton at the piano delightfully played “G” scale and ended with “Flower Song”. Murry Butler with his hypnotism act greatly embarrassed Forrest Reynolds and Herman Clay when he put them to “sleep”? and had them lecture on the “A B C’s” and dance several nature dances. The audience, after laughing long and loud at such clever stunts and acts, decided they would like to eat, so they went straight to the lovely “pie booth” of the Junior Class, and ate until they were completely satisfied, then bought carnations from the attractive Venetian flower girls, representing the Low Senior Class and voted on the most popular girl and boy, buying their votes from already popular girls as Florence Fisher, Mary Roberts, Isham Walker. The contest ended by Miss Loriet McLeroy winning the Angel cake made by the Domestic Science girls; and Miss A. Jones and Mr. Jack Mayfield winning the gold cake made by the same party. As was said before, the Carnival was a grand success. Sophomore Class During the High School Carnival, the Sophomore Class had charge of the refreshment booth, which was charmingly decorated with flowers and white crepe paper. Mr. Pearson was kind enough to demonstrate his coffee, and we served sandwiches and candy. The Sophomore Class meetings have been unusually interesting this year. We have taken a special interest in debates, music and current events. Literary My Funeral Wails and cries after wails and cries, and such sobbing of dry tears as you have never seen nor heard, all this was taking place in the room in which my casket was. All of my near kin, that were not in the family relations, were there and they all wept bitterly to see one so dearly beloved as myself lying dead and ready to be placed in the cold heartless ground. I was stirred to such depths of feeling for myself that night, I could not restrain from weeping. The tears that rolled softly down my cold cheeks, from lifeless eyes, were as large as elephant tears and so great was the trembling of my body, caused by dry sobs, that I was afraid the coffin would fall apart. To me, my friends and relatives had paid a beautiful tribute. There were the most beautiful bouquets of weeds and wreaths of bitterweeds and onion tops and other sweet flowers, assembled around the room that could be gathered together from the four corners of the earth. In my hands, I clutched loosely a few sprigs of grass, which I’m sure cost my poor family a fortune. Every time I had a chance I raised up to look at these tributes of love and was invariably moved to tears. After a restless and eventful day and night, came the dawning of the day in which I was to be buried. What a dreadful sensation it is to be present at one’s own funeral no one knows until he has been there. Of all the horrors that I ever experienced, I went through the most shocking one then. Sob after sob shook my frail body until I was afraid that, since my coffin was made of tin, it would make such a terrible clatter that everyone would become excited and look at me, thereby discovering my fears. I calmed and comforted myself as best I could and in a little had nearly gained a calm composure. As I was lifted out of the hearse at the cemetery, the crying wailing began anew. Such was it that I feared I would lose my self control and grow hysterical. My casket was placed by the grave, and as the last sad rites were murmured over me, I felt that I could not go through the awful ordeal. I made up my mind, however, that you can’t escape the inevitable, and consoled myself as best I could. As they were passing by, each taking a last sad look at my lifeless countenance, crying as they did so, I could scarcely stand it any longer. A sensation of choking came to my throat and tears welled up to my dry eyes. I tried to say something, but could not. The last to look at me was my mother, as she leaned over to kiss me for the last time, I could not stand it any longer. The tension snapped. With a desperate effort, I grabbed hold of her dress and screamed. I had awakened; it was only a dream. --Faye Gentry. You Can Never Tell (Gertrude Celeste Stein) Porter Hastings raised himself up on one elbow and disgustedly flung the magazine that he had been reading across the room where his roommate, Jack Dowling, sat studying diligently. “That makes the tenth story with the very same plot that I’ve read in the past two weeks,” Porter grumbled, “each hero leaves weeping sweetheart—goes to wicked city—meets wicked-eyed vamps— falls-gets the gate—returns to the old farmhouse a sadder and wiser man, and goes back to the little country maiden. Jack did not even raise his head, and Porter began to muse on what he would do when he visited the city next week. Suddenly there came a roguish idea. All the stories had started in a way strangely parallel to his own life. Wasn’t he leaving little Janet and the country town for the city? Wasn’t he going for a taste of “high life”? He saw himself as the hero in the story he had just finished, doing almost exactly as the hero had done, but refusing to yield to the idea. The next week found Porter Hastings in a large city about five days’ ride from Gainsburg. Many were the times he wished for good old Jack or Janet, but he was determined to succeed. Then one rainy night, he met “her”. One of the boys at the office had persuaded him to go to a “select” dance hall. Her name was Patsy Sullivan. Her eyes, surrounded by black lashes, flashed fire. Her cheeks and lips were vermillion, and her hair was sandy brown, parted in the center and sleeked back over her ears, each with a jet ear-ring hanging from it. Porter forgot the stories he had read, and fell. He didn’t even stop to think that she was a poor imitation of the cultured vampires in the stories. Heavens, how she chewed gum! And when she asked Porter if he minded buying so much gum, he replied, with a sickly grin, “No”. Then the end came. One night Patsy calmly told Porter she was afraid she couldn’t accept his invitations for at least a week, as her husband was coming home on a furlough. Porter didn’t hesitate. He caught the next train for home. “To think, I’ve been such a fool,” he though bitterly, “There’s only one girl for me—Janet.” He jumped off the train at the station, and eagerly ran across the platform. Everything was quiet save the snoring of old “Uncle Pap” who sat on a box against the wall. Porter made a dash for the old man, but his feet came in contact with some slippery substance and he crashed heavily on the platform awakening the old man. Porter recovered himself, and laughed at the thought of his “graceful” fall. “What in the world is that, Uncle Pap?” Rice, ye poor fish, rice! Had one grand weddin’ here this mornin’.” “Whose,” asked Porter indifferently. “Jack Dowling, so o’ the lawyer, married the purtiest girl in the town, Janet Spaulding.” Just then a train was passing thru. Porter quietly jumped aboard. He didn’t know where it was going, but what did it matter? Miss Frels: “If you have finished copying the questions, we will run over a few.” We wonder if any were hurt.) Mr. Willard: “Copper sulphide plus sulphur equals what?” James Kirklin: “Cu. plus S2 equals profanity.” Mr. Willard: “Prove it.” James: “Well according to the formula, Cu plus S2 equals CuSS. A similar equation is Ki plus S2 equals KiSS.” Mr. Willard: “Walter, name the iron ores.” Walter Rogers: “Hematite, heratite, and hug-me-tite.” Lee Burge (in S. S. Class): Did Moses have the same trouble that my papa has?” Mr. Graeser: “Why, Lee, I don’t understand you. I didn’t know he was sick or anything.” Lee: “It says here that God gave him two tablets.” May it’s the month of pure delight I love to see the birds that sing Kiss the budding leaves that bloom You (?) will in this a question fine. (?) Zeffie Yarbrough (in history class): “Mary Stuart married a wild man the third time she married.” Mr. Fenley, when asked to lead singing in Chapel announced: “We will sing ‘Come Thou Almighty King’ without a book.” Evelyn Huggins said to Mr. Barksdale: “Mr. Barksdale, I can’t find my Diaphram.” Mr. Barksdale: “Come here, and I will show it to you.” Mr. McMinn, substituting for Miss Henderson asked the class what period of history they were studying. Louie Edelman: “Sixth period.” Miss Mattie was keeping Tom McDougal in until he wrote a brief theme on a ball game. Long he sat and pondered, then he handed it in. Here it is: “Game called on account of rain. Tickets redeemed at the box-office.” Miss Terry: “I like the way Louise says her poetry. She puts herself into it.” Robert Templeton: “I tried to get into mine, but I couldn’t find a place.” Louis Hunter: “If you don’t marry me, Ill blow your brains out.” Freida B.: “Oh Don’t you might strain your lungs!” Miss Ardella Jones, on hearing Mr. Barksdale play in the Assembly, remarked, “Oh, I just love his touch.” ! ! ! Miss Rodgers (translating): “Caesar pitches his camp across the Rhine.” Jack Mayfield: “Gee, he must have been a strong man.” Florence Henry: “What did Tommie Butler get out of the game for?” Harry Akers: “For holding’ Florence: “Now, isn’t that just like Tommie?” Thelma Watson (in Senior Class Meeting): “Be sure and have your picture made early, for all the photographers are “full” just before Xmas.” (Page of miscellaneous student photos) Wit and Humor Fay Gentry: “Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ was written when his wife left him, and ‘Paradise Regained’ when she came back.” Jesse Pope: “It is my principle never to kiss a girl.” Thelma Burnette: “You can’t expect any interest from me then.” Miss Cooper: “Where is Peru?” Ruby Ingram: “In Chile.” Leon Schwartzberg: “When Charlemagne had to entertain an ambassador from Rome, he always dressed up in gorgeous clothes and tried to look like a Roman Empire.” ! ! ? ? ! ! ! ? ? ? We now have an approximation of Miss Frel’s age. She herself, admits that she acquired a peculiar way of holding her book—Ages Ago!! Miss Bryan: “Lee, name a writer of Greek tragedy.” Lee Burge: “Euclid.” Miss B.: “No, he wrote a mathematics.” Lee: “Well, don’t you call that a tragedy?” Mr. Willard to Patsy Palmore: “Now what volt did I use, Patsy?” Patsy: (who can’t talk plain, and who wasn’t listening): “W’at?” (Watt) Mr. Willard: “Correct.” SNAP SHOTS One thing that we would like to know is where our ice-water money went. By-the-way, have you seen Mr. Ratliff’s new house on South Fannie? It looks like High School girls were made for Cotton Belt Boys. We understand that the Basket Ball boys were to get sweaters this year, have you seen them. For some reason (?) Babe Crutcher has never lost his school spirit. He comes to “visit” ‘most every day. ! ! ? ! Miss Ardella is some cook. We suppose she is going to be self- supporting and “run” a boarding house (?)/ Its our guess that before long it will be the Disraeli Debating Society instead of the Calhoun. Of course, it is none of our business, but the J. C. C. had its largest attendance at the meeting before the picture was made for the Alcalde. Why don’t we get more “Glee” from the Glee Club. One good thing about Baseball is the uniforms X ! X. (Two pages of miscellaneous pictures) (Advertisements) TYLER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Tyler, Texas Take advantage of your summer vacation and get a training within the next two or three months that will make you independent for life or will enable you to defray your expenses through the University or some professional school. You can get this training by taking our courses of General Busi- ness, General Banking, General Railraoding, Book- keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, Cotton classing, Telegraphy, Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, and Penmanship. Our school is well known and well established; therefore, has prestige and influence that is to your advantage in securing employment. We will arrange for your finances if necessary. Write, phone or call for our catalogue and personal interview. Do not put it off but start today, for the sooner you enter, the sooner you are ready for a good position. ---------- THANKS— For the honor and pleasure of serving as official photographer for the “ALCALDE” OF 1922. The Art Studio Phone 845 O. M. Bradley, Prop. ---------- THE BIG STORE THE LEADING HOUSE MAYER & SCHMIDT DEPARTMENT STORE DISTRIBUTORS OF Merchandise of Merit WITH SUCH SERVICE THAT MAKES SHOPPING HERE A PLEASURE ---------- THE rapid growth of our bank is the best recommendation of the safe, sound principles on which it is run. No depositor ever lost a dollar in a State Bank DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS ASSETS OVER $1,250,000 THE LARGEST STATE BANK IN EAST TEXAS PEOPLES GUARANTY STATE BANK OF TYLER, TEXAS --------- JACCARD JEWELRY COMPANY— Designers and Manufacturers of Exclusive CLASS PINS, RINGS AND INVITATIONS Personal inquiries and correspondence given prompt and courteous attention 1017 – 1019 Walnut St. WE MADE THE RINGS – PINS – INVITATIONS KANSAS CITY, MO. FOR THE 1922 CLASS ---------- COMPLIMENTS -OF- Brown Smith & Marsh Bros. ---------- FOR FIRST CLASS WORK AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT GO TO THE GEM BARBER SHOP North Side Square S. J. SIDES, Prop. ---------- We are making a specialty of blue serge suits for young men. Both ready made and made-to-measure. Prices lowest; quality best. J. D. SIMMONS 205 W. Erwin St. ---------- PARKER-PINKERTON & CALDWELL GROCERIES GRAIN & FEED PHONES 17-18 ---------- MODERN EQUIPMENT ONE-DAY SERVICE STEAM DRYING SUITS MADE TO ORDER C. N. JONES DRY CLEANING COMPANY “The Home of Odorless Cleaning” Represented by 406 N. Spring C. N. JONES, PROP. PHONE 501 ---------- STONE’S BUTSTER BROWN SHOE SHOP Shoes for the entire family The Only Exclusive Shoe Store in Smith County. ---------- EASTMAN KODAKS SEE BRYAN “THE BOOKMAN” ---------- HIGH SCHOOL CLOTHES TAILORED BY THE GREATEST ARTISTS IN THE WORLD Hart Schaffner & Marx STYLE, FIT, SERVICE—Finest Wool, and Silk and Wool SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK CALDWELL, HUGHES DELAY & ALLEN Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Cloths ---------- “Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy: For the apparel oft proclaims the man.” EDGE CLOTHING COMPANY The Quality Shop ---------- IRION DRUG COMPANY DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES PRESCRIPTIONS—TOILET AND RUBBER GOODS Personal Attention to Prescriptions We Guarantee Only Purest Drugs Used Lowest Prices, Quality Considered PHONES, 214-215 ---------- THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF TYLER, TEXAS ORGANIZED JUNE 2ND , 1900 THE OLD RELIABLE Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $700,000.00 “The Bank of Higher Service” ---------- ODOM DRUG CO. Dealers in Drugs, Stationery, Kodak Supplies And Candies We solicit your trade because our goods are fresh; our stock complete; our drugs are pure. Prescriptions a Specialty. ---------- Golstein and Brown Reliable Merchandise at Lowest Price ---------- STARLEY DRUG CO. In Business for Your Health. Come and see us. Phones:183 184 North Side Square ---------- Liberty Café Come and EAT South Side with us Square Phone 1050 ---------- Just two places in town to EAT: at home and at Kidd Brother’s Café ---------- The MECCA CAFÉ Quality Service Made us Famous Made Us Grow ---------- The Broadway On North Broadway Good Program Good Music. ---------- Elite Ice Cream and Fancy Candies are our specialty. Phone 532 West Side Square ---------- ELECTRIC PICTURE Best MUSIC PALACE COMEDY SHOW ---------- CURRIE’S BARBER SHOP APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE. COME AND SEE US. OPPOSITE T.C.C. FRED CURRIE, Prop. ---------- R. E. Gaston P. F. Gaston GASTON & SON Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries Southwest Corner Square Our motto Is to Work to the In- terest of Those Who Patronize Us TYLER, TEXAS ---------- JUDGE FLORIST “Say it with Flowers” Phone 1063 ---------- The ship she sails tomorrow To the land that calls to me; And I’m sailing , sailing with her For the land beyond the sea. --William Pinkerton. ---------- IRION JEWELERY CO. Come and select their Graduation Presents. We have them! Phone 586 ---------- THE SOUTHLAND There’s a voice from out the Southland And it’s calling now to me And I’m going to the Southland To that land beyond the sea. O, the palm trees that are waving In the warm and soothing breeze, You can hear the waves a-slapping, And the droning of the bees. The ocean’s blue and rolling To the place it meets the sky, And the negroes all are singing As they watch the ships go by. And the nights are cool and wond’rous With jeweled stars on high. And the southern cross is blazing Across the tropic sky. There the mandolins are tinklin’ And a voice that’s sweet and low Is singing, sweetly singing Of a song that’s soft and slow. ---------- APPRECIATION I wish to take this method of thanking my co-workers on the “Alcalde” staff. Surely no other students selected from the entire student body could have been more congenial and worked any harder for the good of this year’s Annual. There are those, not of the staff, who have aided the staff greatly, they are James Kirklin, Fannie Ratliff, William Pinkerton, Israel Terlitsky, James Caldwell, and Sam Vilches. Again, I wish to express my gratitude and indebtedness to these reliable students and future citizens of Tyler. My they ever be as successful in all other undertakings. --The Editor ---------- When you read this book, please remember That our pile of dough was very slender, And it was these advertiser’s “jack” That took up a great deal of the slack, So, when you are shopping, please go To the advertisers who gave us a show. They helped us; now you help them, Pay ‘em back; ain’t that right, Jim? --Emer Shuford. ---------- FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE SECOND LARGEST ANNUAL ENGRAVING HOUSE IN AMER- ICA WITHIN TEN YEARS HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE ONLY BY STREN- UOUS EFFORT, EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND ENGRAVING OF UNQUESTIONED QUALITY. INTRUSTING YOUR ANN- UAL TO OUR CORPS OF ART, PLAN- NING AND ENGRAVING SPECIAL- ISTS INSURES ITS ARTISTIC AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Southwestern Engraving Co. Fort Worth, Texas ---------- FROM THE PRESS of San Antonio Printing Co. THE COLLEGE ANNUAL HOUSE of TEXAS Art Booklets—Color Printing Office Outfitters SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS OFFICERS L. B. CLEGG, President FRANZ GROOS, V-Pres. W. F. SIBERT, Secretary WM. C. CLEGG, Treasurer J. B. PAYNE SAP CO