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Smith County, Texas

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COUNTY COURT, - Sits first of each month for criminal business; third Mondays in every alternate month for civil business.

DISTRICT COURT, 7TH District - Sits last Monday in February, and second Monday in September.

Commissioners' Court - Sits quarterly

COURT OF APPEALS, COMMISSIONERS OF APPEALS and the SUPREME COURT Sit in Tyler from the first Monday in October to the last Saturday in December.


Hon. John C. Robertson, Judge.
James S. Hogg, District Attorney.
Charles V. Johnson, Clerk.


C. G. White, Judge.
L. A. Secrest, Attorney.


Jno. M Rucker, County Clerk.
B. I. Willcoxon, Deputy Clerk.
W. C. Day, Treasurer.
J. W. Butler, Sheriff
W. H. Finch, Duputy Sheriff and Jailor.
J. F. Patterson, Tax Collector.
T. R. Niblack, Assessor.


Jno. B. Douglass, Precinct No. 1.
James T. Garnett, Precinct No. 2.
A. F. Butler, Precinct No. 3.
Frances Odom, Precinct No. 4.


Hon. R. S. Gould, Chief Justice.
Hon. M. H. Bonner, Associate Justice.
Hon. Jno. W. Stayton " "
A. W. Terrell, Reporter.
S. D. Reeves, Clerk.


Hon. John P White, Presiding Judge.
Hon. C. M. Winkler, Judge.
Hon. J. M. Hurt, Judge.
Jackson & Jackson, Reporters.
E. P. Smith, Clerk


Hon. R. S. Walker, Presiding Judge.
Hon. W. S. Delaney, Judge.
Hon. A. T. Watts, Judge.


J. T. White, Ex-Officio Notary Public
F. P. Rogers, Constable


J. M. Hockersmith, Mayor.
Clayton E. Wood, City Attorney.
James H. Hambrick, City Marshal.
C. Q. Goodman, Treasurer.
A. M. Duke, Tax Assessor and Collector.
N. C. Harris, Secretary.
H. H. Rowland )
T. W. Dodd )
T. R. Bonner )
T. R. Swann ) Alderman
H. J. McBride )
H. D. Halsey )
E. S. Rowland )
J. H. Brown )


Sits January and May.
Hon. Amos Morrill, District Judge.
S. J. Moore, Clerk.
Hon. Don A. Pardee, Circuit Judge.
W. M. Reed, Clerk.
Ed. Guthridge, District Attorney.


Second Division Branch Office in charge of Robert C. Carman, Room No. 8, Federal Court Room.


Located at Passenger Depot of the International and Great Northern Railroad.
T. W. Parks, Signal Officer


Texas and St. Louis Railway - daily, each way.
International and Great Northern Railway - daily, each way.
Horse Mails - Etna, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Garden Valley, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Wallaceburg, Saturdays.
MAIL OPENS. - Winter, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Summer, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sundays 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
A. F. Hunt, Postmaster.


Texas Express Company, runs over both roads, office at the post-office.
A. F. Hunt Agent

Pacific Express Company, runs on the I. & G. N. R. R., office on South College street.
John F. Norton, Agent.


Court-House, recently remodeled and refurnished, is used in addition to the District and County Courts, by the Court of Appeals, Commissioners of Appeals and the Supreme Court, while in session at this place.

County Jail, recently built, is one of the handsomest structures of the kind in the state.

East Texas University Building is probably the finest educational structure in the state. During the contest for the site of the State University, literary department, the citizens proposed in the event of this being selected as the point to deed it free of cost to the state.


BAPTIST. - Services every Sunday morning and evening; Prayer-meeting on Thursday evenings; Sabbath School, Sunday mornings at 9 o'clock.
Rev. R. Andrews, Pastor
Dr. W. H. McKay, Superintendent.

METHODIST. - Services every Sunday morning and evening; Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evenings; Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
Rev. U. B. Phillips, Pastor.
T. R. Bonner, Superintendent.

PRESBYTERIAN. - Services every Sunday morning; Prayer-meeting on Tuesday afternoons at 4 o'clock; Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
Rev. W. R. McClelland, Pastor.
W. R. McClelland, Superintendent.

ESPISCOPAL. - No regular services at present writing, but arrangements being made to secure the same; Sunday School regularly at 9 o'clock a.m.
C. O. Bowen, Superintendent.

CATHOLIC. - Ground and material for building an edifice have been purchased, but owing to the absence of the Bishop in Europe, work has not been commenced at present writing.


METHODIST. - Services every Sunday morning and evening; Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evenings; Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
Rev. L. G. Davis Pastor.

BAPTIST. - Services every Sunday morning and evening; Prayer-meeting on Tuesday evenings; Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
Rev. J. H. Branham, Pastor.
J. J. Gary, Superintendent.


Located in the northwestern suburbs of the city. (Note: This would be Oakwood.)


Knights of Honor. - Tyler Lodge, No. 482, meets second and fourth Monday nights in every month.
Alf. Davis, Dictator
R. C. Carman, Reporter

Knights and Ladies of Honor. - Leah Lodge, No. 13, meets second and third Monday nights in every month.
A. F. Hunt, Protector.
Alf. Davis, Secretary.

Masonic - St. John's Lodge, No. 53, meets second Saturday nights in every month.
Ed. B. Willis. W. M.
A. F. Hunt, Secretary.

Tyler Chapter, No. 24, meets fourth Saturday nights in every month.
W. H. Marsh, H. P.
G. M. Johnson, Secretary

Odd Fellows. - William Tell Lodge, No. 27, meets every Saturday night in every month.
J. M. Hockersmith, N. G.
J. H. Cox, Secretary.

Rural Encampment, No. 19, meets first and third Tuesday nights in every month.
B. M. Bell, C. P.
Alf. Davis, Scribe.

Knights of Pythias. - Tyler Lodge, No. 27, meets every Thursday night in every month
R. W. Savage, C. C.
Ed. Valentine, Secretary.

American Legion of Honor. - Stonewall Council, No. 586, meets first and third Wednesday nights in every month.
W. T. Walker, Commander.
Howell Grinnan, Secretary.

Ancient Order United Workingmen. - Tyler Lodge, No. 27, meets first and third Monday nights in every month.
J. W. Butler, M. W.
E. P. Smith, Financier.

United Order of the Golden Cross. - Edelweiss Commandery, No. 137, meets second and fourth Tuesday nights in every month.
Ed. B. Willis, N. C.
E. L. Barcroft, F. K. of R.
J. T. White, Keeper of Records.

O. S. Club. - Social

M. C. C. Club. - Social

Minerva Society. - Literary; connected with Charnwood Institute.


Seven Stars of Consolidation. - Branham Lodge, No. 15, meets first and third Friday nights in every month.
John F. Anderson, W. S.

Knights of Wise Men. - Lone Star Lodge, No. 141, meets first and third Thursday nights in every month.
W. B. Gibson, G. S.

United Brethren of Friendship. - Todd Lodge, No 10, meets Monday night in every month.
D. V. Harris, W. S.

United Order Odd Fellows of America. - Not fully organized at present writing.


Texas and St. Louis Narrow Guage Railroad, running east and west from Texarkana to Waco; an extension in course of contruction from Texarkana to St. Louis, and from Mount Pleasant, Titus county to Dallas; ultimate western terminus, City of Mexico. General offices and shops at this place.

International and Great Northern Railroad, runing from Houston to Mineola; connects there with the Texas and Pacific and Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroads; belongs to the Gould system. General office, St. Louis, Marshall and Palestine.

Kansas and Gulf Short Line Railroad, a Tyler enterprise, to run from Sherman to New Orleans; part of line graded; narrow guage. General offices, this city.


Courier; daily and weekly; J. P. Green, proprietor daily; L. M. Green, editor and proprietor weekly.

Democrat and Reporter; H. V. Hamilton, editor and prorietor; C. D. Mims, publisher.

Texas Greenbacker: weekly; S. R. Withers, editor and proprietor.

Texas Law Journal; weekly; Walker & Cox, proprietors and publishers.


Courier Job Department; C. M. Gardner, manager.


Charnwood Institute; femal; L. M. Logan, principal.

East Texas University; male; A. R. Horne, D. D., principal.

There are a number of private schools for all classes of students in the city.


Albertson's Opera House, northwest corner of the square; open to combinations, balls, public gatherings.


E. C. Williams & Co.
Bonner & Bonner.


(From Burke's Texas Almanac.)

North of Cherokee, and between the International and Great Northen and Texas and Pacific railroads, and between the Sabine and Neches Rivers, lies the old county of Smith, of which Tyler is the county seat. The Texas and St. Louis railroad runs diagonally through the county from northeast to southwest, and the International and Great Northern from Mineola to Troupe, 44 miles, having the following stations: Lindale, Tyler and Whitehouse. Sessions of the State Supreme and Appellate Courts, and the United States District Court are held at Tyler, and ongress has made an appropriation for a court-house building and post-office. Mt. Carmel, Omen, Jamestown, Wallaceburg, Etna, Noonday, Hewsville, Mt. Sylvan, Garden Valley Winona, Starrville, Browning are villages and post-offices. Smith County has long been celebrated for its good land, good crops, good churches, good schools, good society, good stock and many other good things. It is considered one of the most desirable counties in the state.


Fincastle, 23 miles; Garden Valley, 20 miles; Athens, 40 miles; Lindale, 14 miles; Winona, 14 miles; Mineola, 26 miles; Starville, 15 miles; Whitehouse, 10 miles; Troupe, 20 miles; Mt. Sylvan, 11 miles; Omen, 16 miles; Larissa, 21 miles; Overton, 20 miles; Big Sandy, 22 miles; Chandler, 13 miles; Hewsville, 12 miles; Brownsboro, 20 miles; Etna, 17 miles.


Streets Running East and West South of the Square:
Erwin; Elm, from Vine to Fannin Avenue; Front, from Vine to Fannin Avenue; Jessie, from Fannin Avenue to corporation line; Reaves, from Fannin Avenue to International and Great Northern railroad; Houston; Charnwood, from South Broadway to International and Great Northern railroad; Rusk, west from South Broadway; road to Henderson comes in on East Erwin street.

Streets Running East and West North of the Square:
Ferguson; Locust, from Poplar west; Line; Camp's Ferry road leaads into Line street; Common; Garden Valley, Flora and Lindale roads lead in on Common street; Social, east from International and Great Northern railroad; Bow, between International and Great Northern railroad and Bois D'arc street; Valentine, east from International and Great Northern railroad.

Streets Running North and South East of the Square:
Broadway, through centre of square; Spring, from Bow street; Fannin Avenue, from Houston street to International and Great Northern railroad, which runs directly up it to Common street; Donny Brook, south from Charnwood; Poplar, from Erwin to Line; Center, from Line street north; North, from Ferguson street north; Beckham, south from Erwin street.

Streets Running North and South, West of the Square.
College, from Common to East Texas University; Bois D'arc, from East Texas University north; Milam, from Front to Rusk street; Border, from Ferguson street north; Vine, from Front to Elm Street; Dallas, from Erwin street north.

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