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THE TYLER City Directory
FOR 1882.

To which is Added a History of the County and City, With County Town Business Directory
C. M. Gardner and L. M. Green, Publishers


In presenting the City Directory---the first one---to the citizens of Tyler, we will say that its completeness is, in a large measure, due to the liberal spirit with which the enterprise has been sustained from its inception. No pains have been spared, at the same time, on the part of the publishers to do their duty in the premises, and although it is possible that a few minor inaccuracies have occurred, they are of such small import as to not detract, in the slightest degree, from the value of the work as a book of reference, which will , at the same time, show the growth and prosperity of our city and her institutions.

Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS

(Zerox Copy in the Rare Books Collection - Genealogy & Local History, Tyler Public Library)


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County Coordinator
Scott Fitzgerald

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